Couldn’t think…. The next part



  • I think there might be something in an adaptation of the NFL draught. Quite what I don’t know, we’ve tried the financial fair play thing and that fell flat.
    I know it’s a free market but when two or three clubs can just hoover up all the top talent worldwide there needs to be some kind of system to level the playing field otherwise we’re heading to a very sterile future.
  • Considering that the draft system eligibility is for kids within a year of leaving college, by the time kids here reach that age they’ve been with a PL club for at least a decade.
    The only similarity we have is where academy kids are released by clubs they are touted around other clubs via various tournaments.
  • The draft works in the NFL (and other American sports) because there are no serious alternatives for football players other than playing in the NFL.

    How would a draft system work in a sport that has multiple leagues in multiple countries?

    And we've been playing in a "very sterile future" for decades, the only difference is the Premier League is now at the top where it used to lag behind Serie A and La Liga.
  • Equality will only happen when all clubs become rich peoples play things. The good news is we are probably higher up the queue for that than many others.

    Chelsea, City and now Newcastle are purely that. United, Liverpool and Arsenal are obviously wealthy but are run slightly differently.

    It's worth noting that Leicester really fall into that category also but the owners have not splashed the cash to the same extent. The family who own them decided they wanted to buy their way into sport and bought Leicester along with a very big presence in horse racing. Going back even further Blackburn at the time were considered a rich persons play thing as Jack Walker sunk fortunes into them allowing them to enter the transfer market for players like Alan Shearer. The numbers were of course small compared to today.
  • The draft works in the NFL (and other American sports) because there are no serious alternatives for football players other than playing in the NFL.

    How would a draft system work in a sport that has multiple leagues in multiple countries?

    And we've been playing in a "very sterile future" for decades, the only difference is the Premier League is now at the top where it used to lag behind Serie A and La Liga.

    So we just leave it as it is then until all premier league clubs are owned by multi billionaires or murderous states?

  • Slacker how do you think it could work then. The NFL draft pick players who don’t play for anyone as they’re college kids.
    Are you suggesting that clubs should be allowed to just take a player from another club regardless of whether they want to come or not.
  • Slacker, tell us how a football draft would work?
  • we do not have the same system of collage to draft from as the states, limit the amount of players you can send out on loan to 5 and that will stop clubs buying players as they cannot be sent on loan to keep them away from rivals. Once the squad is full then no football and players, even on good money won't like that for long, even if its 10 as a limit.
  • If you read my post properly then you’ll see I was suggesting some kind of adaptation of the draft, I also said that I didn’t know what that would be.
    Of course we can’t use that exact system but hopefully somebody with a bigger brain than mine could feasibly come up with a system that addresses the inequality that we have now and that will only get worse.
  • edited February 2022
    I did read it but there is no variation of the draft that would be feasible.
    Salary cap is likely the only way of levelling up. This mean top players would be shared around but not sure what happens if you didn't fancy playing for Burnley and they were the only ones with the cash to entice you.
  • Maybe you’d fancy playing for Burnley if they’re challenging for silverware?
    That would obviously only happen if the system we adopt levels things up.
  • Slacker said:

    So we just leave it as it is then until all premier league clubs are owned by multi billionaires or murderous states?

    Its highly unlikely that all Premier Clubs will be owned by multi-billionaires unless the three teams promoted from the Championship at the end of every season are also owned by multi-billionaires.

    Football is a global sport, if there are any changes to the transfer system they would have to be at a global level. The Premier League certainly isn't going to vote to change anything unless Bundesliga, Serie A, La Liga, etc. are doing the same.
  • ASLEF does that mean that it’ll never happen?
    Look at the top leagues in France, Germany and to an extent Spain and Italy. Powerful wealthy clubs that generally win their leagues every year.
  • I don’t know what the solution is, but surely we need to at least try and fine something that might level up the game.
  • maybe we can bring in the NFL franchise rule and pick 2 players are are not able to be traded (sold) , we could tag Rice and Bowen and that makes them off limits to other clubs until the contract runs out, even if the agent wants to move them on.
  • How can you level up a sport with 92 clubs in four league divisions and with players that can move from country to country?
  • Slacker said:

    I don’t know what the solution is, but surely we need to at least try and fine something that might level up the game.

    It's capitalism.
  • Socialism surely. 😂
  • MrsGrey said:

    It's capitalism.
    I knew it!
    That’s it,let’s have a revolution, I’ve always fancied one of them.

  • How can you level up a sport with 92 clubs in four league divisions and with players that can move from country to country?

    Cap the amount of players on their books?
    Wage cap? Transfer bans?
    I dunno , but I’d love somebody to sort it.

  • You'd have to get everybody to agree, by everyone I mean every league in the world. I tried going alone when we changed our transfer window and nobody followed.
  • Slacker said:

    Cap the amount of players on their books?
    Wage cap? Transfer bans?
    I dunno , but I’d love somebody to sort it.

    Premier League clubs are not just in competition to attract the best players with other Premier League clubs, they are in competition with every other club in the world. They are not going to vote for player caps, wage caps, transfer restrictions or any other measures that put them at a disadvantage to clubs in other countries

    The NFL exists in complete isolation, there is no promotion or relegation of clubs and apart from the 32 NFL clubs there are no other comparable professional leagues or clubs. Comparing the Premier League with the NFL is ludicrous but it gets trotted out every two or three years by some journalist or commentator.
  • I wish I’d never started this now.🙄
  • Door's open.
  • Man on the moon -“Ha, that’ll never happen”
    Video phone calls - “Ha, that’ll never happen “
    Black man as President- “ Ha, that’ll never happen”
    Fall of the Soviet Union-“ Ha, that’ll never happen “

    Sometimes things just need a bit of imagination.

  • edited February 2022
    I support West Ham, not because they're mega rich but because I chose to ( I'm not a local like most of you). We'll probably never be owned by some billionaire oligarch and things won't change but that's fine by me. I can't see any possible way of things levelling up in our life time.
    But I'd be as proud of us winning a cup than buying the league. Just leave it like it is, perhaps one day we'll get investment, until then I'll just dream
  • Slacker said:

    Man on the moon -“Ha, that’ll never happen”
    Video phone calls - “Ha, that’ll never happen “
    Black man as President- “ Ha, that’ll never happen”
    Fall of the Soviet Union-“ Ha, that’ll never happen “

    Sometimes things just need a bit of imagination.

    West Ham sign a striker- "Ha..."

  • Be careful out there.
  • An oldie but goodie that I had to share:

    I said to my father: "Dad, I want to get married."
    He said: "Alright son, who do you want to marry?"
    I said: "I'd like to marry Miss Green".
    He said: "You can't".
    I said: "Why not?"
    He said: "She's your half-sister. When I was a lad I had a bike and I got around a bit."
    I said: "Alright, I'll marry Miss White."
    He said: "You can't, she's your half-sister. Forget about it."
    Well, I was a bit despondent and I walked around and my mum said to me: "What's wrong with you?"
    I said: "Well, I told Dad I wanted to marry Miss Green and he said I couldn't because she's my half-sister, so I said, "Alright, I'll marry Miss White." and he said: 'You can't, she's your half-sister."

    Mum said: "Look, you go and marry which one you like. He's not your father anyway!"

    =) =) =)

    Max Miller (1894-1963)
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