TV and Films



  • They are Force proof... ;ok
  • You can't take over someone else's lightsaber with the force! That would be sooooo rude.
  • Also, it would destabilise the dilythium crystals in the flux capacitor, and then the warp drive could explode.

    i think I've got that right ;hmm
  • edited April 2016
    Reminds me of the abridged version of Lord of the Rings.

    "Gwahir, could you drop this ring in the fires of Mt Doom?", Gandalf asked.

    "Easily; shouldn't take more than a couple of hours." Gwahir replied.
  • Anyone watch the OJ Simpson series on the BBC? Thought it was very good
  • Elementary ;bowdown
  • Watching and enjoying Fargo at the moment
  • Fargo ;bowdown
  • I don't know when it goes on general release but look out for "Hunt For The Wilderpeople", which won the Audience Prize at this year's EIFF. A comedy/drama about a manhunt for a runaway and his foster uncle in New Zealand and the most enjoyable film I've seen this year by far.
  • So, Jamie Vardy - The Movie really is being made.

    I honestly can't imagine who the expected audience is, outside of Leicester.
  • #arthouse
  • So, Jamie Vardy - The Movie really is being made.

    I honestly can't imagine who the expected audience is, outside of Leicester.

    Surely it must already be a contender for a multiple award winner at The Razzies.

  • So, Jamie Vardy - The Movie really is being made.

    I honestly can't imagine who the expected audience is, outside of Leicester.

    I will wait until the book comes out. And then wait a bit longer until waitrose have it 3 for a fiver.

  • Why would you want 3 copies? ;puzzled
  • MrsGrey said:

    Why would you want 3 copies? ;puzzled

    Why would you want one copy?

  • I would imagine it will be a very thin book. Chapters 1-23 not much happened. Chapter 24 won the premier with Leicester.
  • .

    I would imagine it will be a very thin book. Chapters 1-23 not much happened. Chapter 24 won the premier with Leicester.

    So not so much a book as a pamphlet?
  • Chapters 1-23 not much happened. Chapter 24 won the premier with Leicester.

    Post-it Note?
  • Anyone watching Outcast ?
  • No what's he been upto? Has he posted lately..
  • I gave up watching too many nettles and thorns in his garden ;lol
  • edited July 2016
    Romaine28 said:

    No what's he been upto? Has he posted lately..

    I think his last post was about making a bomb in his mum's kitchen.

    So maybe somebody really is watching him now ;sofa

    (Note to MI5 and MI6 ;whome )
  • Why would anyone watch the movie.

    We all know what happens.
  • But I've watched Gladiator 3 times ;weep
  • Millions of people watched Titanic and everybody knew how that was going to end.
  • Yeah yeah yeah

    You lot and your pesky facts.
  • Why would anyone watch the movie.

    We all know what don't care what happens.

    That should fix it. ;ok
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