The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • MrsGrey said:

    pardew, what's it got to do with you what currencies other countries want to use?

    It's very relevant and just one of the things making the eu not fit for purposes - if countries like Greece Spain, etc kept their own currencies then it would have given them a better chance of re-basing to turn around their faltering economies. As it is those countries remain between a rock and a hard place

    The euro has been a disaster and tHank goodness we stayed out of it.
  • edited June 2016
    and btw, the Bank of England just spent 50 times our annual EU rebate for the past 20 years to shore up poundland just in the past 2 days...
    nice one Boris
  • It's a fact that had we had the euro when the recession hit in 2008 we would of been in a worse position than Greece and they are in the brown stuff!!
  • edited June 2016

    Freedom of movement has an awful lot to do with the out vote!!
    There's no point in allowing unskilled migrants in the UK

    So it WAS about immigration. ;wink
  • ;hmm

    Did somebody say it wasn't about immigration?
  • We will never sign up to the euro because the euro is a disciplinary factor for most European economies and has been since it started. It stopped the Greeks doing what we contine to do, and to say that the pound could be brought down by euro membership is a complete joke, actually the reverse is true.

    Say what you want, but the pound is not in the euro essentially because it cannot take the discipline of not being allowed to devalue. Just look at the value of the pound compared to all other curencies in Europe over several decades before the Euro came in, and look at it compared to the Euro afterwards. The facts dont lie, like the league Table. It's a straight decline against all significant comers since the 1940s.

    That's because we got used to devaluing the currency in inflationary periods and we did so. It's our last imperial prerogative, to rip off our own people by telling them that when the pound devalues, the pound in your pocket stays the same.

    It's not true now as it wasn't true in the 1960s. British government have been devaluing the pound for at least seven decades to suit their policies - it's an unbroken line of deceit which continues to this day. Brexit is a complete fantasy in every way
  • If the EU is the greatest thing ever why has Switzerland retracted its application to join.
    The euro stopping Greece doing what it wanted to do has worked well for them, it's bankrupt.
    The euro benefits Germany the most and France second which was in reality the real reason it was brought in.
  • I don't think anyone has said the EU is the greatest thing ever.

    That accolade, surely, is reserved for peanut butter ;wahoo

  • Yuk!!!!!!!! Love peanuts but not peanut butter.
  • Something I find quite amusing is the opened mouth astonishment from some quarters that politicians actually lied to us...............

    Neither side has come out with any particular credibility. But then I didn`t expect them to.

    I know it may sound a little bit leftfield, but given this decision, (and if anyone of the gutless, chinless wonders actually has the stomach to trigger article 50), then perhaps a coalition government of the brightest, most dynamic, driven, free thinkers currently sitting in the House of Commons (an oxymoron I know) could be formed that actually works on behalf of and for the UK above all else. There must be enough talent, surely, amongst our finest to make this work.

    I know in times of war, for instance during the first and second world wars, when Germany was trying to take over Europe the government formed a coalition and stood strong, and proud, and together. I know this isn`t wartime, and Germany isn`t trying to take over Eur..........

    Hang on.........

  • Now your asking for MP's to give up power. Good luck!
  • I thought the idea was for them to get it back.
  • edited June 2016

    Yuk!!!!!!!! Love peanuts but not peanut butter.

    ;lol Will we ever agree on anything?!
  • Was talking to my son earlier and some of his clients came up with classics. One, a foreign banker said he and his colleagues have made millions today betting on the uncertainty and they will keep it going for as long as they can to make more. He admitted that there's no need for the panic but it's easy to create.
    Another asked him if we curb immigration where are the British going to get their nannies and staff from. He had to tell them very few British people have nannies and staff.
    Finally another asked why all the fuss over the NHS, nobody he knows uses the NHS. He had to remind him that not all British people are multi millionaires and practically all of them, including immigrants have to use the NHS at some point.
    They didn't understand.
  • MrsGrey said:

    I don't think anyone has said the EU is the greatest thing ever.

    That accolade, surely, is reserved for peanut butter ;wahoo


    That's is heaven. Heaven right there!!!! ;bowdown
  • Bonza mate
  • Was talking to my son earlier and some of his clients came up with classics. One, a foreign banker said he and his colleagues have made millions today betting on the uncertainty and they will keep it going for as long as they can to make more. He admitted that there's no need for the panic but it's easy to create.
    Another asked him if we curb immigration where are the British going to get their nannies and staff from. He had to tell them very few British people have nannies and staff.
    Finally another asked why all the fuss over the NHS, nobody he knows uses the NHS. He had to remind him that not all British people are multi millionaires and practically all of them, including immigrants have to use the NHS at some point.
    They didn't understand.

    So your son met some idiots ;lol
  • They're clients of his and extremely rich so live in a totally different world.
  • edited June 2016
    I think that there is a strong argument for a veto, and a re-run of the referendum under the conditions contained in the petition for a re-run.
    The following reasons in no particular order of importance.

    1.The referendum result is not legally binding, since, as has been stated before, it is Parliament that makes the law.

    2.The Leave campaign was promoted on a basis of blatant lies and the Leave voters bought it. (cf. the Dead Parrot sketch)
    The twin issues that were the main focal points for the Leave campaign, viz. controlled immigration and 350 million for the NHS, have been admitted to be impossible to fulfill.

    3.The will of the people is NOT represented by only 37% of the total electorate.

    4.It has been said that it would be political suicide to ignore the "will of the people", well I think that the loss of a few politicians is nothing compared to the damage that this MADNESS will cause the country in addition to that which has already been caused.

    5.It seems, anecdotally, that, in the expectation of a Remain victory, many voters voted to leave merely as a protest.

    6.It will be an act of the utmost dereliction of Parliamentary duty, not to mention cowardice, to allow this referendum result to be enacted.

    How much has it already cost the UK since the result was announced, and how long will it take, if ever, to recoup this loss?
    The really big worry is if we lose the financial service industry because if we do we are going to be Greece Mk2, (no offence Grey and MrsG)

  • ;hmm if England becomes Greece mk2 does that mean you get better weather .will be worth coming back to uk but only for holidays ;biggrin
  • NEoldiron said:

    The really big worry is if we lose the financial service industry because if we do we are going to be Greece Mk2, (no offence Grey and MrsG)

    No offence taken.

    Greece is in a mess.
  • edited June 2016
    NE ..... if it isn't legally binding why bother with the rerun ;puzzled

    Why do you think that the REMAIN camp really did vote Leave as a protest.

    Point 6, so you go to the people to ask "What do you want us to do" and then turn around and stick up two fingers .................. Yeah OK, they do that anyway ;whistle

    I assume that you were in the remain side ;hmm
  • AKA try looking at the first point.
  • If people voted leave as a protest then they are not legally sane to vote given that the predictions were it was neck and neck right up until Thursday morning.
    If only 37% of the electorate voted to leave then even less voted to stay.
    You can't have referenda or any kind of election or competition if the losers can always ask for it to be done again.
    It's not Rock Paper Scissors and you say at the start best of 5.
  • edited June 2016
    AKA, you don't need a constitutional precedent.

    No referendum is binding on parliament. (Unless parliament passes a law before the event that makes it so)

    Our system of parliamentary democracy means parliament is sovereign. Referendum is advisory only.
  • MrsGrey said:

    I don't think anyone has said the EU is the greatest thing ever.

    That accolade, surely, is reserved for peanut butter ;wahoo


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