The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • It's probably always been there, those "thoughts" unfortunately some morons believe that the brexit result gave them the okay to treat people like that, in fact they should be the one leaving.

  • So where do people stand on Tonks front - leave or remain? ;hmm
  • As all the Brexiteers seem to want a Little Britain, I nominate Vicky Pollard for PM ;biggrin
  • edited July 2016
    We don't want to be "Little Englanders"!
    We want be on the global stage by making our own trade agreements with our Commonwealth partners, and China, India and Japan, which we have not been allowed to do by the EU, without them putting on tarriffs.
    It goes without saying that if tarriffs are dropped then our food bills will drop too!

  • edited July 2016

    According to this article, the UK produces 54% of its food, and imports 27% of its food from the EU, which is more than all the other countries combined.

    In addition, 70% of the UK's food and agricultural produce currently goes to the EU.
  • edited July 2016
    Tarrifs might be reduced on imports of non-EU food (but will not disappear, as the WTO will still put tariffs on, rather than the EU doing it).

    Also, it is highly likely that once outside the EU (where we currently import tariff-free), tariffs will be added as we will no longer be part of the single market.

    Of course, once it is all sorted out some 2, 3 or 4 years down the line ... we may have cheaper imports overall. But it is by no means as certain or as clear cut as the Leave campaign promised.

    And the fall in the pound means that those imports will effectively be costing us more (tariffs or not).
  • FYI Australia had a petition going after Brexit to get out of the Commonwealth. Not sure many countries actually want to be in the commonwealth.
  • Dee, maybe you don't consciously want to be a little Englander, but that is one of the unintended consequences of Brexit since the UK will most likely break up.
    I wonder how much research Brexiteers did on the implications and ramifications of a Leave victory, apart from swallowing the lies and half-truths about immigration control and 100's millions for the NHS.
  • NE did you swallow the lies about WW3 and Armageddon then. Typical remain stance that everyone who voted leave is an ignorant uneducated racist. You're implying that only remain people researched or understood what it was all about.
  • edited July 2016
    Hang on. Hang on.

    There's a difference between referring to
    immigration control
    100s of millions for the NHS

    Both of these things were promised, explicitly, by the leaders and campaigners for 'Leave' as things that leaving the EU would bring about.

    So asking a Leaver if they believed these things is a fair question. And post-exit, looking to see if these things are actually delivered is reasonable test.


    WW3 and Armageddon - are exaggerated phrases uses by Leavers (not Remainers) to characterise as ridiculous warnings of potential consequences by remain' campaigners - none of whom actually said leaving would precipitate either of those things.
  • Farage has quit
  • NE did you swallow the lies about WW3 and Armageddon then. Typical remain stance that everyone who voted leave is an ignorant uneducated racist. You're implying that only remain people researched or understood what it was all about.

    Thorn, please can you provide actual links or evidence where either of the above were claimed to be the outcome of voting leave by the remain party.
  • Sorry NEoldiron but i think your comment about "little englanders" is patronising at the very least.
    Yes i did put a lot of research into the referendum and decided to vote leave,a decision i am still happy with.
    To be fair there were people on both sides who have voted without really researching it and as for lies and half-truths once again both sides were guilty of it.
    The people have spoken and have voted to leave the EU,if the result had been to remain i would have accepted it because that is what you call democracy.
  • edited July 2016
    It seems to be a default position of many Leavers that anyone who challenges them is accusing them of being 'racist little Englanders' which is a shame, as it doesn't really do anything to improve the quality of the debate.

    The problem for Leavers who voted in good conscience, and in an informed way, is that in certain quarters the Leave campaign was conducted with heavy overtones of racism.

    It is clear that not all Leavers are racist, it may well be that the majority are not racist, but it is undeniably the case that a section of those who voted Leave did so with a racist agenda.

    The UK is currently undergoing the sort of negative short-term economic impact which was predicted.

    Whether these are simply the growing pains of a freshly democratic, financially stable force in the global markets, or the start of a long-term economic downturn remains to be seen.

    The longer it takes to initiate the process of leaving, and the longer it takes to find an agreement with the EU, the longer the current financial problems will last.

    This paper (from the Centre for European Reform, an independent, pro-European but 'critical' think-tank) contains a detailed examination of the possible economic outcomes post-Brexit:

    and their analysis of how Leave won:
  • NE did you swallow the lies about WW3 and Armageddon then. Typical remain stance that everyone who voted leave is an ignorant uneducated racist. You're implying that only remain people researched or understood what it was all about.

    There you go, generalising again ;doh
  • That was exactly the point I was making.
  • Poorly made then.
  • mike

    Should such a momentous decision really be simply made on first past the post?

    What if it turns out (as it seems to be doing) that claims the Leave campaign made were simply untrue?

    Is it OK to have such a significant decision based on what, in the end, would turn out to be lies?

    Hardly the breakthrough for democracy some people are trumpeting it as.

    The commonplace seems to be 'both sides lied', so it evens itself out, but I'm not sure what the Remain lies amount to.
  • Actually, I originally used the term little Britain and it was deehammer who changed it to little Englanders.

