The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • Ne

    No I wasn't being ironic

    I have nothing against homosexuals but I do agree with the above why on earth teach about gay marriage in schools!!

    Oh I know it's now politically correct

    Because but explaining this sort of understanding to children we can hopefully get rid of the bigoted views of the parents who 'don't have a problem with it but..."
  • Well imo I don't think this is something that should be taught!!

    Finances that is something that should 100% be taught.

    I'm sure people will jump on me know but like I said that's my view ;ok
  • pardew, just simply, why would you not?
  • Problem is my grandchildren aged 9 and 7 are taught about it at school and they are told that being gay is natural but if they actually use the word they are then given a warning that they are wrong to say it.
    It's confusing to them and I think they're too young.
  • The context of how the word is used it probably what they are given a warning about.

    Saying "oh, my cousin is gay and is living with her wife" isn't going to get them in trouble.

    Saying "oh my god, that tv show is so gay" or "hahah, your gay" is going to get them in trouble.

    As Whitehorse says, I would love one single reason why we shouldn't be explaining to our children that it doesn't matter about the sex of the person you love, just that 2 consenting adults should be free to marry and live with whoever they want.

  • Problem is my grandchildren aged 9 and 7 are taught about it at school and they are told that being gay is natural but if they actually use the word they are then given a warning that they are wrong to say it.
    It's confusing to them and I think they're too young.

    Just to add, 9 and 7 too young? I have been explain to my 5 year old daughter for at least a year or more about the fact that men can marry men and women can marry women and that that is no different from the fact that her mummy and daddy got married.

    Maybe if parents actually took some responsibility for educating their children then you wouldn't be at a point where this is something of a shock to be told at school that being gay is perfectly normal and nothing to be shunned because of.

    Which by the way is exactly what you are suggesting, there will be children in that school who are gay. People don't waiting until they are 12 or 13 and suddenly go.

    "well had enough of fancying girls now, think I'll just have a go at fancying boys for a few years" or vise versa

  • Teaching them at 7 and 9 ;doh
    What happened to letting kids be kids..
    The worlds gone mad and p c
  • pards

    Yeah, you're right, far too early to teach kids tolerance and understanding...

    Let kids be kids?

    You have clearly forgotten what it was like to be a kid. Children of 7 and above can be absolutely vile to other children, especially those who are perceived of as in any way different.

    I'd hope we are evolving into a society that can help them to become accepting adults.

    Although, given your posts, and assuming they are representative of a certain mindset, that is clearly further away than I would like.
  • bbb

    Just to say, much as I like a Christopher Hitchens, I find it perfectly easy to be what I would consider a thinking person and a Christian.
  • ;clap Moojor
  • edited July 2016
    I've got a giant bottle of tablets ready to take when they make it compulsory. ;biggrin
  • Do not worry Thorn, DarthMay won't make it compulsory for us all to support Spurs.
  • thorn

    Why would they make gay marriage compulsory, and why would it affect you anyway? ;hmm
  • Teaching them at 7 and 9 ;doh
    What happened to letting kids be kids..
    The worlds gone mad and p c

    South Park Season 8 Episode 12.
  • Just awoken to the terrible news of another terror attack in Nice. Thoughts are with all.
  • A real world consequence of voting out.

    All London Universities [the rest of the country to follow shortly] have implemented a freeze on staff recruitment.

    following the outcome of the EU Referendum and the uncertainty that this has created in terms of our student recruitment and research income

    EU students will be subject to the same student visa application processes as no EU students are now, this is likely to reduce student numbers by as much as 40% in the short term. The knock on effect will be that universities can no longer afford to keep some courses running.

    My area involves the training of doctors and dentists, once they have graduated they spend up to 3 years working in the NHS as junior doctors [this includes EU and non EU students]. If we lose 40% of our intake but can still run the two courses this will in turn reduce the number of junior doctors by 40%.

    It may yet transpire that we will be unable to run these courses.

    This is not scare mongering or panic but a real consequence of opting out of the EU.
  • Grey

    With regards to the child education topic
    I'm aware you have taught children however if you have your own children I'm surprised your outlook isn't different ;ok
  • Really? Did you say that out loud? ;doh
  • Pardew,

    Why would someones outlook be different if they have children?
    I have a child and I want her to know that regardless of where her sexuality leads her when she grows up, that her decision on who she wants to spend her life with is just as equally important as anyone elses.

    I want her and her peers to understand that if they see something "different" that that difference, is in fact no different from anything else.

    Do you have one single reason why we shouldn't be teaching children that when two consenting people love each other then nothing else actually matters?

  • You also marginalise any child who has parents who are possibly in a Gay relationship or adopted by Gay parents.
  • pardew

    I taught and showed my son that he was loved, and lovable, for himself, regardless of sexual orientation, or other things he could have no control over.

    He was always told that if he turned out to be gay that would have no impact on our feelings, and was brought up in a house where gay friends were welcome and regular visitors.

    If you are bringing up your children any other way, then I feel sorry for all of you.
  • edited July 2016
    Out of interest / ignorance, but what subject class would any kind of marriage full under and be on the module?
    When I was at high school I do not remember any subjects regarding this?
    I did however have a subject at school re dosh, it was called Commerce ;hmm
  • edited July 2016

    in a number of ways:

    schools are obliged to provide one lesson per week of PSHE (personal, social health education). This would definitely be the class where issues of marriage/sexuality would be discussed

    it would almost certainly come up in RE

    it could form part of an English course looking at non-fiction texts

    it could come up as in issue within a form group, and be discussed in registration periods (if they are long enough)

    it might even come up in biology if you were looking at genetics and determinism
  • I think it's called Civics.
  • Thanks Grey.
    Appreciate the reply ;ok
  • Pardew.

    I don't know if you have children but, if you do and they come to you and tell you that they are gay, how will you react?


    I don't always agree with you but on your last post, I agree with you 100%.

    I don't have children but my parents taught me and my siblings up to love us just for who we are. I would like to think I would bring up my child just the same way.
  • I don't think anyone has ever said anything else. I think Pards just made the comment that he felt it unnecessary for very young children to be taught about homosexuality. An appropriate time maybe when sex education comes along, be it at school or home, whichever happens first.
  • thorn

    Sorry, that isn't what pards said.

    And seperately, in my experience, 9 is certainly not 'very young' when it comes to children.
  • Hi Everyone

    Surely it's ok to have my own view??

    Do I think they should be taught this


    My kids are young they believe in Santa love Disney land and all the other kids stuff when they go to secondary school if they are to learn it then that's fine!!

    Until then NO

    And don't worry grey we are all fine ;ok
  • Disney princesses marry their Prince Charming all the time.

    Santa Claus has a Mrs Clause.

    How can it be wrong for kids to know its ok for a Disney Princesse to marry a Disney princess?
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