Summer 2017 Transfer Speculation



  • Are we 'messing around' or are we being messed around? Who knows?
  • MrsGrey said:

    Who knows?

  • And the Boleyn Insider...

  • Sullivan knows...
  • We're resigning Jonny Specs ;hmm
  • What baffles me slightly is the suggestion that we'll match any offer for Giroud ;hmm

    I mean, if we want him, why not make an offer for him now? It just suggests to me that he's on the back burner whilst we wait for decisions to be made elsewhere, i.e. Iheanacho or Bats, which given the debacle with Bacca last season, is a very risky game to play.
  • I think that we may end up with the Bat
  • I can understand a sell on clause for Iheanacho but I doubt City will buy him back anyway. A club that size financially is able to go after players better than him. If Pep for example thought he fitted in he wouldn't be selling him and would be telling him he's in his plans.

    I'm most likely being impatient but I feel frustrated that no Bats or Iheanacho good news is forthcoming
  • We have no idea who we want, we know what we want but not who...

    And the club is keeping quiet which we all wanted..

    Chill the sun is shining the beer is cold and we have weeks to go....
  • Baz, Die Fledermaus rules OK - ;thumbsup
  • What baffles me slightly is the suggestion that we'll match any offer for Giroud ;hmm

    I haven't seen that anywhere (although I confess I've been trying to limit my exposure to transfer tittle-tattle trauma). Where had you read that?


    Mostly from Ex, Mrs G. I know it's not official, but he's mentioned it a few times
  • This does look good....

  • OCS, oh, ok. tbh I just discount anything he says, now. But each to their own ;ok
  • Everton just got another striker it seems. No messing
  • MrsGrey said:

    OCS, oh, ok. tbh I just discount anything he says, now. But each to their own ;ok

    Probably best to avoid a transfer speculation thread then ;ok
  • Theorectical question regarding the nacho deal

    If we pay 20m with a 25m buy back clause after two years, and his first year is outstanding.
    Barcelona wander in and offer 50m, would we be able to sell after one year and keep the money. If they buy back is after 2 years city cant do anything , or does that mean they can take him back within 2 years and we cant stop them.

    I can see the flaw in the deal the davids dont like. If after a year big offers are being bounced around , there nothing stopping city saying we want hime back for 25 and go sell him straight away for 50
  • Real did that with morata I think sold to Juventus bought him back now flogging him for big profit
  • OCS

    Why should anyone avoid a thread because they discount certain sources?

    Seems to me it's perfectly possible to discuss potential targets without assuming that everything written is true.

    Personally, I hate the way some users choose to give the owners stick based on rumours which most often turn out to be nonsense, but I still comment on the threads.
  • The only way to,judge how good a transfer window we have had is when it's finished
    An overview of how the scouting set-up works at the PL clubs.

    Is it just me, or is the entry for West Ham (a) less comprehensive than the other entries, (b) less factual and (c) an opportunity for Jacob Steinberg to give his own opinion? ;hmm
  • I don't believe much of what I read in the papers. ;wink
  • Whilst it seems frustrating, comparisons with Everton are difficult to make as their situation is very different from ours

    - they know they will be pocketing £60 to £80m for Lukaku (maybe a deal in principal has already been done), and likely another slug of money for Barkley
    - we are in a position where we need to decide what to do with the likes of Enner, Sakho, Snodgrass, Feghouli etc. On top of that AC and Ayew have not hit the straps either. In terms of the players we may want to shift, there won't a be queue of clubs waiting to sign them

    In short Everton have two of their big ticket players to cash in - why should they not go big in recruiting new players?
    Also they don't seem to have the same degree of deadwood players that we do.

    We need to carefully balance who is coming in and going out, and I'm sure the Daves are doing just that.
  • The only way to,judge how good a transfer window we have had is when it's finished

    And sometimes, not even until later, as players can take a while to settle in and hit form. ;ok
  • The only way to,judge how good a transfer window we have had is when it's finished

    Wise counsel indeed, Grasshopper. What was never lost can never be found..

  • edited June 2017

    We need to carefully balance who is coming in and going out, and I'm sure the Daves are doing just that.

    Whilst I agree with this in general, the striker situation has got nothing to do with balancing who stays and who leaves. We need a striker; arguably two. Zaza and Calleri have already left and there is a huge void to fill.

    I think the comparisons with Everton are because they seem to have identified their targets early and then got them, whereas we have multiple targets but have to wait for their parent clubs to make their moves first. What they have to spend is largely irrelevant, as far as I'm concerned.

    I guess we all fear a repeat of last summer where we wasted time chasing Bacca before having to settle on a loan move for Zaza, and don't want history to repeat itself.
  • Thing is OCS we have no concrete idea who our targets actually are. Everton also could also go in big with say the Pickford bid because they can call on the Lukaku monies. If you go over the top you increase your chances of landing a player early. We have no such luxury. Whilst we have handed back Zaza, don't forget we are at the same time welcoming Enner back onto our payroll.

    I would be willing to bet by the end of the window our net spend (in terms of fees) will be more than Everton's. So the owners do need to be cut a bit of slack. They have consistently shelled out more than what's been received - the fact that we have often bought poorly is a separate matter though.
  • I wouldn't worry about Everton. They have massively overpaid for Pickford, bought a £5m striker from Malaga who most on here will say who? and Klaassan who has had a decent season at Ajax. Their needs are different to ours.
  • Klaassen got me thinking ;hmm (yes, the smell of wood burning too) About Dutch players. Players like De Jong at Newcastle, Depay to Man Utd etc.

    Who was the last Dutch player to come from the Dutch league who was considered a success in the Prem?
  • Van Dijk? (I'm guessing.)
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