Transfer Deadline Day: It's weird because it's October



  • £600k per week demonstrates how ludicrous football has become. His yearly salary would be enough to keep over a 1000 people a year in a 30k a year job. Unfair world we live in.
  • edited October 2020

    £600k per week demonstrates how ludicrous football has become. His yearly salary would be enough to keep over a 1000 people a year in a 30k a year job. Unfair world we live in.

    At least Bale has made his money through his own talent, the majority of millionaires/billionaires inherited their wealth without doing anything other than being born to the right parents.

    Welcome to the wonderful world of Capitalism!

    Speaking of the free market Duncan Wright at The Sun reckons we're prepared to offer Rice a new £120k a week deal although no source of where that figure came from.
    At least Bale has made his money through his own talent, the majority of millionaires/billionaires inherited their wealth without doing anything other than being born to the right parents.

    I don't think the majority of the billionaires in China and India would agree, nor the likes of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, James Dyson, Jim Ratcliffe and quite a few more.
  • Well another few days left to get something done time is running out
  • Wasn't Neymars dad a semi pro that dedicated his life to making his son the best player he could be? Could say he was also born to the right parents also!

    I actually like that clubs are drawing a line in the sand for wages. A player that just got relegated scoring 10 goals (with no real achievements in the game) wants to earn more than most our squad. Thats just pure greed.

    Bale doesn't seem like its just about greed. More of a pay me what its worth to win 4 champions league etc. He has backed up the price with important goals in major finals. Fair play to his team for negotiating that - and also delivering on the pitch when it mattered. It seems a lot of money, but Real Madrid got value in the end also.
  • Does kind of feel like footballers are singled out moreso than other sport athletes

    I mean Tiger Woods was #1 on the Forbes sports rich list for almost a full decade, Federer has made the cut a few times also (i think)

    Mayweather made £200million for 30 minutes of work 1 sided thrashing of McGregor, who himself made about £100mil

    Don't baseball/basketball/America football players make a ridiculous amount of money?

    I don't agree with it, but these guys are the best in the world at what they do, and while yea all they do is kick a ball, it itself puts a incredible amount of stress and puts you immediately under the media microscope, subject to abuse from trolls and fans

    Also, let's no discredit how insanely talented these players are compared to the average Joe
  • Roberto anyone? 😗
  • I just don't see how we do not get punished for such a small squad with Covid + injuries to play a part throughout the season.
  • I can see us signing Alexandre Pato on a free transfer yknow
  • Yes there is the bbc article with some of the available freebies being showcased. Sully is probably all over that.

    Will probably end up re-signing Jack
  • Alexandre Pato - if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck and it's named duck we'll be right in the soup.

    (pato means duck) =)
  • West Ham are close to agreeing a deal to sign Brentford winger Said Benrahma.
    The clubs are in advanced talks over a deal that could potentially be worth in the region of £30m.
  • Need defenders and a back up striker 30m for Benrahma makes no sense ?
  • edited October 2020
    Who does Benrahma replace in the starting X1? If Antonio gets injured it appears that Haller is his back up but agree we should be prioritising a couple of defenders. Don't see the point of getting a few ageing centre backs but I suppose that option of a good young one went when the international window closed until January.
  • edited October 2020

    Who does Benrahma replace in the starting X1?

    Who ever gets injured first. But also we need subs. Granted £30m is a lot for a sub.
  • Yes now the diangana sale looking more justified and in case nobody noticed that really was sarcasm
  • “Too many wingers” so we had to sell a winger, but then use that money to sign a winger.
  • Two bob club. Never learn from mistakes.
  • alderz said:

    “Too many wingers” so we had to sell a winger, but then use that money to sign a winger.

    And also pay over the odds for him fantastic business sence
  • edited October 2020
    Where does it say we are paying £30M. As far as I can tell it said could potentially be worth £30M. Whatever that actually means is anybody’s guess . It could mean we pay £5M and if they buy scratch cards they may win £30 M.
  • GSB sold Diangana as we have too many wingers in the expectation we would buy a few much needed defenders. Where their cunning plan went awry is when asked to pay for a decent centre half in a way and to the expected value of the selling club they refused to do it but should we expect anything less, well they wanted to certainly pay less.
  • Then go out and pay over the odds for another winger yes got it, makes perfect sense now
  • I'd be amazed if we had £30m to spend on a winger. Sounds like newspapers talk. Let's wait and see
  • We won't get him
  • edited October 2020
    I am not convinced we are going to sign him. Can see it being a case of us putting pressure on Bournemouth to lower their price for King.

    Does highlight the transfer strategy at this club, & why the squad is so unbalanced. Sell a young winger, to fund other areas of greater priority, to then replace him with a winger when it was claimed we had too many.

    However, since then, we have altered the formation & also loaned out Anderson, so it has changed slightly.
  • 🤔

    For months West Ham fans have been commenting on social media about the relationship between Sullivan and Salthouse, and the word 'corrupt' has been thrown around.

    C&H ran a piece yesterday that mentioned that Benrahma was no longer a Salthouse client. I thought it weird at the time as it bore no relevance to the actual headline. And now suddenly we're close to signing him 🤔

    I mean, is it possible that Benrahma is still with Salthouse and we were told otherwise to stop the accusations that would inevitably come if we sign a player in a position that we were told we were well-stocked in? Did we sell Diangana so we had the money to buy Benrahma and, purely coincidentally, line the pocket of his agent (that definitely isn't Will Salthouse)?

    Maybe I've become too suspicious of the board, but given that we had 'too many' wingers and Moyes wanted a centre back as a priority, I find it odd that we're now close to spending most, if not all, of our budget on a left winger that is being funded in the most part by the sale of a left winger.
  • edited October 2020
    OCS, I'm sure that I have recently read that salthouse IS involved with the deal, merely in an advisory capacity ................. yeah right
  • OCS, I'm sure that I have recently read that salthouse IS involved with the deal, merely in an advisory capacity ................. yeah right

    Sullivan: do you have any advice, will?

  • OCS, I'm sure that I have recently read that salthouse IS involved with the deal, merely in an advisory capacity ................. yeah right

    Absolutely no doubt in my mind that he's involved. And if it does go through we'll have very little left for a centre back, maybe £4m or so, which... hang on, isn't Salthouse client Craig Dawson valued by Watford at £4m? How very fortunate.
  • Benrahma's new agent vibe

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