


  • edited March 2019
    You have to register a name, an email address and a postcode. They then send you an email with a link that has to be confirmed before it registers so I don't think you can "bot" it.
  • edited March 2019
    Maybe some of the people haven't put in a post code?

    Edit - posted before I saw Aslef's comment - I was thinking you could get away with not entering a postcode.
  • Theresa May is now known as Lino - Leader In Name Only, hard to nail down but easy to walk over.
  • It will be Russian Bots boosting the numbers. As part of my daily routine I follow Trumps Tweets as a source of amusement and to raise a self indulgent titter or two. I have noticed that there are a number of regular MAGA`s that have been missing for a couple of days that usually tweet things like "build the wall and crime will fall" and "best president ever" and "women for Trump". I believe that as agents of Putin they are currently voting en masse to revoke article 50 posing as Rodney from Ruislip and Pauline from Penge. Meanwhile Putin chuckles away at Lord of the Adonis who appears to be getting himself in a state of high excitement. Brexit is finished. Long live the (increasingly authoritarian, lurching further to the right) EU.
  • Madcap, Putin wants Brexit to happen.
    Why would Russian bots be voting to revoke Article 50? ;hmm
    Surely they'd be signing the "Leave the EU without a deal in March 2019" petition which btw has stood at 392,966 signatures for most of the day.
  • Bubbles, she is indeed very eloquent. But we had a general election a short time ago, the two main parties stood on a platform that would honour the result of the referendum. The Liberal Democrats were the only party committed to staying in the EU and crashed and burned. Her idea of representative democracy is a lot different than mine, one could argue that a simple binary choice offered to the whole electorate is as democratic as it gets. One could also argue that FPTP is probably the least representative of all "democratic" systems. In the 2015 elections UKIP garnered nearly 4 million votes and got one seat, the SNP got around 1.5 million votes and got 56 seats. Hardly representative.
  • Bubbles, to sow division, Putin knows if Article 50 is revoked there will be fat bald blokes in hi viz charging about the streets.
  • Putin wants to weaken the EU and NATO so he can restore Russian influence over Eastern Europe.

    He wants to be the new Stalin. Or the new Tsar. Either one, they were basically the same thing.
  • Aslef, reminds me of a famous quote:

    "When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the People`s stick"
  • Madcap,
    Putin knows if Article 50 is revoked there will be fat bald blokes in hi viz charging about the streets.
    If you mean frustrated elderly Brexiteers, presumably they will have fitted wheels to their Zimmer frames.
  • Madcap,
    Putin knows if Article 50 is revoked there will be fat bald blokes in hi viz charging about the streets.
    If you mean frustrated elderly Brexiteers, presumably they will have fitted wheels to their Zimmer frames.

    On the the streets you say ;hmm
    I hear that be very soon
  • edited March 2019
    Its a bit sweary but pretty much a good summation of how we got where we are

    "26% of UKIP voters in the 2015 voted as a protest against three main parties"

    Austerity broke the contract
  • A little quiet on here today, I assume you`re all on the peoples march. ;poormf
  • edited March 2019
    Waitrose yesterday ;tumbleweed

    If May fails to get her deal through a third time (if Bercow allows a third vote when you're only supposed to have one per session) there might be a rebellion by Tory MPs. She survived a vote of no confidence in December and according to party rules there can be another vote for 12 months but now they're looking to see if that rule can be changed.

    If it can't the plan seems to be forcing May out through a mass resignation by ministers leaving her unable to form a cabinet. What happens after that is anyone's guess, by rights deputy leader David Lidington (who?) should step in as caretaker PM until a new leader is elected but Lidington is a Remainer and wouldn't be welcomed by the Leave MPs.

    It might take a while for the two sides just to find someone they could both support as a temporary Prime Minister. The one thing they absolutely won't do is trigger an early General Election and risk the possibility of not being in government.

    Of course she could refuse to budge, there's nothing that actually says she has to quit.


    It's a relief to see that.

    For a while there I was worried about the whole thing being an omnishambles...
  • I Always though it was the ancient Greeks who invented Comedy and tragedy. It now seems we're moving on to Comedy 2.0
  • Nothing that hasn't happened before. In 1931 Ramsey McDonald was kicked out of the Labour party over welfare cuts but stayed on as Prime Minster.
  • edited March 2019

  • edited March 2019
    That’s a bit marsh “tit”
  • I just signed a petition to leave EU with no deal by 29 March
    At present 512k
  • edited March 2019
    imagelost said:

    I just signed a petition to leave EU with no deal by 29 March
    At present 512k

    The other one is up to 5,119,834. So that's 10 to 1 against.

    The problem with Leave is they can't agree what Leave means, there are at least half a dozen versions of Leave while everyone understands what Remain means.

    Gove has said that after Brexit he will cut tariffs on beef and poultry by half, butter by two thirds, cheese and pork by three quarters with no tariffs on fruit, cereals and eggs.

    Great news for UK consumers who will still have cheap food but for UK farmers its literally a death sentence. The value of their product will make almost all farms completely unsustainable and according to "The Agri Brigade" column in Private Eye by "Muck Spreader" agriculture has the highest suicide rate of any industry In the UK (1 per week).
  • Aslef, I admire your restraint. :ok:
  • imagelost said:

    I just signed a petition to leave EU with no deal by 29 March
    At present 512k

    The other one is up to 5,119,834. So that's 10 to 1 against.

    The problem with Leave is they can't agree what Leave means, there are at least half a dozen versions of Leave while everyone understands what Remain means.

    Gove has said that after Brexit he will cut tariffs on beef and poultry by half, butter by two thirds, cheese and pork by three quarters with no tariffs on fruit, cereals and eggs.

    Great news for UK consumers who will still have cheap food but for UK farmers its literally a death sentence. The value of their product will make almost all farms completely unsustainable and according to "The Agri Brigade" column in Private Eye by "Muck Spreader" agriculture has the highest suicide rate of any industry In the UK (1 per week).
    Thanks for your input,,, but is a lot scaremongering,, ?
  • Not as much scaremongering as the poster of Farage in front of a mass of people allegedly on the way to the UK or Esther McVey's claim that "After 2020, all EU members will have to adopt the euro.”

  • Don't trust Gove. Full stop.
  • imagelost said:

    Thanks for your input,,, but is a lot scaremongering,, ?

    I'm interested to think what will happen to UK farmers when tariffs on imported beef and poultry are cut in half, butter by two thirds, cheese and pork by three quarters with no tariffs on fruit, cereals and eggs.

    Unless you are saying that Gove is lying and he WON'T be cutting these tariffs?

  • What I find really disgusting ” in my view”
    Is David cam—wrongen started this and then bolted,,, he should be ,,, not sure ,,, but should stop it happening again
  • The last feedback I got via my obscure relative who works at the EU commission is that plans and talks for the EU to become a federal state are proceeding all the time. Whether we are in or out the state would be headed by Germany with France as its puppet and apart from the armed forces and finances etc a condition would be that all members adopt the euro with no vetos.
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