The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • Boris is Foreign Secretary ?
    Really ?
  • edited July 2016


    Although ;hmm

    Exporting buffoonery? Has it been tried before? Could be a winner. Watch that trade deficit shrink. ;wahoo

  • BBB,

    Thought that was a good move, it's the place he can do the least damage as it is really the Civil Servants and Diplomatic Corps that run the Foreign Office, the FS is just a figure head who is directed by them - there are literally hundreds of them in place to stop him putting his foot in it....... ;hmm then again, this is Boris were talking about
  • At Angela Eagle's shindig tonight, she made a joke about Boris.
    A cry went up from the audience: “He’s the foreign secretary!” Eagle laughed initially, but then looked thunderstruck. “Boris?!” she exclaimed, then temporarily lost for words.

    There was uproar in the room, Labour MPs turned to each other, “are you serious?!” one shouted. Eagle finally regained her composure: “All I can say is never ever say that having a Labour government elected isn’t important.”

  • While hundreds are holding one foot back, he's plunging in head first.

  • I'm sure there is method to her madness in appointing Boris as Foreign Sec, I'm just too thick to see it.....
  • I'm sure there is method to her madness in appointing Boris as Foreign Sec,

    Fixed it for ya!
  • UK politics is a joke.
  • It's like selecting Wilshere for England !!!!! Oh, wait..-
  • BBB,

    Thought that was a good move, it's the place he can do the least damage as it is really the Civil Servants and Diplomatic Corps that run the Foreign Office, the FS is just a figure head who is directed by them - there are literally hundreds of them in place to stop him putting his foot in it....... ;hmm then again, this is Boris were talking about

    Aaah! The unelected bureaucrats! ;whistle
  • Boris Johnson is foreign secretary: The world reacts....

  • I've avoided this thread for fear of getting involved in heated arguments about the whole thing & I don't want to argue with fellow Hammers,however.....
    Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary? More embarrassing than England's abject performance at the Euros.I despair for my country,I really do.
  • Madrid - I think May decided a senior "Brexiter" in a senior position would keep the anti-Euro wing of the party happy, she hates Gove so Boris was the obvious choice.

    If his performance as Foreign Sec is anything like his performance as Mayor then he'll spend most of the time overseas and leave the actual work to his underlings. And the first time he gets caught "playing away from home" she can sack him.
  • I think we might need to redefine sexy ;nonono
  • He looks like Where's Wally without the red and white garb.
  • IronHerb said:

    Still if May delivers on her speech this evening we won't need a Labour party.

    All jokes aside,, we need a good opersistion , or something like it ;hmm
  • #Welljell
  • Ne

    No I wasn't being ironic

    I have nothing against homosexuals but I do agree with the above why on earth teach about gay marriage in schools!!

    Oh I know it's now politically correct
  • Pards

    Religion is taught in schools.

    How to open a bank account is taught is schools.

    Why wouldn't you teach kids about diversity and the make up of families.

    Why would you not want well informed teenagers?

  • I was never taught anything relating to financial matters. One of the biggest mistakes that schools make.
  • pardew

    Where is the justice in trying to force Christian morality (or an interpretation of it) onto a population when the country is most assuredly not predominantly Christian (and that has nothing to do with immigration)?

    In the eyes of the law (you know, as made by the people's democratically elected representatives) in the UK homosexual marriage has the same status as heterosexual marriage.

    Are you suggesting that schools should teach a selective approach to the laws of the UK?

    Or deliberately ignore them?
  • I was never taught anything relating to financial matters. One of the biggest mistakes that schools make.

    That's a pity. I was.

  • I was never taught anything relating to financial matters. One of the biggest mistakes that schools make.

  • Ne

    No I wasn't being ironic

    I have nothing against homosexuals but I do agree with the above why on earth teach about gay marriage in schools!!

    Oh I know it's now politically correct

    Why not teach about it?
  • They don't reach you how to be gay, they just tea ch awareness for gods sake.
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