Dimi Payet; the Epilogue



  • Always two sides to a story

    Was promised a move in the summer but the owners would've taken a serious amount of flack for that and what with all the other negative press around right now they wouldn't want that happening.

    I'm wondering if they knew what Slav was going to say?
  • Don't see why it should be Dimis choice where he ends up playing....

    Because William Wilberforce abolished the slave trade in 1807 and we're not allowed to sell people any more
    Yeah, but slaves didn't get 100 grand a week.
  • edited January 2017
    'I'm wondering if they knew what Slav was going to say?'

    Their current silence is deafening
  • I can't believe for a minute that the two Dave's didn't know that Bilic was going to say what he did, it wasn't new to them as it has been known internally for a while now.

    I do honestly believe Bilic meant what he said in the press conference, I doubt there are any actors, let alone managers could display that much emotion while talking about something like that.
  • Slaven there is no excuse for his outburst IMO
    If his wife is homesick and his
    Kids wish for him to be with them
    all the time he should have just had a heart to heart conversation with the board/ Slav ...he didn't he now on strike and as Ian Wright just said on a live show it's disgraceful how he has acted.....
  • He's got history so I doubt it has anything to do with his family.
  • Send him out on loan to Notts county for the rest of the season

    Nobby will sort him
  • I really don't believe the board had anything to do with Slav's comments, though I expect they knew he was going to make them. I don't think he would've gone along with any of the suggested plots to make it easier for them to sell.
  • Always two sides to a story

    Was promised a move in the summer but the owners would've taken a serious amount of flack for that and what with all the other negative press around right now they wouldn't want that happening.

    I'm wondering if they knew what Slav was going to say?

    Its January we haven't got to the summer yet my understanding was they had a gentleman's agreement he could get a move this summer coming .

  • I'm under the impression that he is currently in France. ;hmm
  • http://www.claretandhugh.info/the-other-side-of-the-payet-story/

    If this is part of the reason he "desperately" wants to leave, then so be it, but he has a lot of previous when trying to generate a move away from other clubs so it is not surprising he demanding another one now.
  • Don't buy into this. There's a big difference between saying "I really need to be back in France because my kids are there" and "I want to go back to France and I don't want to play for West Ham again".
    I'd believe Skav's account over some ex club DJ.
  • If all we believe about the situation is true then it is a real shame for him as well. In my view there is such a currency in behaving correctly and doing the right thing, whether it be employment, relationships or anything else, when we part having done the right thing our memories are bright and something to recall with a great fondness, when however people behave like this I am sure it must effect what they are left with long after they get what they are immediately want.

    Dimi was so loved by us and must have so many good memories, each and everyone of these will be tarnished if he leaves in this way and I don't think that's worth the immediate gratification of getting your way. Footballers can be divided in two with regard this as we all know some ex players who can always go back and get a warm response and those who will get abuse. I will say many football fans are a little harsh and do condemn anyone who leaves, but most have a sense of reasonable behaviour and what should be expected.

    Many footballers are a fickle bunch, I think Arsenal have the same issue with Sanchez who has upped his worth and now wants away (if reports are to be believed) despite being treated very well and being under contract.

    For me Dimi should be allowed to leave only for a fee of 35m as for me that is the sum we could reasonably expect to spend to replace him.
  • edited January 2017
    Clarets side is totally made up lol, worst made up excuse I can think of. I reckon his "Back injury" is so he can still keep getting paid as others have suggested without having to do training or anything. Hope the Medical staff say there is nothing wrong so we can just start docking wages.
  • lol

    'The other side I have been told is...'

    By whom? When?

  • He's got history so I doubt it has anything to do with his family.

    Well his wife and kids are in france and have been for a while so I'm fairly certain it's played a part.

    We were selling him in the summer anyway all this has done is bring it forward.

    He's handled it poorly, Slav feels let down that's no good but we get 30-40m and we all move on

  • We were selling him in the summer anyway all this has done is bring it forward.

    You've made this assertion a couple of times now.

    It is rumour? Your opinion? What?
  • Slaven Bilic gave Dimitri Payet one last chance to change his mind about refusing to play for West Ham before going public.

    Writing in his Evening Standard column, Bilic said: “This situation with Dimitri has been developing for a little while now. Two days ago, he and I had a meeting. I won’t disclose what was said, but I was left in no doubt as to his intentions.

    “Yesterday, just before the normal pre-match press conference, I asked Dimitri one more time: ‘Are you standing by what you said a couple of days ago or have you thought more about it?’

    “He replied that he was standing by his decision, so that was that. The right thing to do then was to tell the supporters and the players what was happening and I informed the squad later that morning, before we began training.”

    From sky sports transfer centre
  • Slaven r u French Canadian ;hmm
  • thewesthamway.co.uk/2017/01/13/exwhuemployee-exclusive-column-payet-story/

    This is from an 'ITK', Ex. The bit about Kouyate pulling Payet to one side to tell him he's affecting the team is very interesting if true.
  • edited January 2017
    Adam, I think you've misread it. ;hmm

    I think it refers to drop in value of the pound against the Euro, and Dimi asking for compensatory payments to preserve the value of his wages. (And Kouyate telling him it - ie the fall in the £, not his moaning - affected many of the squad.
  • His wife and children have apparently never settled in Loughton and according to a number of people they have not been seen around the Loughton area for over a month now and have indeed moved back to France.
    Well, that explains everything.


    Say no more!
  • I read it as he wasn't stopping the demands for a pay rise (when no one else was demanding a rise), which was affecting the team (i.e. causing tension)
  • edited January 2017
    Adam. It's rather unclear.

    (The whole thing's not very well written, really. And a lot of it comes across as tosh imo. Count the times he says 'allegedly', 'apparently', 'rumours', 'according to a number of people', 'I can't confirm this', 'I cannot say for certain it's true', 'perhaps' .... doesn't really inspire confidence that he's really in the know. Not to me, anyway - he might know a tidbit of information, and the rest is padded out with rumours, gossip and speculation.
  • Hence my referral to him as an 'ITK', rather than an ITK ;wink
  • adam ;lol
  • Can I just ridicule that outfit?! ;nonono
  • That's a given Mrs G
  • Slaven r u French Canadian ;hmm

    That actually made me ;lol

    And deserves a button press
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