The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • Not much of a choice - bad and worse
  • She may be a snake but she knows the ways of the world which Trump doesn't
  • Trump equals nutter
  • I can certainly see the attraction in electing a self-aggrandising buffoon who makes up policy as he goes along and changes his mind when it suits, who has demonstrated a vile attitude towards women, and who stokes the flames of racial/religious hatred, who has neither served in the forces or held public office, instead of a vastly experienced world politician.

    I mean, what could go wrong?
  • edited July 2016

    if anyone hasn't yet watched Trumps air kiss, please do, its cheering me up no end
  • You're right. It does cheer you up.
  • Trump it is then ;ok
  • Now air guitar.......
  • I can certainly see the attraction in electing a self-aggrandising buffoon who makes up policy as he goes along

    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one. I can only see the attraction in electing a charlatan who doesn't have any policies.

  • ade


    No policies?

    You, sir, are forgetting the Wall of Trump!
  • I can certainly see the attraction in electing a self-aggrandising buffoon who makes up policy as he goes along and changes his mind when it suits, who has demonstrated a vile attitude towards women, and who stokes the flames of racial/religious hatred, who has neither served in the forces or held public office, instead of a vastly experienced world politician.

    I mean, what could go wrong?

    Until I read the public office bit, I thought you were referring to Boris...
  • Blimey and there's enough people in this country who do next to nothing and get very well looked after
  • Yep the bankers who gamble with other people's money
  • Yeah, throw em all out on the street and let them starve
  • That's abit harsh herb lol
  • Every bank in this country that took a bailout should of been forced to pay every penny back in full out of future profits, whether it took 5 years or 25 years
    That should of happened
  • but my understanding is that most of the banks have now paid back that money. Only RBS hasn't. And none of the banks in France have..
  • When they bailed out Lloyds and RBS the government took shares for the cash. They have sold back into the market around 75% of the Lloyds holding and will, at worse, break even on the bailout. They still
    own around 70% of RBS and can't sell into the market due to the depressed price, made worse by Brexit.
  • Not all shares have suffered as a result of Brexit - one look at the ftse 100 will tell you that - 6700 plus
  • No. but banks that serve the UK market were hit heavily. Anyway Brexit hasn't taken affect yet so
    let's wait and see
  • edited July 2016

    Yet every story in the media where there is a hint of down turn of any sort (orders, house building, manufacturing etc.) is attributed to it, with them conveniently forgetting that it was already happening before the vote. Particularly manufacturing and house building - mind you in the house building it is only "affordable and Low Cost" (as they do not make the margins on them they need to) there are still plenty of 'luxury' flats and apartments being built - problem is they are not selling due to the astronomical prices. Any slow down in building is purely down to them (the Builders) slowing building down to stimulate demand. Like a lot of other sectors they have private investors who have lent out expecting a high return, the builders foolishly promising them such, and also expecting huge profits themselves.

    I even heard on the news again this week the BHS situation blamed on Brexit - we all know BHS was in trouble and administration long before the vote.

    There are a lot of people out there using Brexit as a smoke screen and making a mint - lets hope they get named and shamed (not holding my breath though).
  • Who is making a mint then? And don't include the financial markets who always make a mint, especially when there is uncertainty.
  • Brexit or no Brexit some people will always make a mint
  • Whilst others will always suck one
  • Totally agree
  • Started a general news thread and moved some comments there:

    Can we keep this thread for Brexit related posts, ta.
  • An update I think is due:
    Don't worry, it's just a silly phase we're going through (courtesy 10cc), it'll all come right in the end. Maybe.

    Meanwhile out West:

    Summary - Economy down, racism up
    Reasons to be cheerful - no, can't think of any at the mo'

    But this may (or may not) be better news

  • Summary - Economy down, racism up

    Disagree. Racism is the same as it was but more on show than before.
This discussion has been closed.