Couldn’t think…. The next part



  • edited April 2022
    C&B tax avoidance is legally available and used by everybody not just the wealthy. Setting up offshore accounts, whilst legal, to my mind is akin more to tax evasion not avoidance. All money earned in the UK by whatever means should be taxed in the uk and this should apply to everybody.
    The daughter of a friend of mine works in Dubai and is paid tax free but still has her salary/bonuses paid into an account in a tax free haven. However she also owns 4 houses in the UK which she rents out but all the rent is paid into the same offshore account so is tax free. It’s loopholes such as this which should be closed but I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t say I’d do the same in similar circumstances.
    The difference is unlike Rashford I wouldn’t bang on to the media about tax payers money being used for this that and the other if I’m not actually paying into those tax coffers.
  • I'm not going to even check into whether he's paid enough tax or been advised to do certain things to avoid it legally etc. For me, fact is that he had the choice to speak up and make an effort to do something positive or he could've kept his mouth shut like virtually everyone else does. He used his position to promote something good to happen when others didn't bother. So I'm meh about what he pays in taxes
  • . However she also owns 4 houses in the UK which she rents out but all the rent is paid into the same offshore account so is tax free. s

    Really? She has to declare the rental income in her Self Assessment no matter what account it's paid into. Are you sure you are getting the full story?

    There's also a system to avoid double taxation so you only pay tax on the income in one country ( either where you earn it or where you are resident). So you could perhaps choose to nominate the country with the lower tax rate....

    But again, that's nothing to do with your banking arrangements? (I don't think).

  • Yep, there are two separate issues here. Rashford campaigning for a worthwhile cause which he didn’t have to do and a tax avoidance situation. The two should not be combined together as a sort of hypocrisy agenda. I wonder what the reporter did to help a worthwhile cause last year?
  • Bazshuayi said:

    I'm not going to even check into whether he's paid enough tax or been advised to do certain things to avoid it legally etc. For me, fact is that he had the choice to speak up and make an effort to do something positive or he could've kept his mouth shut like virtually everyone else does. He used his position to promote something good to happen when others didn't bother. So I'm meh about what he pays in taxes

    Bang on Baz. 👏👏
  • Partygate.

    It’s getting quite funny now, the perpetual liar has finally been exposed and what do we get?
    Tory MPs and ministers on all the media outlets virtually reading from a script about how Johnson single handedly got us all vaccinated, he’s a big mate of Zelensky and it’s not the time to change leadership whilst the war is going on oh,and obviously he’s very ,very sorry for attending parties (which he didn’t think were parties ).
    He’s got away with cheating, lying and shrugging off scandals for years but now he’s finally been exposed for the charlatan he is.

    He must go.

  • He got away with cheating lying etc before. I think he'll get away with it again. Makes me furious.
  • But he would only be replaced by another cheating, lying type so is it really worth it?
  • edited April 2022
    I was at boiling point last night with those ministers defending him and Sunak. Completely complicit in the breakdown of democracy in this country.

    Johnson broke the law. The laws he insisted WE all follow. In itself, a resignation matter.

    He lied in Parliament about breaking the law. In itself, a resignation matter.

    Him and his cronies in the cabinet and the media are claiming we're at war. Britain. Is. Not. At. War. Any Prime Minister can sign off the provision of weapons to Ukraine to help them fight off Putin.

    I wrote to my MP last night. I'm in a safe Tory seat so I'm sure it won't make a blind bit of difference, but she has previously said that she'd wait for the police investigation to be completed before making any comment, so I look forward to her response (fully expecting the usual non-answer these people give).

    If the first British Prime Minister in history to have been found to have broken the law, and the ministerial code, doesn't resign, the government in this country as we know it is dead.
  • edited April 2022
    IronHerb said:

    But he would only be replaced by another cheating, lying type so is it really worth it?


    Johnson has an inexplicable hold over large sways of people in this country. Something Sunak, Truss, Gove or any of the other cabinet ghouls don't.

    So to rid this country of Johnson is to deny those voters the 'oh, but look at his hair, isn't he funny, I'd have a pint with him' character that they seem to think he is.
  • We had a great summer in the first lockdown period. Seems it would have been ok to hold a bbq after all. Oh, I forgot, it's only ok for them .
  • Yes.

    Johnson has an inexplicable hold over large sways of people in this country. Something Sunak, Truss, Gove or any of the other cabinet ghouls don't.

    So to rid this country of Johnson is to deny those voters the 'oh, but look at his hair, isn't he funny, I'd have a pint with him' character that they seem to think he is.

    Not really

    2019 the Tories got 43.6% (13.97m)
    2017 they got 42.4% (13.64m)

    So they only got 1.2% (0.33m) more votes with Boris as leader than they did with Theresa May

    The lowest vote share the Tories ever got was 30.7% in 1997 so roughly 3 out of 10 people will vote Tory regardless of who the leader is

    The funniest thing from all this has been the Daily Mail and others saying that we can't change Prime Ministers during wartime.

    Lord Rothermere and the Daily Mail were influential in getting Asquith replaced by Lloyd George in 1916.

    And Boris wrote a book about Churchill who replaced Chamberlain in 1940

  • "The funniest thing from all this has been the Daily Mail " That was enough for me.
  • In wartime... Name me any years since 1945 that there hasn't been a set somewhere on the planet.

