The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • By racism are we talking about White British people being racist towards everybody who is not White British or other races that are racist to each other, not including people who are white British? Racism is racism no matter what you're colour of skin is but it seems to me that what has been written above is aimed at only white people.
  • NEoldiron said:

    " 'Leavers £350m a week to be spent on NHS' scanned well as well"

    The difference there being that that is a blatant lie ;lol

    Can't argue with that ;lol
  • Racism is racism no matter what you're colour of skin
    Yes. As evidenced by the examples of anti-Polish attacks in Hammersmith and Cambridgeshire.
  • My point was non white people can be just as racist but doesn't seem to get reported.
  • edited August 2016
    Sorry TW85 if this is a little inconvenient, but here's another little snippet (I'll let you decide its polarity, +ve or -ve)
  • I take that as Rome wasn't built in a day. Yes there is a lot of work ahead, but that only adds to my thoughts that the EU was too closely involved in our day to day lives.
  • Racism in who's view? For me the NAACP is a racist organization. Imagine the reaction if the c was changed to a w, the world is nuts right now.
  • I suggest you close this thread before it gets nasty
  • Adrian's toe, though!
  • We have to thank the EU for that toe SHF ;biggrin

    This has to be one of the weirdest comparisons ever.
    Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 09.46.55
  • SimonC - I couldn't disagree more strongly with what you say.

    I'll put here what the NAACP is trying to achieve.

    Its aims are:
    to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

    to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.

    The following statement of objectives is found on the first page of the NAACP Constitution - the principal objectives of the Association shall be:

    To ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens

    To achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice among the citizens of the United States

    To remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes

    To seek enactment and enforcement of federal, state, and local laws securing civil rights

    To inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination

    To educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and to take any other lawful action in furtherance of these objectives, consistent with the NAACP's Articles of Incorporation and this Constitution.

    I'll leave anyone else to make up their own mind if an organisation committed to equality for all, and the ending of discrimination based on racial grounds, can in any fair assessment be called racist.

    simonc- don't you think these aims are laudable? And don't you think it a shame (in both meanings of the word) that in this day and age, those aims are still so far from being achieved?
  • Outcast - weird but also scary
  • This is very illuminating and near the bottom, there is a possible explanation of why there has been more racist behaviour.
  • Mrs G their aims unfortunatly are not reflected in their name or their actions
  • If there has been such a monumental rise in racist behaviour, why hasn't there or why isn't there much more reporting on it? There were various reports for about the first few days after the vote but then nothing. Racism has always existed, every race is as equally racist to each other and that has nothing to do with Brexit.
  • edited August 2016
    If there has been such a monumental rise in racist behaviour, why hasn't there or why isn't there much more reporting on it?
    Preston, the lack of reports in the press can in no way be taken as evidence that it doesn't exist, in my view.

    Their agenda for what they publish is set by what will sell more papers or get more hits.

    So if you want me to believe there hasn't been a rise (not sure anyone said it was 'monumental') you'll need some other evidence.

    And we aren't talking about racism, but racist behaviour, as you mention.
  • I haven't denied that it exists, I am saying that it existed long before the Brexit vote, therefore you can't blame it all on Brexit.

    NEoldiron, are you using the above as proof that racist behaviour has risen because of Brexit? I think you need to find another article as this doesn't actually proof anything.
  • edited August 2016

    I haven't denied that it exists, I am saying that it existed long before the Brexit vote, therefore you can't blame it all on Brexit.

    I wasn't blaming racism on it - I was blaming the sudden increase in people acting out their racism on it ;ok
  • edited August 2016

    NEoldiron, are you using the above as proof that racist behaviour has risen because of Brexit? I think you need to find another article as this doesn't actually proof anything.

    Well, besides the few examples given in that article, it does include the following fact:

    Devon and Cornwall Police revealed that there has been a rise in the number of hate crimes being reported across the force area.

    They don't ascribe a cause. That might require more research and a bit of deduction....
  • Yes - we hate people from Somerset - coming over here, taking our jobs.......
  • edited August 2016
    MrsGrey deduction-is that like when they deduct NI and income tax? ;adkins

    Billy ;lol
  • There won't be many coats left the way you lot are going.
  • Outcast, you can't have the last comment on both threads, so here's a little something. I know they're both Remainers but still.
  • And the huffington post is the USAs most extreme left wing publication.
  • ;nonono

    By what defniton of 'extreme left wing'?
  • edited August 2016
    MrsGrey said:


    By what defniton of 'extreme left wing'?

    In the USA the Lib Dems would be rabid Marxists

  • edited August 2016
    Frankly, here in the USA - the fact that the Conservative party supports socialized medicine and gun control, those stances alone would classify them as liberal.

    Sad but true
  • From another extreme left wing source "the Institute for Financial Studies":
  • Thought we was all going to be homeless by now lol
  • Did you?

    Once again proving how misinformed some Leavers were, I guess.
This discussion has been closed.