January transfer window 2019/20 season



  • Baracks, it's not like there's a shop where you can just go and buy a player off the shelf and we don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
  • edited January 2020
    Couldn’t care less what goes on behind the scenes or how hard people might be trying. All that matters is that we we likely see ether Martin or Roberto in goal v Everton next up.
  • Noble getting caught in possession like a fat kid in the Park was a final straw for me (has happened many times before). He needs to have a look - then put himself on the bench with Moyes. Allen would be a great instant upgrade. Rice looks like he’s ready for the armband. Much more committed and far less mistakes than anyone. Martin has been good bar thinking he was in 5 aside game (I blame Balbuena more for asking for the ball in that position). Would be great to have Allen before Everton is what I’m saying!
  • edited January 2020
    I agree with that not especially for asking for the ball as players need make themselves available but when you ask you don't then take your eyes from the ball you are asking for. How was Martin to know he wanted it to his left? Both a little to blame, Martin for not recognising Balbuena wasn't in a great position and was going to get closed down but more so Balbuana for asking for the ball in one descending position back towards the keeper and then moving to his left after asking.

    We all make mistakes but I feel Martin looked worse than he was for that one and I hope he didn't take it too badly. I don't know why but I really like Martin. He looks like a player just breaking in from the youth team regard how he holds himself rather than a player at the end of his career but I like him.

    It was likely one of those pointless moves in even had it came off it's likely that he plays it to Balbuena who gets closed on and plays it back to Martin who hoofs it upfield, something he could of done anyhow.
  • It was bizarre, especially 0-0 away from home
  • Balbuena had a similar situation against Burnley.
  • Just seen on the BBC gossip page that Erikson has just agreed a move from Spurs to Milan for 17m. This is more astonishing business from Spurs. The question is why did Erikson not wait until the summer and collect the 17m for himself as a signing on fee? and how did spurs get more for Erikson with 6 months left on his contract than we did for Payet without any contract pressure at all?

    As an aside I consider Erikson very overrated anyhow. He produces some beautiful work at times bit the end product isn't all it should be, a bit like Anderson in that respect.
  • Maybe he got whatever anyone else was offering as a signing fee anyway. He strikes me as someone that just wants to enjoy his football again, is tired of carrying Spurs.
  • Erikson will still get a hefty signing on fee. He's probably a £60m player so there's still some £40m for him to negotiate around.
  • 7 million bid in for Etheridge

    Roberto Gagliardini of Inter linked with a loan
  • The Times reports the Hammers had an unsuccessful delegation try and convince Fernandes to sign. They did not even get that far.

    The report states: “Fernandes declined to talk to representatives of the East London club who travelled to Lisbon last week.”

  • Not interested in us and languishing in the reserves after falling out with the manager. We have to dodge some bullets!

    Maybe these days its a bit of a high expectation but I want any new signing to show or even fake enthusiasm for our club!
  • I'm not overly disappointed. We need to strengthen elsewhere.
  • Sounds like he & Jose will get along just fine....
  • In other news, Chelsea slap a 45M price tag on Batshuayi ( :weep: ) to keep interested clubs at bay... They could've made a mistake with the decimal point and still had the same effect :whistle:

  • yoyo said:

    I'm not overly disappointed. We need to strengthen elsewhere.

    But will we?

    My fear, and until it’s proven otherwise, my assumption, is that the board are pinning their hopes on injured players coming back (and staying fit) to fill the obvious holes in our squad.

    It’s clear, to me at least, that we need a ‘keeper, a right back, a midfielder and a striker to strengthen our chances of avoiding relegation. I have a sneaking suspicion that the plan is to have these holes filled by Randolph, Johnson, Wilshere and Antonio.