  • And as for “ With the war in Ukraine it’s the wrong time for a leadership contest “, Well Macron , who would argue has been at least as bigger player regarding the war, has got a full blown presidential election on his hands!
    So please don’t come out with such utter garbage.
  • Slacker said:

    And as for “ With the war in Ukraine it’s the wrong time for a leadership contest “, Well Macron , who would argue has been at least as bigger player regarding the war, has got a full blown presidential election on his hands!
    So please don’t come out with such utter garbage.

    We have a Ukrainian lady moving in with us on Saturday, and when we spoke to her she said that the perception in Ukraine is that Boris has been much more forthright and helpful to Ukrainian people than Macron, who has been seen as focusing too much on Putin. Which I think is an interesting perspective.

    FWIW, I think MPs who have broken the law should be removed from power, and in this case as one of those is the PM we should have a snap election. Some people may say it’s harsh to ban them if they have committed a minor crime, but I remember a speed awareness course instructor telling me that if he got a single point on his licence he would be banned from instructing forever, because his profession means he should be held to a higher standard.
  • I wrote to my MP last night. I'm in a safe Tory seat so I'm sure it won't make a blind bit of difference, but she has previously said that she'd wait for the police investigation to be completed before making any comment, so I look forward to her response (fully expecting the usual non-answer these people give).

    I went to write to mine earlier, but I am also in a safe Tory seat and I don’t really know what to say without ranting. What did you say in your email?
  • edited April 2022
    alderz said:

    I wrote to my MP last night. I'm in a safe Tory seat so I'm sure it won't make a blind bit of difference, but she has previously said that she'd wait for the police investigation to be completed before making any comment, so I look forward to her response (fully expecting the usual non-answer these people give).

    I went to write to mine earlier, but I am also in a safe Tory seat and I don’t really know what to say without ranting. What did you say in your email?
    Mine did turn into a bit of a rant, to be honest 😄

    Dear Mrs Drummond,

    As a Conservative MP, please can you confirm your position on the subject of the Prime Minister's FPN for breaking Covid laws and, more importantly, his demonstrable lies in Parliament. We've already seen his attack dog in the cabinet defending him on social media, and whilst I expect nothing else from Nadine Dorries, I'd be interested to know your opinion on these matters. I'd be very disappointed if you saw this as anything less than a resignation matter.

    This current Conservative government is comfortably the worst I have seen in my adult life; a cabinet full of sycophants, hopelessly out of their depth and displaying a level of arrogance towards, and contempt for, the people they're supposed to represent that I've never seen before.

    I know there are decent and honest Conservatives out there, but any that are prepared to stand by and watch Johnson destroy democracy in this country will lose my respect entirely.

    This country deserves better than Johnson and Sunak, than Dorries and Gove, than Raab and Rees-Mogg. I am one voice and one vote in a safe blue seat, so I feel like I can't do anything to change this, but hopefully this is one of many similar messages you'll receive and maybe if enough people in enough constituencies do the same, those with a shred of decency within the party will do something about it.
  • Is a covid fine different to, let's say, a speeding fine? Does it go on the criminal database as having ignored government legislative directions and having taken part in an illegal act?
  • alderz said:

    I wrote to my MP last night. I'm in a safe Tory seat so I'm sure it won't make a blind bit of difference, but she has previously said that she'd wait for the police investigation to be completed before making any comment, so I look forward to her response (fully expecting the usual non-answer these people give).

    I went to write to mine earlier, but I am also in a safe Tory seat and I don’t really know what to say without ranting. What did you say in your email?
    Mine did turn into a bit of a rant, to be honest 😄
    Yeah, that reads a lot like what I was getting when I drafted!
  • alderz said:

    FWIW, I think MPs who have broken the law should be removed from power, and in this case as one of those is the PM we should have a snap election.

    MPs and other people in public office are only disbarred from office if they are sentenced to jail for a year or more

    We have a very "forgiving" system
  • Yeah, I know the rules. I just don't think they are good enough.
  • I despair most that he has any supporters, his character is so clear for all to see he should have been rejected by all who encounter him in life.
  • Slacker Macron has been as useless as Chamberlain was. He keeps sucking up to Putin believing that he has his ear.
  • I didn't know Slackers surname was Macron =)
  • Or Macrons nickname was Slacker. 😃
  • Putin's hackers tried to wreck Macron's presidential campaign in 2017 by leaking emails just as they did with Clinton the year before.

    In 2017 Le Pen openly supported Putin, she met him in Moscow a month before the election while Macron was talking about stricter sanctions over Crimea. He met Putin a month after he was elected and apparently the meeting was...awkward.

    Over here the Tories were happy to take donations from and grant "golden visas" to Russian oligarchs
  • I was looking for a dedicated Craig Dawson thread, the kind we open whenever a player signs, and couldn't find one.

    Probably an indication of how underwhelming he was as a signing at the time.

    At £2m, surely he is one of our best signings in the last 10 years. Obviously has limitations but puts everything on the line and never goes hiding.
  • Totally agree. He may not be the most fashionable type but has rarely let us down, is an honest 100% player, gives everything and I think his long pass distribution has improved.
  • And he chips in with goals.
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