    So Mike, now that some of the dust has settled, it seems more than likely that the UK (or whatever is left of it) will be worse off economically and politically and without the promised immigration control (if we want to still have access to the single market) and the already broken promise of extra 100's of millions for the NHS.

    From the Bristol Post:
    Arron Banks, who bankrolled the Leave.EU campaign to the tune of 5.6 million, said they won because 'facts don't work' in a campaign.
    But his comments about how his campaign strategists shunned 'facts' for 'emotions' are sure to enrage opponents and voters already feeling betrayed by back-tracking by the leaders of the Leave campaign on issues like spending on the NHS and immigration.
    He said of the campaign, for which he hired American political strategists: "It was taking an American-style media approach. What they said early on was 'facts don't work' and that's it. The Remain campaign featured fact, fact, fact, fact, fact. It just doesn't work. You have got to connect with people emotionally. It's the Trump success.
    "The Conservatives are now trying to rewrite the campaign that immigration wasn't important, but boy was immigration important," Mr Banks said.
    "The first thing we did was poll everybody and we found that if immigration wasn't the issue, the issue was schools or education, proxies for immigration. It was the number one issue by a country mile," he added.

    I would think that there are a fair few who are feeling that they've been mugged.
    I trust you don't count yourself as one of them.

    You also say "as for lies and half-truths once again both sides were guilty of it", could you mention some of those that came from the Remainers?

  • This paper (from the Centre for European Reform, an independent, pro-European but 'critical' think-tank) contains .. an

    analysis of how Leave won:

    That was a really interesting read.
  • My reasons for leaving

    I think in time we will be able to agree better trading terms for us, you can throw whatever think tank you like at that only time will tell.

    I also believe and I can only judge from where I am based that free movement has had a dreadful effect on the nearby towns, schools and hospital and crime rate.

    So for me the leave party had better come through with the trade deals and controlled immigration.

    Hope that was honest enough ;ok
  • Okay NE you did say little britain not little englanders but it was meant in the same way.

    1,Eu migrants will have to leave the country within six months if they cannot get a job...David Cameron.

    There is no mechanism,and no legal right to send people home if they do not have a job.
    2,British exporters will face a wall of tariffs if britain leaves the EU.

    Top german industriasts have said imposing measures between the two countries would be a very foolish thing.

    3,David Cameron telling voters he would be able to reform EU migration rules if remain wins.

    Jean-claude juncker has flatly refused making any further changes to freedom of movement.

    The people who were mugged were the ones that believed everything that came out of a politicians mouth.I wasn't one of them EG The whole £350 million would be spent on the nhs.

    I will try not to get personal so i will leave it at that!
  • Two lies for the Remainers: Dave said he would trigger Article 50 immediatley, he didn`t, he quit. George Osborne promised immediate tax rises, but actually announced tax cuts today. If the TWO BIG ISSUES were the 350 million and strictly controlled immigration, then the Remainers had plenty of opportunity to prove their case. If it was as glaringly simple as this then surely Dave, George, Jeremy (both Corbyn and Clarkson) could have quite simply proved both these statements as falsehoods, everyone would have voted Remain and everyone would have been happy. But funnily enough, most people decided in or out before the spin started. Europe as it stands is failing, I noticed this a little while before I saw Boris and his Battle Bus. Europe has been failing years, not just in the few weeks leading up to the referendum.
  • "Should such a momentous decision really be simply made on first past the post?"

    How else we gonna do it?

    Seems fair to me, a referendum took us in, a referendum has taken us out.

  • Should such a momentous decision really be simply made on first past the post?

    Grey - keep seeing this quoted by 'remainers' - just out of interest was this a view you held prior to the results of the referendum becoming known? Only I can't find any mention of this as a concern in any of you pre-vote posts.

    Smacks a bit of sour grapes because the result wasn't to your or other remainers liking - just my opinion of course.
  • ironmnike

    Be surprised if I hadn't expressed my view somewhere on here:

    This was not an issue I thought should have gone to a referendum at all.
  • Don't we have first past the post in general elections and people who don't get what they want say it should be proportional representation or total votes cast.
    Total votes cast was the method in the referendum and when people don't get what they want they complain that it's not good enough.
    I saw a woman on the news say we can't accept the result because only 36% of the electorate voted to leave. She ignored the fact that only 33% voted to remain.
    How does her logic work to say that in effect remain won. What leads her to believe that the other 31% would vote remain. If that 31% couldn't be bothered to vote then they have absolutely no right or grounds to complain about the result.
  • mike said:


    1,Eu migrants will have to leave the country within six months if they cannot get a job...David Cameron.

    There is no mechanism,and no legal right to send people home if they do not have a job.
    2,British exporters will face a wall of tariffs if britain leaves the EU.

    Top german industriasts have said imposing measures between the two countries would be a very foolish thing.

    Mike, on (1) the mechanism seems to be 'if they become a burden on the welfare state'. So Cameron is partly correct - there are powers to remove people. According to this

    On (2) - the German industrialists are entitled to their views but (a) they won't be in charge of the negotiating team and (b) even if they are right, that relates only to trade between Germany and the UK. We may well face a wall of tariffs in trading with other nations.

    So the two examples of 'lies' you give are not really proven to be lies. imo.
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