TV and Films



  • Just watched a C4 mini-series called Run that was on a few years ago but is on Netflix now. Really good drama.
  • New series - Limitless starting on Sky soon, looks like one to catch ;biggrin
  • The League is up on Netflix. Its such rubbish but I still watch it.
  • They have also re-made Point Break ;puzzled ;hmm
  • MrsGrey said:

    Blacklist S3

    Ep 8 (pre mid-season break) + Ep 9 + Ep 10 ;wahoo ;wahoo

    ;ccole It went BOOM!

    Desperate to stay up and watch more, but its 1 o'clock in the morning so I should probable go to bed.

    Doesn't start in the UK until the end of Feb ;weep
  • edited February 2016
    Twist, shall I tell you what happens?

  • Deadpool was good
  • In preparation for the new X Files, Chris Carter has selected 20 episodes of the original series as a sort of 'essential prequel'.

    Going to start on them tonight. ;biggrin
  • My local independent cinema did a screening of Labryinth as a tribute to David Bowie. I was too young to see it the first time round so talked his nibs into taking me. Was so good to see it in the cinema.

    Next week they are showing Galaxy Quest as a tribute to Alan Rickman. Why they've picked that film and not Die Hard or Truly, Madly, Deeply I don't know!

  • The Martian is excellent, but I suspect that Matt Damon is going to lose out to Leonardo DiCaprio for the Best Actor Oscar. I'd really like to see both of them win at some point, but Matt Damon did win Best Screenplay for Good Will Hunting.
  • edited February 2016

    My local independent cinema did a screening of Labryinth as a tribute to David Bowie. I was too young to see it the first time round so talked his nibs into taking me. Was so good to see it in the cinema.

    Next week they are showing Galaxy Quest as a tribute to Alan Rickman. Why they've picked that film and not Die Hard or Truly, Madly, Deeply I don't know!

    Good choice!

    I'd imagine Truly Madly Deeply would have more limited appeal, and he's not really the star of Die Hard.

    But I'm biased, as Galaxy Quest is one of my faves. ;biggrin
  • What about Robin Hood Prince of Thieves? He stole that one from Kevin Costner ;biggrin
  • edited February 2016

    He stole that one from Kevin Costner ;biggrin

    With a spoon! ;biggrin
  • ;lol

    Because it hurts more...
  • ;lol ;lol ;lol
  • I liked him as Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility as well
  • Ooh, yes ;thumbsup
  • I liked Galaxy Quest. I liked Truly, Madly, Deeply too. I walked into Juliet Stevenson on the pavement after its screening at EIFF while she was talking to a friend. She didn't seem best pleased.
  • Just seen an advert for a new series, Legends of Shannara I think it was, probably based on the Terry Brooks novels, starts on sky in a few weeks
  • Vikings - brilliant
    Into the badlands - good
    Black sails - very good

    Agents of shield is back
    The 100 is back
    Vikings is back
    The walking dead is back
  • edited February 2016
    Just started first season of The Walking Dead. Don't know why it took me this long lol
  • Vikings - brilliant
    Into the badlands - good
    Black sails - very good

    Couldn't get into any of those.

    Watched about 3 episodes of Vikings but just didn't do anything for me.

    Into the Badlands I only watched 2 episodes. I was expecting a martial arts show, not a wire-driven dance show. The choreography and fight scenes are truly awful. Sorry yeold.

    Black Sails I have watched the first season and it was ok, watchable. I've heard the second season is better but I've not got round to it yet.

    The 100 improved massively in season 2 and I'm really enjoying that.
    Walking Dead is inconsistent in terms of quality but always entertaining.

    Recent/current shows I would recommend:
    The Leftovers, Banshee, Jessica Jones, Peaky Blinders, Sense8, Ray Donovan.

  • Jessica Jones and Peaky Blinders are brilliant. I think Jessica Jones sets a new standard for superhero TV programmes.

    I quite like Vikings though.

    Better Call Saul is back on Netflix now.
  • All the Madcaps are huge Walking Dead fans, and as soon as I got in from work yesterday evening, I was informed that tonight was THE NIGHT. My daughter, resplendent in her "If Daryl Dies...................We Riot" T-Shirt had the evening planned with light refreshments and homemade (daughter) flapjacks laid on for the build up and main event. I.E Season Six Episode Nine. (My daughter in particular hasn`t slept properly for three months). At 6.30 pm on the dot we started watching from episode six, to re-aquaint ourselves with the shock, horror and general storyline so that at nine (or soon after) we would be primed and ready for THE MAIN EVENT. Well all I can say is...........................

    I think there must be something wrong with our telly................... ;weep
  • My Son tells me I must start watching Fargo so going to start tonight ;ok
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