Transfer rumours and speculation to take us through to summer.



  • You reap what you sow, on this occasion I think the club / Admin / PR have clearly understood the frustration and disappointment from the fan base, after he basically got taken back and accepted again in January, second chances and all that.....

    Fool me once......

    He can go and rot in the China Sunday league for all I care, counting his ambition from what could and should’ve been a top professional.

    Goodbye and good riddance

    We learn and we move on


    Any excuse to put this up..

  • So no transfer news then?
  • McHammer said:

    Not unless we've signed Charlie Adam
  • Being reported that we got the entire Arnie fee up front, good work at least we don’t have to wait for the instalments

    Owners loans due 2020 lol


  • Does anyone ever wonder what happened to Braderz? The OG ITK
  • Braderz? :hmm:
  • Braderz? :hmm:

  • Lukerz said:

    Braderz? :hmm:

  • edited July 2019
    Italy's Corriere dello Sporte reckons Fiorentina might be interested in Hernandez although their director of sport Daniele Prade has said that he's not looking to make any deals before 10th August, the day after the English transfer window closes.

    The Italian transfer window closes 18th August and Serie A season starts 24th August.

  • Utterly farcical that the transfer window closes at different times across certain European countries
  • How do you feel about the new thing where the transfer window closes before the season starts?
  • Principally I guess it is good, but more important (for me) is that the windows shut at the same time across Europe. Because you can see where it is going if indeed a bid is made for chicha only after the English window closes.
  • If you want to harmonise the window dates across Europe, you'd get some unwanted effects ... unless you also harmonised the dates of the playing season :hmm:

    Because Fifa sets a minimum number of weeks for the window, you would be basically linking the closing of the window to whichever league finishes latest.
  • edited July 2019
    All windows used to close on the first Monday in September but the Premier League and the Championship chose to close the window before the season from 2018.

    This is the first year the Italians have done the same but everyone else including League One, League Two, Germany, Spain, France, Scotland, etc. stuck with the old date.
  • edited July 2019
    For me, uniformity should be more important then than when a season starts. It needs to start with UEFA. UEFA should set the window as a condition for the top division of all countries who want to participate in its club competitions. Granted you might then have other leagues eg China with different windows, however getting UEFA countries in sync should be a minimum and I struggle to understand why this can’t be achieved.
  • edited July 2019
    FIFA rules are that there are two windows, the pre-season one (maximum 12 weeks) and the mid season one (max. 1 month). UEFA would probably opt for England and Italy reverting to closing the window on the last Monday in September like everyone else.

    For Sweden, Finland and Norway this is midseason so their window is only open for a month. Norway and Finland window is August but Sweden's runs from mid-July to mid-August.

  • baracks

    They were in sync, until PL clubs voted to change the dates of their summer window.
  • Grey

    Yes it is coming back to me now. For me it doesn’t work. If the plan was for a PL manager to have a settled squad before the season starts, then this will not necessarily be the case.

    For example in our case potentially Pelle won’t know if Chicha is staying or going but the club no longer has the option to buy a replacement if he goes, and he could go to a club in Europe

    It is an imperfect mechanism IMO.
  • But Pelle will know. We won't sell anyone we don't want to after our window closes, and the players should be made aware of this. Pretty straightforward imo.
  • But that only works properly if, say chicha acts professionally. What if he doesn’t though and say a club offers a low transfer fee to WH together with a high wage to chicha and his head gets turned? Transfer windows should apply to both the selling and buying parts at the same time (within Europe) in my opinion.
  • Transfer windows should apply to both the selling and buying parts at the same time (within Europe) in my opinion.

    I think this is a better solution than harmonising transfer windows. I'm still keen on the window shutting before the season starts.

  • Gomez's agent has been papped in Valencia.

    Read into that what you will...
  • I really hope the club have put an end date to this. It's getting very boring.
  • The latest rumour is that Gomez was abducted by aliens whilst camping on holiday and the aliens will only return him for 10 % of any transfer deal and 50% on a future sales. :whistle:
  • I heard he will only sign if we get AC fit as well
  • Gomez's agent has been papped in Valencia.

    Read into that what you will...

    What this old thang?
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