Couldn’t think…. The next part



  • buffy, I agree if it was for this season but in future ones we will have had a mass influx of new players so our bench will be a lot stronger than it is at the moment. Posted this today in case people think it's an April Fools joke tomorrow. =)

    It's always going to be a big advantage to the really big clubs, just no reason for it imo.
  • I think there could have been some American input in this. They favour mid half refreshment breaks (more advertising revenue) and I suspect a move to separate defense and offense teams, so it would become more like their version of ‘football’. Perhaps the five subs could go on and off at corners say, to have the appropriate players for the situation. It certainly wouldn’t benefit the less wealthy clubs,
  • 5 subs but only allowed to be subbed at 3 points in the match + half time.
  • But further down the line…
  • I think there could have been some American input in this. They favour mid half refreshment breaks (more advertising revenue) and I suspect a move to separate defense and offense teams, so it would become more like their version of ‘football’. Perhaps the five subs could go on and off at corners say, to have the appropriate players for the situation. It certainly wouldn’t benefit the less wealthy clubs,

    Like bringing a specialist sub on who’s only input to the game is to take a penalty! 🤦‍♂️
    IMO, this ‘Americanisation’ is destroying the game as we know it. I’m all for progress, but………
  • I think there could have been some American input in this. They favour mid half refreshment breaks (more advertising revenue) and I suspect a move to separate defense and offense teams, so it would become more like their version of ‘football’. Perhaps the five subs could go on and off at corners say, to have the appropriate players for the situation. It certainly wouldn’t benefit the less wealthy clubs,

    Like bringing a specialist sub on who’s only input to the game is to take a penalty! 🤦‍♂️
    IMO, this ‘Americanisation’ is destroying the game as we know it. I’m all for progress, but………
    The Premier League is simply doing what Serie A, Bundesliga, La Liga and other European leagues have been doing since 2020. Nine subs on the bench, total five subs allowed.

    No "Americanisation", no specialist teams, no need to get your knickers in a twist.
  • I think there could have been some American input in this. They favour mid half refreshment breaks (more advertising revenue) and I suspect a move to separate defense and offense teams, so it would become more like their version of ‘football’. Perhaps the five subs could go on and off at corners say, to have the appropriate players for the situation. It certainly wouldn’t benefit the less wealthy clubs,

    Like bringing a specialist sub on who’s only input to the game is to take a penalty! 🤦‍♂️
    IMO, this ‘Americanisation’ is destroying the game as we know it. I’m all for progress, but………
    The Premier League is simply doing what Serie A, Bundesliga, La Liga and other European leagues have been doing since 2020. Nine subs on the bench, total five subs allowed.

    No "Americanisation", no specialist teams, no need to get your knickers in a twist.
    Not upset at all - just commenting on earlier post that seemed to suggest it would be a good thing.
  • Weren’t the 5 subs introduced for Covid though? I don’t see the point of now introducing them when we don’t even have isolations or testing in this country any more, so squad size is less likely to be affected.
  • Weren’t the 5 subs introduced for Covid though? I don’t see the point of now introducing them when we don’t even have isolations or testing in this country any more, so squad size is less likely to be affected.

    Yes, originally adopted after football resumed following lockdown. La Liga and Ligue 1 decided to stick with five subs 2020-21, Serie A and Bundesliga switched to five subs 2021-22

    All the Premier League are doing is doing what other European leagues are already doing
  • Here it's definitely the managers of the "big" clubs that have been most vocal in calling for it; many times the majority of Man City's or Liverpool's bench would be automatic starters for us, and it really grates that it's just another way for them to maintain their advantage.
  • Premier League rule changes require 13 clubs to vote in favour, on three previous occasions the proposal was rejected but it seems the fixture pile-up this season has changed the minds of some of the smaller clubs

    If France, Spain, Italy and Germany are doing it I don't see why we shouldn't
  • "Lanzini, who was being driven by a chauffeur"

    At least its good to know Alvin Martin found a job after he retired...
  • Maybe he would be better suited to driving in the fairground, on the dodgems.
  • I might be in a minority, but, although I would like to think that I'm open minded, I have an issue with transgender women competing at the top level against biological women. I'll need a lot of convincing that a body that was male for the first 18 or 20 years of its life, regardless of its current testosterone levels, isn't biologically stronger than a genetic female.

    By all means participate in sport as your chosen gender, on a recreational level, but on a competitive level I have huge concerns as to the fairness of someone who was physically competing as a male being allowed to compete as a female just because of suppressed testosterone levels over the previous 12 months; what about the previous 20 years of physical development as a man?
  • I personally do not feel qualified to comment on the topic
  • edited April 2022
    I would tend agree Buffy. I think it could have the potential to ruin women's sports. A little like Alderz I am not knowledgeable enough on the science of the matter but the question I would probably ask would be does a body which has been subject to massive levels (in comparison to a female) of testosterone during it's growth stage retain any physical benefit if the testosterone drops? I know they created off season random testing to prevent drug abuse in the run up to events but does the 12 month period negate any benefit?

    It is going to be a very difficult line to walk regard inclusion and level playing field.
  • I'm with alderz

    Where's my ten foot barge pole?
  • Personally I do not think it should happen. I will readily admit that I am not qualified to understand the true ramifications, but any sport that involves physical confrontation should not allow this at professional levels in my view.

    As most will know I take great interest in Rugby, where I played to a high standard, I already fear for the sport due to too many substitutes meaning huge players wanting to prove their value come on for the last 20 mins against tiring opponents. For ex-male players to suddenly be playing against women is crazy - even though many of the women are also now very powerful.

    For sports where there is no physical confrontation, I have no issue at all. It has been great to read about (I haven’t watched) female snooker and dart players, jockeys, drivers etc competing on equal terms with men and winning.
  • Apologies if I am not fully understanding the science of this subject & am over simplifying things but any sport which any success can be influenced by physical strength like Cycling or Swimming shouldn't allow transgender partcipants IMHO.

    Brian Moore appears to have a different angle on Womens Rugby -
  • I like Brian Moore and can see the logic behind his argument which is more ‘training matches’. But I disagree with him.
  • You could have a transgender games but the problem is, there aren't enough transgender athletes to make it viable.
  • Brian Moore is advocating cross-gender matches e.g. England Women XV v England Men U20 or U18 which has nothing do with trans-gender issues.
  • I see VAR has made an unwelcome return to the fore today. I haven't seen the incidents in question yet but have read that Leicester had a winner ruled out for a dubious foul in the build-up, and Liverpool got a penalty for something that no-one on the pitch saw or appealed for?

    I'll reserve judgement for know, but those that have seen them, what are your thoughts?
  • Nohing worng with the Leicester goal var just never wanted Man u to loose .However var got it right for the Liverpool pen and never thouht i would say that
  • It was a foul.
  • Haven't seen the disallowed Leicester goal, but the Liverpool penalty looked a fair enough decision (off to wash my mouth out).
  • edited April 2022
    I thought the Liverpool one was really odd. Both players grabbing each other & then falling to the floor. No appeals. Just made no sense for VAR to get involved for me. Ball was nowhere near the players, either.
  • The Liverpool guy was rugby tackled off the ball so fair enough. The Leicester one was borderline and very harsh but Michael Oliver on VAR was technically correct IMO.
  • The Man Utd one was a foul. Inachacho kicked Verane's leg causing leg to slide. He didn't make a meal of it and it was a foul.
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