England in India



  • Bashir gets Jaiswal who plays on, a couple of balls after Sarfaraz edged one that went quickly past Root at slip. Bashir has 4, India are 161-5.
  • England do need to get better at reviews, we've burned 2 already today, neither of which were particularly close.
  • Excellent catch from Root to claim Sarfaraz to give Hartley his first wicket 171-6.
  • Root takes Sarfaraz this time, off of Hartley. India 171-6.
  • Ashwin gives Hartley his second wicket, LBW, 177-7. Ball keeping low again.
  • Another one that was given onfield and needed to be, another umpire's call.
  • India 219-7 at close of play.
  • Important session, not that they all aren't atm. England lead by 134 runs; if they take the 3 remaining wickets cheaply they could have a significant first innings lead. Conversely, if India bat throughout the session, they won't be too far off parity.
  • edited February 25
    Anderson strikes and breaks a frustrating 76 run partnership, Kuldeep goes for 28. India are 253-8, trailing by exactly 100.
  • Robinson puts down a chance off Bashir 😭😭😭
  • Bashir gets 5. Another umpire's call though, this innings could easily have gone completely differently, we've had the rub of the green I think. India 293-9, they trail by 60.
  • Hartley takes the final wicket, India all out for 307, trailing by just 46. A largely frustrating morning for England, although, I suspect, if they were offered a 46 run first innings lead on the first morning they would have been fairly happy, especially with India batting last.

    Yet another important session after lunch; if England start well the pressure will really mount on India.
  • Duckett goes for just 15, 19-1.
  • And Pope gets given LBW first ball. A pair for Pope, he's faced 3 balls in total in this match. 19-2.
  • Root goes for just 11, England 65-3.
  • Crawley goes for 60, England 110-4, a lead of 156.
  • Stokes saved by not being given on-field, the ball clips a healthy amount of stump on India's DRS review, but it's still umpire's call, so he survives.
  • Stokes gone, seemed to have got another one that kept low, missed the bat, struck the pad but wasn't gonna be LBW I don't think, but it rolled back onto his stumps. He's gone for just 4, and England are 120-5, only 8 runs better than when Stokes was out in the first innings.
  • Again Stokes fell just before the end of a session, England reach tea without adding any more runs, 120-5, 166 runs ahead.
  • Bairstow goes just after tea, 120-6.
  • Hartley gone for just 7, England 133-7.
  • Robinson given LBW next ball, but he's gloved it. He survives on review.
  • 2 balls later he's been given LBW again, this time the review can't save him even though it is umpire's call. 133-8, just 179 ahead.
  • Foakes given LBW but he's just edged it and survives.
  • Foakes gone now, with the lead just 191. England 145-9.
  • Nothing further added, England capitulate to 145 all out, setting India just 192 to win the match and series.
  • If India bat at the rate we batted at the end we could still force a draw. There may only be 180 overs in the two days.
  • If India bat at the rate we batted at the end we could still force a draw. There may only be 180 overs in the two days.

    Obviously that was just Foakes trying to farm the strike, I think hoping for a draw is clutching at straws. We need a couple of wickets before the close to have any chance of sleeping soundly tonight.

  • We lost the last 7 wickets for 35 runs; even if we'd have managed 35 more runs (still a very poor return) things would look a bit brighter.
  • India finish on 40 without loss off just 8 overs. A very poor day all round that leaves us with a mountain to climb.
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