Dimi Payet; the Epilogue



  • I liked this sentence from the ITK linked on previous page:
    It is also now embarrassing to have a giant shirt of his hanging up at the ground, which I think should now be replaced, as someone suggested to me, by a Dylan Tombides one.
  • edited January 2017
    Sweepy, he (you) can't have it both ways.
    It's either because of his family situation OR lack of WHU's progress (Europe, league position etc.).
    If he was playing for the Russian Mafia Chelski, he'd still want away according to his side of the argument.
    If the club was a little more flushed I would let him rot and take the hit just to show him and others that it's the clubs, (or actually the supporters) that are the most important. Players come and go, some remembered with fondness and pride, others with for example, Dimi?, Dimi? nah doesn't ring a bell.
  • We paid him a 1m loyalty bonus

    But we continue to try and haggle on the low side with transfers

    Staggering really but I suppose when you're a game changer that's what happens

    I just want him gone, club get a nice fee and Slav uses to build again, properly this time.

    I can't see this being resolved even though you can't rule it out completely (sorry boss had a change of heart) imagine what kind of reaction he'd get from the fans?

    Such a shame that he decided to do it this way, rather than get his head down and say to the club I'll give you everything but if the offer to the club is right you let me go
  • edited January 2017
    I'm going with the word coming out of the Payet "camp", this is about his family, a similar situation to Kevin Nolan in his first season when he was jumping in his car after every match and driving back up to Newcastle.

    The difference is that Ludivine, Noa, Milan, and Pharell are staying in France so if Payet stayed here he would spend the rest of his contract flying back to France at every opportunity, missing training sessions and getting increasingly depressed.

    It's a fair assumption that the reason his performance this season has been a shadow of last season is that all this is getting to him mentally, it could even be the reason why the rest of the team has underperformed, his attitude has had a negative effect on the other players, I could even believe that some who are parents (Noble, Collins, Carroll) might even sympathise with him.

    The best thing for both West Ham and Payet is to get him out of here, talk to Marseille, sort out a deal and find a suitable replacement.
  • I'm assuming he had made the decision to leave before he received the loyalty bonus.
  • Tore, Feghouli, Nordveit, Ayew, Fletcher, Zaza.... All we potentially excellent acquisitions. Some might still be. Payet, IMO,would still have pushed for a move whether they all worked out great or not! He came back from the Euros and asked to go. The love and finances given to him were obviously not enough. Now (especially the love) we're all gutted to indifferent and for me, all we showered on him is tainted (and personally i'll never look upon him in any positive way again)
  • Asked about the Payet situation
    Gary Neville @GNev2
    You're better off without him. He's a grain of sand on a beach to your club.
  • edited January 2017
    sweepy23 said:
    What tosh. (My opinion, obviously)

    Not only are there factual errors, he doesn't know the difference between disenfranchised and disenchanted. Plus, he invests significance in the things that aren't significant. Plus he says the new stadium was meant to catapult us to the next level but it hasn't so no wonder Dimi's fed up. Erm, Mr Bonn, anybody who thinks it would catapult us to he next level by January is deluded. ;doh

    He's trying to justify the unjustifiable. And blaming the victim.
  • Mrs G. The owners and Mrs Brady have always said it would allow us to compete and that they wanted CL football within a few years. They insinuated all along that the stadium would catapult us forward.

    Even if you wouldn't have thought we would have progressed so quickly by Jan, no one thought we'd go so badly backwards.
  • Baz according to all the reports that's what happened. He came back from the Euros he asked to go but also his agent wanted an extra £40k per week for him which was refused but he was given £1M as a loyalty bonus.
    If the problem was his family why didn't he just say that he was sorry but he really needs to be back in France or it is going to result in a family breakup and his kids would suffer.
    He has done this before so it couldn't have been family reasons the first time around and it poses the question of why no really big club has ever been interested in him.
  • I think there is some truth to the family element, especially as he spent the summer in his home country. He must have realised what he was missing.

