


  • Vorse, keep up mate, this was posted on page 23 :biggrin:
  • Madcap, or would you prefer
    "Let every dirty, lousy tramp arm himself with a revolver or a knife, and lay in wait on the steps of the palaces of the rich and stab or shoot the owners as they come out. Let us kill them without mercy, and let it be a war of extermination."
  • Posted while I had pointed the site to the wrong database...
    Cuz1 said:

    Couldn’t lie straight in bed the lot of them

  • Bubbles. Sounds reasonable to me :biggrin:
  • No deal lost 400 - 160
    Revoke article 50 lost 293 - 184
    Another referendum lost 295 - 268

    The closest was leaving the EU but staying in the Customs Union which lost 264 - 272.

    It's a compromise that doesn't make the Remainers or the Breiteers happy so that's what we'll probably end up with.
  • Today Bercow announced that the "Customs Union" vote was actually 265 to 271 not 264 t0 272.

    Staying in the Customs Union would solve the Irish border problem. All they need to do is convince 7 of the 114 MPs who abstained and we could actually have a workable Brexit.
  • Staying in the customs union isn’t brexit though
  • thorn

    Rather, it's not your idea of Brexit.
  • Its a 51.89% Brexit.

  • Is this MPs being told what to vote,,,
    Or :wahoo: doing what thtey thought was right with free mind?
  • Labour MPs were "whipped" to vote for two of the amendments, 27 of them ignored the whip and voted against. Both amendments were rejected.

    The other six votes were free including Ken Clarke's Customs Union amendment.
  • Would have been perfect weather for my Brexit barbie this evening. Shame. :champagne:
  • MPs vote against may deal again by 58 votes
  • :lol: :doh:

    Looks like we will have to cancel the Expats party with had in Antwerp tonight to signal the end of the union...
  • Wow huge news if True...

  • In a decent society grown men wouldn't have to walk around in multi-coloured nappies.
  • I believe that is Neil Horan, a defrocked Catholic priest who made a pest of himself on numerous occasions, running on the track during a F1 race, pushing over a marathon runner at the Athens Olympics, etc. He was arrested at the World Cup in Germany for having a placard saying something similar about Hitler.

    Just exposing those legs should be a public order offence.
  • edited March 2019

    :lol: :doh:

    Looks like we will have to cancel the Expats party with had in Antwerp tonight to signal the end of the union...

    What, what party, how did you know I was celebrating anything :puzzled:
  • And now I'm wondering where in the Bible it prophesises Brexit...
  • edited March 2019
    And God said, Let there be Brexit: and there was Brexit.
    And God saw Brexit, and it was an absolute shambles
  • God says to a West Ham fan you can have one wish, the hammers fan say what about getting West Ham in Europe. God says that’s not possible anything else so he says how about getting Britain out of Europe, god says was it europa or champions league you wanted
  • Petition
    Parliament must honour the Referendum result. Leave deal or no deal 29/03/19
  • edited March 2019
  • Aslef
    Matthew 7:7–8 (paraphrased) "seek and ye shall find" ;)
  • The whole thing is really very depressing, however the size of that reporters microphone did made me laugh, a reporter from the FT, they must have dragged that thing out of the deepest basement.

    The last time I saw something like it, John Motson was holding it up in front of Kevin (I’d love it) Keegan
  • Remain MP Dominic Grieve suffers no confidence vote
    “Sky news”
  • The man leading the campaign to deselect Grieve is Jon Conway.

    Before he joined the Tory party he was he was UKIP's Beaconsfield branch chairman, he stood for South Bucks council and was UKIP's candidate for Central Devon in 2015. In 2016 he tried to get elected to UKIP's National Executive Committee.

    In 2017 he stood against Grieve as the UKIP candidate for Beaconsfield.

    If you can't beat them, join them...and then kick them out of their seat.
  • The campaign against Grieve was led by the man who stood as the Ukip candidate for Beaconsfield in 2017. The Times reported that Jon Conway, a pantomime producer, had been recruited by the Conservatives after serving as a regional organiser for Vote Leave.

    It gets worse if that’s possible
  • Parliament theatre of clowns
    If this true from the daily mail

    Not a word Labour says can ever be trusted again: STEPHEN POLLARD on how Jeremy Corbyn and his party went back on their word to honour the referendum
  • If this true from the daily mail

    Is there any possibility of doubt?

    I assume there is a similar piece on how the Tory party failed to get its MPs to do the same...?
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