The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50




    You think a Clinton win is scarier than a Trump presidency? ;hmm ;nonono
  • Clinton will win it will be rigged just like it was when bush got in
  • In what way will it be rigged?

    The Bush-Gore Florida situation was far from as simplistic as you seem to imply:
  • edited July 2016
    Was it not.


  • Pards,
    Would you rather that billionaire, Trump?
    He who is bankrolled by Philip Morris of KKK fame as well as big conglomerates who have stitched up health insurance in America so much, that the ordinary people will have to pay exhorbitant premiums. Trump has vowed to cancel Obama Care which is the only lifeline to the poorest people!
  • Grey - No, I think Trump being GOP presidential candidate is scary but Clinton is going to win.

    Hanging chads
  • Clintons stock is damaged and imo, she is a totally power driven politician who will primarily look out for number one and feather her own nest, however, she is not likely to lead us off the reservation.

    The polls are closer than I am comfortable with but I trust that she will carry the day.

    It is staggering to me that the Republicans could not put up a candidate with broader appeal.
  • I think its staggering to most Republicans they ended up with Trump. I suspect that after the dust has settled the GOP leadership will draw up a list of qualifications for future presidential candidates so they can't have a repeat of this fiasco. Trump was a Democrat from 2001-2009.
  • Yeah, but he's always been an idiot
  • Sorry my mistake I forgot we live in a corrupt free world and everyone is whiter than white lol
  • So was the referendum fixed to achieve a Leave result?
  • Did I mention that??
  • pardew

    No, your mistake is conflating two different things.

    The fact that corruption exists, and that individuals are corrupt, in no way implies that the US election is, will be, or ever has been 'rigged'.
  • The thing with bush is that one can forgive the American population for voting him in once. When in office though he proved himself to be not very bright at all. So I am scratching myself to understand why the American electorate decided in their wisdom that he would be worthy of a second term.

    Perhaps our WH supporting friends over the pond can shed some light?
  • edited July 2016
    American electorate has the same shortcomings as ours, and other countries.
    I read somewhere that the majority of kids in the USA dont even get a High School Diploma, let alone go on to Uni.
    I read about one of their guys running the Trump campaign basically saying that the electorate dont want to hear facts - it turns them off, they want to hear things that reinforce their prejudices and fears. (Bit like our Referendum Campaign)
    Scary stuff...
  • edited July 2016
    actually it was the same idea, the Leave campaign was advised and financed by someone who was inspired by the Trump model: "The facts dont work"
  • Gunster - thats the fella - cheers Swiss ;ok
  • Bush wasn't voted in!!!
    go online and watch him in his limo driving to the White House for the first time
  • Corruption in governments and big corporations runs soooo deep
    The war on Iraq
    Bush administration
    Tony Blair
    Blather at Fifa
    Blimey you could fill a hundred pages
  • Blatter I mean lol
  • Corruption in governments and big corporations runs soooo deep
    The war on Iraq
    Bush administration
    Tony Blair
    Blather at Fifa
    Blimey you could fill a hundred pages

    Well you got the first 4 lines ;lol
  • Bush wasn't voted in!!!
    go online and watch him in his limo driving to the White House for the first time

    They didn't land on the moon either and 911 was actually an inside job.

  • Mooj

    Whenever I see that picture, I always wonder how the cat got the bloke to wear the foil hat. ;hmm
  • And we've got Payet.......
  • Now that prompted some interesting about I add this to the fray...whose spacecraft are lined up behind the back of the moon?
  • Do you mean the Dark side of the moon?
  • deehammer said:

    Would you rather that billionaire, Trump?
    He who is bankrolled by Philip Morris of KKK fame as well as big conglomerates who have stitched up health insurance in America so much, that the ordinary people will have to pay exhorbitant premiums. Trump has vowed to cancel Obama Care which is the only lifeline to the poorest people!

    Cannot disagree more Obama has been a disaster you only have to watch the news. I voted for him for his first term but he "changed" everything for the worse, there is now civil unrest to add to world issues which he refuses to address. As for Obama care it is an underfunded disaster, he lied to the working public that they could keep the policies they had then punished them for having "luxury policies" never again. I am voting Trump and dont be surprized if this election goes the way of Brexit, the silent majority will speak and it doesnt want any more of this
  • edited July 2016
    simonc said:

    deehammer said:

    Would you rather that billionaire, Trump?
    He who is bankrolled by Philip Morris of KKK fame as well as big conglomerates who have stitched up health insurance in America so much, that the ordinary people will have to pay exhorbitant premiums. Trump has vowed to cancel Obama Care which is the only lifeline to the poorest people!

    Cannot disagree more Obama has been a disaster you only have to watch the news. I voted for him for his first term but he "changed" everything for the worse, there is now civil unrest to add to world issues which he refuses to address. As for Obama care it is an underfunded disaster, he lied to the working public that they could keep the policies they had then punished them for having "luxury policies" never again. I am voting Trump and dont be surprized if this election goes the way of Brexit, the silent majority will speak and it doesnt want any more of this
    I've tried to think of a way of answering this nicely but.... Trump. Wow, I can't believe it.

  • Dee
    Any big cop oration backing a national leader is doing it for there own gain in the future
  • I would say the same of anyone voting Clinton she is such a snake you don't know what you are voting for other than more of this mess
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