


  • So Bercow says mps shouldn’t be asked the same question twice ref mays deal but it’s ok for the people to be asked to vote again how far will he go, just a narsasist
  • Sounds like if Tories back the deal May will leave as PM
  • Cuz1 said:

    So Bercow says mps shouldn’t be asked the same question twice ref mays deal but it’s ok for the people to be asked to vote again how far will he go, just a narsasist

    May's deal has been voted on twice already.

    Bercow is reluctant to allow the vote coming back for a third time.
  • So, never mind the national interest, let's just keep the Tory party together. :angry:
  • If brexiteers now back the deal they voted down twice because May will leave they should all be put up for a by election
  • edited March 2019
    Cuz1 said:

    So Bercow says mps shouldn’t be asked the same question twice ref mays deal but it’s ok for the people to be asked to vote again

    Well, one scenario is covered by procedural rules of the HoC, and it's the Speaker's job to apply them. And the other isn't.

    In other news, apples aren't pears. :hmm:
  • Cuz1 said:

    So Bercow says mps shouldn’t be asked the same question twice

    Actually, he didn't say that.

    He said that unless there's a change in the terms, or circumstances......

  • MrsGrey,
    "In other news, apples aren't pears."

    Source please. :biggrin:
  • edited March 2019
    I don't get how 'I vote No, it's a rubbish deal' becomes, 'I vote Yes it's a super deal as long as May isn't PM'
    :angry: :doh::

  • edited March 2019

    Sounds like if Tories back the deal May will leave as PM

    And presumably if they don't, she stays :hmm:

    She's backed herself into a corner here. If she can't get her deal through even with the promise of stepping aside, surely she has to go anyway.

    This just opens the door to posturing and positioning by the likes of Gove, Johnson and the purely coincidentally as-of-today more moderate Reece-Mogg, the thought of which makes my stomach turn.

  • May's deal has been voted on twice already.

    And there were some changes between the 2 votes: they got the rewording/additional wording from the EU.
  • MrsGrey,
    "In other news, apples aren't pears."

    Source please. :biggrin:

    No but from the same plant family rosaceae
  • Cuz are you a gardener/horticulturalist or something? :bowdown:
  • No lol worked for Morrison’s for years after I left the Royal Navy
  • Said of May following her speech to the 1922 Committee:

    "She was passionate about getting the deal through, passionate about keeping the party together and passionate about keeping the government as the government, passionate about keeping Jeremy Corbyn out of Number 10."

    So yeah, priorities.
  • Johnson has now said he'll back the meaningful vote.

    I wonder why that is :hmm:
  • edited March 2019
    Maybe because he’s thought long and hard about it and it’s what the majority of the people want, ie to leave, can’t think of any other reason off hand lol
  • Cuz, or it be that if the vote for her deal wins, she'll step aside and leave him in pole position for our new PM.
    Although I don't for one minute think that would be his motive. :biggrin:
  • I think boris probably won’t be pm now think before may was his best chance but that now gone imo
  • We can but hope.
  • DUP has said it will not support May's deal.

    So basically the resignation is off.

    Boris :wave:
  • this is a whole new chapter in the bizzare...

    May says She will leave if the deal is passed...

    But even that doesn’t get her dead duck deal through...

    I think we’re in the middle of some alternate Dr Stranglove with May here to ride the brexit bomb all the way down...
  • Vorse :ok:

    It all feels rather

  • It’s a stickier situation since sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun
  • edited March 2019
    All joking aside, which in itself is near impossible, Brexit is making the UK a laughing stock on the world stage.
    Whether we remain or leave I can't see that the UK will ever recover any semblance of respect that it once had.
    So, thanks, JR-M, the ERG, BoJo, Nigel "Public Enemy #1" Farage, and an extra special thanks to David Cameron, but not forgetting Liam "easiest deal in the world" Fox, David "if democracy can't change its mind, it's not democracy" Davis and all the rest that I can't be bothered to waste my time or energy in trying to remember the names of those who will be remembered by history as members of the worst UK government in modern times.
    It used to be thought that Italian politics wore the crown of the most dysfunctional - well that dubious headgear has moved 1400 kms north-west. :angry:
  • Calm down Bubbles, you`ll do yourself a mischief. Mays deal won`t pass, you`ll get your way, there will either be another referendum, or article 50 will get revoked. Hoping for the latter, looking forward to the EU elections either way, it will be carnage. :wahoo:

    Oh, and the EU are 100% prepared for no deal, I assume they have the Irish border problem sorted. Can`t be that difficult. :wahoo:
  • Madcap, you seem very sure about there being either another referendum, or article 50 being revoked.
    Any reason for that?
  • Because our wonderful politicians don`t have the stomach for it. They have had three years to come up with a plan. One day before we are meant to leave, and the indicative votes show.......................................


    Lets carry on as we are. What could go wrong. We don`t make much of anything anymore, thank god we`re a nation of shopkeepers eh. I think the current system is failing the vast majority of people, I think the EU is a big part of the current system. I think "civilized" society is on a downward spiral, I would like to hope we could do something about that. Looks like the opportunity has passed though.

    " Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth"
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