Summer 2017 Transfer Speculation



  • West Ham Twitter has gone into meltdown again. Knives are really out for Bilic.

    So much negativity around the club and we're nowhere near our heavy defeat to Man U yet.
  • edited July 2017

    Something doesn't feel right about this. If it's true, then the board have basically agreed a deal with City and Iheanacho without consulting the manager. The same manager that has said that he and the board are always talking about transfer targets.

    Not necessarily, OCS.

    It could be interpreted as Bilic was OK with it in principle... but not the final deal? Maybe once Sully negotiated the agreement acceptable to the player and City, he put it to the manager for a final approval and Bilic said no, not on those terms? Perhaps because the amount City want would mean there was less left in our budget to buy the quality of striker Bilic wanted (ie 'proven') so wasn't willing to give the ;ok to the Iheanacho deal. He didn't want to rely on that player as our 'main' new striker buy?
  • 30th August = doom and gloom + relegation fears

    31st August = Diego Costs (loan to Jan 18) = party time

  • Possibly Mrs G.

    But they'd better be confident of securing some of their other targets because we can only imagine the fall out if we have a repeat of last summer.
  • West Ham Twitter has gone into meltdown again. Knives are really out for Bilic.

    So much negativity around the club and we're nowhere near our heavy defeat to Man U yet.

    This is why I despise ITKs.

    1. Twit puts unsubstantiated information out.
    2. Said player signs for another club or Twit puts out a second unsubstantiated story saying club are no longer interested.
    3. Morons abuse the club/owners/manager for not signing player.

    And then repeat.
  • As an intelligent, sane man I had set my heart on Bats and Iheanacho coming to us ( Or at least one of them).

    As normal me... ;wahoo ;angry ;weep

    I find it difficult to believe that Bilic would veto Iheanacho

    But then again, I find it difficult to believe that Veto Vito Corleone would be able to spell Iheanacho.

    So where are we again?

    I want Iheanacho!!

    I want a sexy manager too!!

    #Bats too painful to type about ;weep

  • Either way it's one extreme to another
    Last year owners where on the TV every
    Other week or the radio this time no signings and nothing from them it beggars
    Believe how much rubbish we put up with
    Not happy players going out nothing coming in I think we have lost the plot .
  • So which was rubbish - them talking about transfers, or keeping a radio silence? ;puzzled
  • In a troubled, uncertain world where we're not sure what makes sense and whats going to happen anymore.... It's always good to know you can rely on Brookingsirons for some good, old-fashioned, consistency of pessimism ;thumbsup
  • That Hugh Southon piece is a blatant Sully 'blame the gaffer' noise.

    Following on from last Jan, where Bilic was 'happy with his squad and it was his call to go with the forwards we had'.
  • edited July 2017
    After last season I think I have a point
    Maybe another. Relegation battle is what we need again ;doh
  • I enjoy a speculative discussion about prospects as much as anyone else but in truth, the transfer window is one of those times where actions speak far louder than words.

    I for one, am happy that we are keeping fairly quiet as I see little upside in constantly talking to the press about intentions and wishes.

    Come the end of the window, if in fact we have not added meaningfully to the squad and let a number of players leave, then the lack of action will certainly lead to a plethora of words, and rightly so

    until then however........... I am going to stick to my original assertion that Giroud would be a great signing, so there ;wink
  • Jack Sullivan has perked up with a tweet in light of the news... ;doh

    Just when I thought they were all gonna stay silent.
  • He really hasn't helped the situation, has he. Blatant attention seeking and fire-fuelling, IMO
  • Iheanacho off to Leicester according to the BBC. £25m deal.
  • That Hugh Southon piece is a blatant Sully 'blame the gaffer' noise.

    Following on from last Jan, where Bilic was 'happy with his squad and it was his call to go with the forwards we had'.

  • Pin the blame on the Bilic

  • Just when I thought they were all gonna stay silent.

    They cant win, can they.
  • Pin the blame on the Bilic

    Could it be true, though?
  • Yep about right , they was never spending much money imo season tickets gone shame our supporters pay the money out
    Before these top players sign on .

    Can't wait for the day they sell up tbo .

    Get someone in with real ambitions.
  • Top supporters deserve top owners
  • The post from Jack is pathetic.
  • It can only happen at West Ham
  • I wonder if our maximum budget is £20m for striker one and £15m for striker two? ;hmm
  • I reckon it's all a smokescreen and they have someone else lined up. I don't know who though.
  • 35m ;lol for 2 strikers I can live with that
    Just do it please ;wink
  • The post from Jack is pathetic.

    What is it? For those that don't follow him on Twitter...
  • edited July 2017
    He used a popular acronym for 'fiddlesticks' and a sad face emoticon
  • edited July 2017

    Top supporters deserve top owners

    And the relevance to West Ham is? ;puzzled
  • He used a popular anachronism for 'fiddlesticks' and a sad face emoticon

    In response to what?
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