Transfer rumours and speculation to take us through to summer.



  • Top 6 potential costs, and if we do blow £40m on Gomez - who by all accounts fits that profile - we won't realistically be able to afford another one. So Rondon at £16m make sense to me; a back-up to Gomez who is relatively cheap and someone who we know can do a decent job at this level.
  • #Misstovic
  • My psychic powers tell me Maxi Gomez will be Maxi Gohammerz soon
  • OCS

    Indeed, but then I'd sooner see us take a punt on a young player with potential. I think with players like Mitrovic and Rondon, we've seen all they are ever going to have.

    Of course, either of them could have a Grant Holt season, and bang in 20 once in their lives, but it isn't going to be a regular occurrence, imo.
  • I'd settle for one season in a West Ham shirt though Grey. :wahoo:
  • Well, indeed! It's the other seasons that would be the disappointment...
  • But we are so used to them :lol:
  • I like him. End of
  • Probably just me, but I think the write up for Arnautovic leaving could have been a bit more gracious.

    No need to wish him well, but could at least have thanked him for his contribution. Makes us look a bit petty.
  • If I had been worsened financially by potentially an eight figure sum on account of someone’s actions, being gracious would not be high on my agenda.
  • You reap what you sow, on this occasion I think the club / Admin / PR have clearly understood the frustration and disappointment from the fan base, after he basically got taken back and accepted again in January, second chances and all that.....

    Fool me once......

    He can go and rot in the China Sunday league for all I care, counting his ambition from what could and should’ve been a top professional.

    Goodbye and good riddance

    We learn and we move on

  • It seems he’s messed us around and thrown a few sulks, but I still think we don’t lose anything by showing a bit of grace and taking the high ground.

    I agree with Mrs G that we’ve made ourselves look unnecessarily petty.
  • Nope, not for me. Not after what he did in Jan, only to come back for round 2 in June.
  • All about the onions.

    For me, the club could have better highlighted Arnie's graceless twonkery by behaving in a contrasting manner.
  • OCS

    Indeed, but then I'd sooner see us take a punt on a young player with potential. I think with players like Mitrovic and Rondon, we've seen all they are ever going to have.

    I would too normally, but if our big money signing is to be Gomez, then he fits the young player with potential category. If, for whatever reason, he struggles to find form, I'd rather have a Rondon on the sidelines who we know can do a job, rather than another young player with potential who could do a Gomez himself.

    If Gomez comes in, settles and bangs in 15 goals, we then target another young player with potential next summer knowing that he won't be under any pressure to immediately perform.
  • I would’ve taken either mitrovic or Rondon, the former is hardly past it at 24?

    I think we will get Gomez, which is happens then the owners deserve credit for sticking with it

    Honestly think this could be a really good season for us
  • I don't think Mitrovic is 'past it', I just think he's found his level. I'm not sure he's got what it takes to move up another level.
  • The other thing about Arnie, we’ve been had over the fee as well, Danny Ings and Tyrone Ming’s worth as much / more - really?

    Anyway at least stoke will get virtually nothing

    I hope we had some deal in place where we got the bulk of it in cash rather than waiting the full 4 years by which time he’ll be retired to a Chinese casino?
  • Nope, not for me. Not after what he did in Jan, only to come back for round 2 in June.

    I'm not saying he hasn't warranted a graceless goodbye. I'm just saying we look better as a business by rising above it. What do we achieve by not showing a bit more class? Are we trying to hurt Arnie's feelings? Because he doesn't care.
  • But it's not being gracious if it isn't meant, is it?
  • Was a lot more upset when Payet left, Arnie has some good games but nothing amazing.

    No need to cry too much over him.

    But we do need at least two new guys now or 1 and Hernandez staying.

    I think Antonio can do ok leading the line if we are desperate.
  • If I was to be be very harsh I would say his only true stand out games were those where Mark Hughes was the opposition manager.
  • edited July 2019
    IronHerb said:

    But it's not being gracious if it isn't meant, is it?

    It should be meant, though. He was Hammer of the Year last year.

    Just because it ended badly doesn't mean there weren't good times too.

    I think to ignore the positives and make no mention of them at all is a bit petty. As I said, just my opinion, don't expect many to agree. (Just as well, probably :biggrin: )
  • I hope if we do sign Gomez we put a massive release clause in his contract of 100 mil to protect our interests
  • Nope, not for me. Not after what he did in Jan, only to come back for round 2 in June.

    I'm not saying he hasn't warranted a graceless goodbye. I'm just saying we look better as a business by rising above it. What do we achieve by not showing a bit more class? Are we trying to hurt Arnie's feelings? Because he doesn't care.
    I’ve slaughtered the clubs PR (and owner gaffs) in the past - however on this occasion I think they have it bang on - stone cold nothing except he’s been transferred, frankly it’s all he deserved after his “games”
  • Know what you mean PLF but he has to sign the contract too.
  • McHammer said:

    Yep whatever, for me this was way worse than the Payet situation where there were clear personal reasons in the background, it wasn’t blatantly all about the money
  • edited July 2019
    Anyway enough about him, so when will we have the league wrapped up by - March ? April ?

  • edited July 2019

    Arnie arguing with a fan.
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