TV and Films



  • edited December 2015
    ;lol ;lol

    Showing your age there.

    As am I ;doh
  • edited December 2015
    outcast, I saw the very 1st one when it came out.

    I went to the Saturday morning cinema with my best friend. Her dad dropped us off, and my dad came to pick us up.

    At the end of the film, I walked out to the car park, asked my dad if he would give me the money for another ticket, and walked straight back in and watched it again!

  • edited December 2015
    I meant has anyone seen the new film ;lol

    I saw some of the originals in the cinema at some point in '90s, but I have no idea why there were on in the cinema. At the time, I thought they were new releases ;lol I watched them all again as I haven't seen them for so long.
  • edited December 2015
    ;doh ;lol

    Maybe they were being shown as prequels for the release of the 1st prequel ....

    if you know what I mean ;puzzled
  • Never got Star Wars ;puzzled
  • I love it.

    Can't wait to see the new one.
  • edited December 2015
    Luke - you mean, you don't feel the force? ;puzzled ;nonono
  • ;weep

    But then there is no story.
  • Swept away by the mythology, he isn't.
  • edited December 2015

    Luke - you mean, you don't feel the force? ;puzzled ;nonono

    The force was great to start with, but I found it overhyped. ;wink
  • I can't imagine this forum without you '64 ;lol
  • Lukerz, is your 'not getting' based on those (imo) rubbish 3 prequels, or on the original 3 films (Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi)

    imo, the first 3 released were FAB Virgil. ;wahoo ;wahoo

    The other 3 made in the 90s/2000s were just a bit feeble/meh.
  • Saw the new Star Wars on Friday with son of - he felt the force and now wants to see the other so is getting a box set for Christmas. Will keep quite about a few things in it, but thought it was great as they managed to make it relevant to the one it follows keeping with the story and not hanging too much on previous films - although saying that there were a few familiar things that had been reworked.
  • Unfortunately, idiots on the internet have been posting spoilers in comment sections of unrelated articles. So I know a certain thing that happens, I think.
  • No spoilers in here.

    You want to discuss it.

    Use a PM.
  • Wait, you mean you haven't heard...

  • Had a "lovely" student on Friday decide to spoil it for the rest of the class, as he has been to see the late night opening.

    I told everyone else in the class not to listen to him/not to believe him, and if he wanted to be such a selfish, spoilt brat then I had the power to write him an office referral for disrupting the learning environment and the final exam, and did he really want to go there?

    That shut him up pretty quickly! ;lol
  • I am going tonight to see it can;t wait ,avoiding spoilers is driving me mad ;wahoo
  • Star wars was brilliant
  • Well i thoroughly enjoyed star wars well worth going to see, good characters , funny in parts, sad in others and good action.
  • I went to see Stars Wars last night, and likewise, really enjoyed it. It definitely had more of a feel of the original 3 films than the subsequentially made triology (can't really call them prequels as they're episodes 1,2 and 3, but hopefully you know what I mean), but that can only be a good thing imo.
  • Apparently Lord Vader wanted bfs gone it seems and tried to get Luke to join him, but the revolution stopped when he left and went to Sunderland, at least that's what I remember. ;hmm
  • We saw the new Star Wars film today.

    I have no words.
  • It was really good.
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