    The proof will be in the pudding, though. He has to go to either PSG or Marseilles. Any other club and it just looks like a lie. Lets be honest, he could do so much better than the French league.
  • edited January 2017
    sweepy ;ok On the way forward. They didn't insinuate it either, they explicitly stated it as their ambition (or aim).

    I don't yet share the view that we have gone 'so badly backwards'. I judge that sort of thing over a period of at least a season.

    thorn ;ok
  • Mrs G, a quick minute of searching and:




    I agree with you on the judging over the season. I just think the negative PR, the poor start at the OS, the league position, money wasted on transfers, other clubs attracting better players than us etc has made us go backwards. Wherever we finish, I believe the next 4 months will be an upward struggle.

    I hope your optimism/belief is correct and I am badly wrong.
  • Mrs Grey - Kyle Bonn left high school in 2007 and graduated from Syracuse University, NY in 2011 with a degree in Broadcast Journalism so that makes him around 27 years old. After leaving university he worked on various American sports shows, mostly baseball but became a soccer correspondent for NBC in 2013.

    Give him a chance, he's new to this......
  • Lukerz - Le Tissier could have done so much better than the Saints circa 1986-2002 and Brooking could have done better than us, not everyone is motivated by the same things.
  • That's were Payet was last weekend, the ceremonial kick off.
  • edited January 2017
    I don't discount the fact that there may be 'mitigating circumstances' and reasons for him wanting to go back to France.

    But, for me at least, there is no excuse at all for refusing to play.

  • I discount mitigating circumstances until they are proven to be more than 'Some bloke on Twitter or KUMB reckons...' ;ok
  • Well yeah there is that... ;ok
  • Well there is a reason he wants out, and we'll probably never know why for certain.
  • I'll wait for Payet's agent to come out with a their full side of the story. Bilic has come out and said what has happened from West Ham's side.
    Anything over than an "official" response from Payet it worthless rumour (imo)
  • Suzanne ;ok
    The way he has handled it whatever the circumstances are is what is causing the anger among us...
    I have a live show on here at moment called kick off, the pundits are always Leroy Rosenoir & Don Hutchinson, they both agree his attitude is " disgraceful " but disagree what to do with him and the situation , Don says get rid ( he reckons a valuation of 25 mill pounds ) & Leroy says he must not
    Be sold now....not even 2 ex hammers can agree what to do with him but both agreed about his disgraceful way of going about it..
  • There's always two sides to a story and we do need to hear his side but as Luke says, we might never know.
  • edited January 2017
    Prior to the Man City FA cup match, Payet and Bilic agreed that the player would take no part in it. I don't know the reason, the player might have had a knock or something. Payet was named as a sub, though, but he was assured that he'd remain on the bench.

    At 4-0 down, Bilic all of a sudden orders Payet to sub Carroll raising a few eyebrows. Even the pundits on BT sport said that the logic behind that substitution was to show the player who was the boss. So now we understand a little better why the player doesn't want to play for Bilic any longer. #trustworthymanager
  • Since when does any player get to say if he's in the team or not?
  • Since the start of the era of humane managers.
  • edited January 2017

    Prior to the Man City FA cup match, Payet and Bilic agreed that the player would take no part in it. I don't know the reason, the player might have had a knock or something. Payet was named as a sub, though, but he was assured that he'd remain on the bench.

    At 4-0 down, Bilic all of a sudden orders Payet to sub Carroll raising a few eyebrows. Even the pundits on BT sport said that the logic behind that substitution was to show the player who was the boss. So now we understand a little better why the player doesn't want to play for Bilic any longer. #trustworthymanager

    And if Bilic did that intentionally he was spot on to do so. ;ok
  • Prior to the Man City FA cup match, Payet and Bilic agreed that the player would take no part in it. I don't know the reason, the player might have had a knock or something. Payet was named as a sub, though, but he was assured that he'd remain on the bench.

    At 4-0 down, Bilic all of a sudden orders Payet to sub Carroll raising a few eyebrows. Even the pundits on BT sport said that the logic behind that substitution was to show the player who was the boss. So now we understand a little better why the player doesn't want to play for Bilic any longer. #trustworthymanager

    Where are you getting this from?
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