    There have been a few murmurs about Wilshere being close to a return and that the club are ‘hopeful’ that Antonio will be back for the Everton game, but to rely on these two to stay fit and see us through the next incredibly tough eleven games is, at best, optimistic and at worst, reckless. It is also rumoured that the club are trying to ‘work around’ Randolph’s failed medical to sign him. We’ve already rushed Fabianski back because the club don’t seem to trust either of our back-ups, but the alternative to playing them seems to be to bring in a ‘keeper that is currently injured with the same problem that caused Fab to miss three months of football.

    We’re in this position because of our perennial injury problems and poor recruitment in the summer, but instead of addressing these problems directly, the board seem to be putting their faith in players that struggle to stay fit for any length of time to stay fit for the next four months.

    Hopefully I’m proven wrong and the second half of the month will see a number of players coming in in key position to give us a good chance of staying up, but given that the lack of depth in the squad was evident in August and we’re already 13 days into January with no reinforcements brought in, I do wonder whether we’ll see any significant business before 31st.
  • According to an interview with Jonathon Woodgate, the Randolph 'medical' could take a further 48 hours.

    Not sure what's going on here, but surely if there's an existing injury we simply can't afford to take the risk, particularly given it's an injury that we know is likely to re-occur if it's not 100% healed.
  • edited January 2020
    And some reports on social media are suggesting that we've bid £7m for Etheridge, even though Cardiff have previously rejected an £8m bid from Villa.
  • No club is going to sign 4 quality players in January. Never going to happen.

    Not for any club, with deep pockets or otherwise.

    Why? Well, because no club is going to sell their good players in January. So what's on offer is out-of-of favour players, troublemakers, or the perennial bench warmers.
    Occasionally a club might sell a good player to recoup some money if they could otherwise go on a free in the summer.

    I think your expectations are unrealistic, and setting the club up to fail.

  • The club have failed already by allowing us to be in this position. These weaknesses aren't new.

    They signed two back up 'keepers that aren't PL quality and are now courting an injured 'keeper to replace our already injured 'keeper.

    They sold Obiang and didn't replace him, reducing our options at CM, knowing how big an injury risk Wilshere already was.

    They allowed four strikers to leave the club and replaced only two of them.

    They're not failing because of my 'expectations'; they're failing because their financial situation and general competence is way, way short of their supposed ambition.

    All IMO, of course.
  • edited January 2020
    It didn’t help that they got put over a barrel twice when it came to selling two of our very good players.

    Payet would have been worth at least £50m ordinarily. Arnie kicked off and right at that time we could have got £40m. Rather we let him to amble through the rest of the season, kick off again and that figure is halved.

    We are not very good at selling players. I don’t think we even were under our last owners.

    We keep on throwing money (often poorly) and are not recouping enough. That’s why the pot seems to be dry. We spent £17m plus over £100k a week on Yarmo when he was approaching 30. Yet a few months earlier we only went to £12m for Maddison - what on Earth were we thinking?

    We need to start selling whilst we can get a decent price for one or two players. Sell Diop (if we can get close to £50m) and invest in decent players at a decent age - eg Sander berg and Bowen. Steer clear of players like Joe Allen - short term sticky plaster with no resale.
  • Strange to consider the calibre of players we have allowed to go - Adrian, Tomkins, Kouyate, Obiang, Hernandez. How we could do with some if not all, of these right now !
  • But they weren't universally appreciated when they were here.
  • Interesting point there IH. With the benefit of hindsight it could be argued that

    Tomkins+cheikh+obiang+Chica > balbuena+wilshere+sanchez+ajeti
  • I would have had Obiang over Noble but that's just me. :biggrin:
  • Would love to see Koyoute driving the ball out again
  • IMHO it was a big mistake to sell especially Obiang and Kouyate.

    I know Obiang wanted to leave but wasn't that just about playing opportunities.

  • Hernandez reportedly going to America for 7 million LA Galaxy I think I’ve read
  • That’s basically how much we sold him to Sevilla for.
  • I’ve read that hull city are looking to sign Samuelson

    So that should provide them cover for selling Bowen (to us)?
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