Transfer Deadline Day: It's weird because it's October



  • He doesn't play CB though 🤷‍♂️
  • Nobody said he did?

    The point being made, to me at least, was that a backup player for a Championship side should cost us as much as we got for a striker who bags 15 goals in that division
  • alderz said:

    Nobody said he did?

    The point being made, to me at least, was that a backup player for a Championship side should cost us as much as we got for a striker who bags 15 goals in that division

    He has got rather more Prem experience than Hugill though.
  • alderz said:

    Nobody said he did?

    The point being made, to me at least, was that a backup player for a Championship side should cost us as much as we got for a striker who bags 15 goals in that division

    He has got rather more Prem experience than Hugill though.
    Yeah, but his recent experience is being rubbish and getting relegated.

    And Hugill's PL experience doesn't really matter when he's been signed by a Championship club who care about his Championship experience because they play in the Championship.
  • Something feels iffy with these transfers. Something is up. I'm gonna say it. Here goes. I think they are gonna sell the club 🥳
  • several ITKs on KUMB have confirmed there are bids going in for the club. So there is definite interest, its whether Sullivan and Gold will accept a bid.

  • I do hope that they do. They must be struggling with the effect of Covid on sullis property rental income being hit, and Golds business floundering too, allegedly.

    So please let it be true and that they sell

  • I hope any buyer pays them in multiple instalments with only a very small up front payment
  • Obviously in the long-term it's what most fans want now (or at least that's what numerous social media polls suggest), but if it's true, what does that mean in the short-term? We sign no-one because Sullivan doesn't want to lose any more money? Not sure our squad can cope without any new additions.
  • It can survive until January. Hopefully enough time for any board to appoint people who know how to run a club and not try to do it themselves. Also enough time for the current owners to do that, but I think we can be confident they won't after they blamed us for wanting a competent person running the club.
  • I would rather strong rumours circulate about March/April when we're safely mid table and there's no danger and no distractions. At the moment I'd rather all concerned concentrated on what's best for the team.
  • I disagree. We need the poisonous atmosphere gone as soon as possible. We then have the rest of the season to work with the new owners.
  • I agree with you both.
  • You just want them gone don't you Outcast? 😂
  • IronHerb said:

    I disagree. We need the poisonous atmosphere gone as soon as possible. We then have the rest of the season to work with the new owners.

    I’d settle for Brady and Sullivan to start with
  • Don't get me wrong IronHerb, I want new owners. But I still think our squad is short and any wrangling that goes on would take months ( with Premier League due diligence checks etc ) and that may mean no strengthening the squad in what's left of this transfer window and the next ( to save money ). I still think we're just a couple of Injuries away from another relegation battle and I'd like to see us concentrate on stability for a few months first. ( I would though be happy whenever a new owner/consortium takes over )
  • We have been linked with Swansea centre-back Rodon, but he really struggled for Wales in the game against England.
  • Remember the last two times we changed owners and how optimistic we all were?
  • Like relationships, maybe you need to go through a few of them to find the right one.
  • edited October 2020
    Perhaps the biscuit barons may have been the answer but the financial crash put the kybosh on that.
    Seems a strange time for anyone wanting to buy a football club at the moment.
    If and when we get new owners we need ones who have billions and are prepared to spend some of them and I suspect there aren’t too many of those around. Oligarchs and sheiks seem to be the ones that fit the bill.
  • Pengeman said:

    We have been linked with Swansea centre-back Rodon, but he really struggled for Wales in the game against England.

    Some reports that we've cooled our interest in Rodon and he's likely to go to Spurs.

    So that's King and Rodon off the list. What odds Dawson is still on it 🤔
  • I’m surprised it’s not Michael Dawson at forest he’s 35 and played for the spuds past it and cheap ring any bells ?
  • Cuz1 said:

    I’m surprised it’s not Michael Dawson at forest he’s 35 and played for the spuds past it and cheap ring any bells ?

    Honestly, it's him I've pictured every time Dawson is mentioned.
  • edited October 2020
    Perhaps now is the time that football is put into perspective.
    Ignoring Bill Shankly, it's not a matter of life or death, life can go on without it if the sheer cost - players' wages, agents' ill-gotten gains and all the other financial burdens- cause it to implode.

    A reset is needed so that it can get back to the real world.
    Players being paid (I won't abuse the word "earn") £100,00 pw and most of them bang average disgusts me and being traded for a £15million here, £30 million there - it's just ridiculous. Murdoch has a lot to answer for.

    Btw, of course, I don't include us in the above =)

    Rant over.
  • Cuz1 said:

    I’m surprised it’s not Michael Dawson at forest he’s 35 and played for the spuds past it and cheap ring any bells ?

    Honestly, it's him I've pictured every time Dawson is mentioned.
    Me too and that’s the scary thing if we think that what are the board thinking ?
  • Bubbles it was touted that Bale is on £600k per week.
  • Football is a global business and it exists very much in the real world. Players get paid what the market will allow, if they can't get paid what they think they're worth at one club they will go to one that will and that club could be in another country.

    Murdoch didn't create the situation, for decades Serie A and La Liga tempted players with massive wages, the Premier League just added more competition to the market.

    If the market shrinks then the wages will shrink but despite the current economic situation wages seem to be stable.
  • Bubbles it was touted that Bale is on £600k per week.

    And I think you'll find that is net. 😳
  • Is net a lot 😂😂
  • Net is hopefully something he can't find the back of!
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