TV and Films



  • So, Breaking Bad, does it get better after a slow start? Have seen first 4 episodes and it really hasn't grabbed me, not feeling the love for it so far. Seems to be popular on here, but does it take a while to get going?
  • Given their are 62 episodes, I'd suggest judging it after 4 is premature.

    Season 1 is certainly the slowest. Like any long running show, you have to be patient at times.
  • Buffy.....I had to watch the first episode of Housr of Cards at least 3 times......until I finally got it....never looked back....just finished the latest lot.

    Don't give up on Breaking Bad, I'd be surprised if you didn't like it.

  • So, Breaking Bad, does it get better after a slow start? Have seen first 4 episodes and it really hasn't grabbed me, not feeling the love for it so far. Seems to be popular on here, but does it take a while to get going?

    A brilliant series, probably the best I've ever seen. Stick with it. Season 3 + 4 are my favourite. It gets so good! ;ok
  • Buffy, it has some great moments but it is slow until the last season - the only one I really enjoyed. The pace varies and its more about all these building tensions than the drama, I think. Perhaps put aside expectations, what ruined it for me at the beginning was how much people had hyped it, claiming it was better than The Wire etc. so I was expecting something different.
  • I might go back to Breaking Bad then, I really struggled with it. But if its worth persevering....
  • edited March 2016
    So much to watch, so little time....

    I don't persevere with things any more. They get a couple or 3 hours, if they can't hook me in that time I move on to something that will give me enjoyment ;wave

  • Breaking Bad is definitely worth sticking with it gets better with each series Bryan Cranston is very good in it
  • Buffy, I gave up originally on Breaking Bad as I hated the pilot when it first aired but went back to it after hearing the hype. I finished it and I enjoyed it, it's very well acted and the arc of the lead is brilliant. The artistic style and nuances are up there with the best.

    However, I don't think it's as amazing as many say it is, personally. It's not the best thing on tv. The supporting characters are mostly quite weak. The side stories are few and far between and there are a lot of slow episodes. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it and when it has a great episode it is a truly incredible show. But it isn't as consistent or as grand as the populace says it is. It's a good all round show, but it's not going to dazzle you with action or dialogue on a regular basis, just sporadically.
  • All of you get amazon prime and watch Black Sails + Vikings. Or get the free trial and watch it.
  • Spot-on Eski ;ok Most of the characters really irritated me.
  • Thanks for all the feedback folks. I'm giving it a bit longer as most of you seem to think it's worth sticking with.
  • Currently enjoying vikings. Black sails however I found quite dull and gave up watching ;ok
  • edited March 2016
  • I like Elementary too.
  • Line of Duty on BBC very good
  • Apologies if already mentioned but if you liked "Breaking Bad" have a look at the spin off-"Better Call Saul" currently on series 2.
    Love that crazy family on "Alaskan Bush People" too!
  • Last man on earth is an easy enjoyable watch
  • I wouldn't watch that if I was the ... ;biggrin
  • Star Wars spin-off for December
  • is it a film or Tv series??. Either way I am watching it...
  • Do you need to have seen the new Star Wars movie first?

    (I haven't ...)
  • Ok research done its the first film of three.. Why is everything in 3s nowdays.

    Mrs grey don't think it matters as long as you know the guys in white are the bad guys...
  • edited April 2016
    Vorse, from what I've read it's a film coming out in December and will alternate with the ordinary trilogy. So this is for 2016, then the main Star Wars for 2017 and Han Solo film for 2018.

    The comments are so nerdy. There's an argument about whether you can hear Darth Vader's breath at one point ;lol

    MrsGrey, no I don't think so. It's set before the original Star Wars film.
  • It's set between Episodes 3 and 4.
  • edited April 2016
    Its about stealing the plans for the death star , trailer looks good . Star Wars was the first ever film I saw at the cinema when I was 5
  • I love it already...

  • Why dont they use the force on each others lightsabers to turn them off ;hmm
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