Dimi Payet; the Epilogue



  • Costa and Conte have had a bust up. Straight swap for Payet?
  • McHammer said:

    Costa and Conte have had a bust up. Straight swap for Payet?

    Payet doesn't want to stay in the UK that's the major problem
  • MrsGrey said:

    We were selling him in the summer anyway all this has done is bring it forward.

    You've made this assertion a couple of times now.

    It is rumour? Your opinion? What?
    Just what I heard that's all

  • I see Costa has missed training at Chelsea having been unsettled by interest from China.

    Payet MkII in the offing ;hmm
  • MrsGrey said:

    We were selling him in the summer anyway all this has done is bring it forward.

    You've made this assertion a couple of times now.

    It is rumour? Your opinion? What?
    Just what I heard that's all

    So, a rumour, then. ;ok
  • As I said, just what I heard

  • Costa problem means they probably won't be letting bats go anywhere soon
  • So can we please go and sign Hogan
  • Conte doesnt fancy Batshuyai. Perhaps the Costa thing was Contes reason for trying to buy Llorente?

    Just realized what thread I'm on... Can I request that members are allowed a 24 hour swearing amnesty on the Payet thread? ;wink Awww go on? Go on? Go on? (apply Irish female accent)
  • I see Costa has missed training at Chelsea having been unsettled by interest from China.

    Payet MkII in the offing ;hmm

    As the lyrics go "Money talks, Dirty Cash I need you".

  • Slizzy

    Well, I suspect that it is what your read, rather than heard, and if you aren't prepared to share your source, and have that evaluated, then don't be surprised if your comments are dismissed as 'rumour' and blue cheese.

    And it is a bit disingenuous to cite your unsubstantiated rumour as though it were a given and accepted fact, and then make a point based on it.
  • Unverified and unverifiable? ;wink
  • Believe it or don't believe. Slizzy said he heard it somewhere. Shouldn't have to give a detailed explanation!
  • Who do you think Slizzy's source was?

  • The sooner he goes the better. For money reasons and for morale
  • edited January 2017

    Believe it or don't believe.

    Obviously - that's why I want to know where it came from, so I can make a decision!

    Slizzy said he heard it somewhere. Shouldn't have to give a detailed explanation!

    Izzy doesn't HAVE TO do anything. He doesn't have to reply, if asked.

    But imo it shows respect to other site members if you make clear how reliable or not the info is - we are all forming our opinions and discussing the issues based on what info is out there. If someone is posting info that's just made up, it's wasting all our time.

    Garbage in, garbage out.

    Posting stuff you know is made up is wumming, which is against site rules. I'm not suggesting that's what Izzy is doing, at all, but equally, I don't think everything he posts is carven on tablets of stone in the Lord's own handwriting. ;biggrin

    Allow users to use their critical faculties and their own judgement.
  • Who do you think Slizzy's source was?


    Big Oli ;ok
  • edited January 2017
    twist ;biggrin

    You were ;ok -ing while I was editing my post

    You might want to read back and see if you still think it's ;ok

  • At least Payet has been quite rubbish this year.....

    If Costa leaves Chelsea they will likely not win the league
  • Twist

    Anyone is free to post what they 'heard'.

    Personally, I think it's courtesy to say where it was heard.

    My issue in this instance is when an 'I heard', unsourced and unverified rumour is subsequently used as though it is a known fact.
  • Slizzy

    Well, I suspect that it is what your read, rather than heard, and if you aren't prepared to share your source, and have that evaluated, then don't be surprised if your comments are dismissed as 'rumour' and blue cheese.

    And it is a bit disingenuous to cite your unsubstantiated rumour as though it were a given and accepted fact, and then make a point based on it.

    I wasn't surprised at anything and didn't question what was being asked I just replied.

    Why get so snotty?

    If you don't want to believe it then that's fine, no problem at all.
  • The sooner he goes the better. For money reasons and for morale

    100% agree with this.
  • Since the Bosman ruling, contracts are constructed a different way. Payer agrees to play for West Ham and nobody else, for a fixed period. If Payet wishes to break the contract, he has to pay a sum stipulated in the release clause. Marseilles have told West Ham that they are willing to pay this for him, and West Ham can choose to allow them or not. They cannot force Payet to accept 50 million from a Chinese club. Payet absolutely gets a say in where he plays next.
  • I don't think I was being snotty.

    You said:
    We were selling him in the summer anyway all this has done is bring it forward

    That suggests it is a given fact.

    Subsequently, you said it was 'what you heard', without choosing to identify the source.

    For me, confusing rumour and fact is unhelpful.
  • sweepy23 said:
    Terrible piece. It's embarrassing that anybody could possibly be siding with Payet over the club.

    Poor, poor Payet, paid millions and millions, adored and worshipped, name sung every minute of every game. What a terrible injustice has been done to him by West Ham not spending £100 million in the summer ;lol ;doh

    Before West Ham he was called Dimitri Who? Now we've failed him? What a joke.
  • Jorderz, there not siding with him but they are pointing out what a lot of people believe. We had an opportunity to not only hold on to Payet by fulfilling the boards promises but also attract a great group of players. They didn't fulfill there promises. Maybe not because they didn't want to but sometimes in life people fail.

    Let's all remember that Bobby Moore requested to leave West Ham for Tottenham. Tottenham!!! We didn't allow it. If he had the power the players had today, he'd have been off. Even our most beloved player had his head turned.
  • Well to be fair, we did build a team around him, i do not recall him ever kicking off on his own, it just turns out that they weren't very good.


    But we still luv em

  • edited January 2017
    We've got Bilic, Slaven Bilic, I don't think Dimitri understands...
    Maybe cos he French, now he warms the bench, we've got Slaven Bilic
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