The UK is Out - New PM - and whither now for Article 50



  • And how will that go down.

    UK parliament allows a referendum on EU membership.

    Denies the Scots a vote on their own future.

    Untenable, surely?

  • So Corbyn said he didn't like the EU but was voting remain

    I suspect that would have confused the hell out of labour supporters up and down the country

    He is probably decent enough, and certainly is different, but has never been leadership material.
  • He said he was 7/10 Remain ;doh
  • IronHerb said:

    He said he was 7/10 Remain ;doh

    Is he Braderz?? ;hmm
  • Mrs G I don't profess to know how it works. The law which was passed to allow the first one may deny another one for a period of years.
    At this rate people seem to want referenda on a best of three or five or first to 10 basis.
  • We had a referendum on Scottish membership of the UK. The Scots voted to remain part of the UK.

    We had a referendum on UK (not Scottish) membership of the EU. As part of the UK, all Scots were entitled to vote on UK membership of the EU. Those that wanted to vote did. The UK voted to leave the EU.

  • Moojor the UK parliament has to approve/make the law change to allow another referendum. The Scots can't just have one.

    No. I think you'll find that the Scottish Parliament can arrange and carry out the referendum as Sturdeon said "the Scottish government would begin preparing legislation to enable another independence vote."
  • edited June 2016
    IMO it's the beginning of the end of the EU in its current form. There'll be a queue of countries looking at us and demanding they have a similar say.

    Eventually all that could be left is a German republic overseeing struggling economies such as Portugal, Spain and Italy
  • And a totally bankrupt Greece.
  • edited June 2016
    thin end of the wedge...

    China and The US are laughing like drains...
  • Scotland voted to remain in the UK which was part of the EU and therefore by extension Scotland were in the EU.

    Not that the situation has changed dramatically and added to the fact that Scotland voted to remain in the EU, they will be doing what ever they can do ensure they get that vote.
  • Agreed Moojor. I'm sure they will be looking for a referendum.

    The referendum yesterday was about Britain's membership of the EU. Not Scotland's membership of the EU.

    I see what you and other people are driving at. Personally, I am not bothered if the Scots have an annual referendum on UK membership. Just thought I would point out a couple of facts.

  • Since 1945 there have been thirteen Prime Ministers of which six took office when their predecessor quit and only one - Anthony Eden - called an immediate General Election

    The question is will Corbyn resign because unless he quits he's likely to win should there be a challenge. Earlier this year there was a poll of Labour members on that scenario, over 60% backed Corbyn, more than when he was elected leader.
  • Looks like the Euro savings will need to be spent on rebuilding Hadrian's wall, the Scott's will keep voting till they get the answer they want, that's what they call democracy
  • 62% of voters in Scotland wanted to stay (74% in my city of Edinburgh). The mood here is not a happy one.
  • If i am not mistaken, the UK voted and the UK decided, the 48% pro Euro faction are spread throughout the UK not just Scotland. Is Scotland going to continue to threaten to leave every time it doesn't get what it wants?
  • Scotland took an independence vote based on the UK being in Europe. The playing field has changed considerably and so, imo, they should get to vote again.
  • Bit like what the UK has done in respect of European Union. ;ok
  • edited June 2016
    We can always vote to go back in after the EU has been reformed and the playing field has changed.
  • So if the Scottish and Northern Ireland votes had kept the UK in Europe then no one would have questioned England and Wales having another referendum to split the UK?
    I think not
  • McHammer said:

    62% of voters in Scotland wanted to stay (74% in my city of Edinburgh). The mood here is not a happy one.

    McHammer-I'm genuinely on your side over this one & I hope Scotland gets its independence a.s.a.p.
  • Ok, I have a vested interest because I live in Madrid so let's get that one out of the way.
    Looking at the bigger picture I'm utterly terrified for our country,I'm furious that the over 65s have swung the vote towards leave & ruined the prospects of the nation's youth & fearful that the likes of Farage could have a serious say in how the country is run.The man is evil.
  • Good.

    Labour need a strong person at the helm..... someone to combat Boris.

    Andy Burnham for me.
  • Good.

    Labour need a strong person at the helm..... someone to combat Boris.

    Andy Burnham for me.
    Oh yes... great shout ;ok
  • A lot of uncertainty ahead for high street banks, as all our armed robbers come back from Spain.

    Credit; Frankie Boyle
  • edited June 2016
    We are still allowed to have police.
  • Ok, I have a vested interest because I live in Madrid so let's get that one out of the way.
    Looking at the bigger picture I'm utterly terrified for our country,I'm furious that the over 65s have swung the vote towards leave

    Interesting analysis here of the demographics of the In/Out voters. (scroll down a bit).
    Comparing the results to key demographic characteristics of the local authority areas, some patterns emerge more clearly than others. The best predictor of a vote for remain is the proportion of residents who have a degree.
  • simonc said:

    So if the Scottish and Northern Ireland votes had kept the UK in Europe then no one would have questioned England and Wales having another referendum to split the UK?
    I think not

    To be frank Simon, I don't think you will get to decide.
  • edited June 2016

    We are still allowed to have police.

    Not if Theresa May has anything to do with it.

This discussion has been closed.