


  • edited February 2022
    RSPCA (England & Wales)
    Update on viral footage of cats
    We'd like to reassure people that we're investigating and the cats are safe and in our care. We have been dealing with this since before the clip went viral online and we need to follow the proper legal process and not discuss due to UK GDPR laws.

    Why does it say before the clip went viral?
    We’re they already aware of problems in the house of treatment of the cats or they saw it before or were one of the 1st to see it before the rest of the whole world who has internet?

  • RSPCA (England & Wales)
    Update on viral footage of cats
    We'd like to reassure people that we're investigating and the cats are safe and in our care. We have been dealing with this since before the clip went viral online and we need to follow the proper legal process and not discuss due to UK GDPR laws.

    Why does it say before the clip went viral?
    We’re they already aware of problems in the house of treatment of the cats or they saw it before or were one of the 1st to see it before the rest of the whole world who has internet?

    I saw a few reports that it may have been from his time at Chelsea
  • edited February 2022
    Luke, if that is the case then he definitely needs help….
    That concerns me very much considering the statement from him / club saying it’s an isolated incident, unless it was another family member, either way best thing that cats have been taken out that situation 😻
  • I guess before it becomes viral it's not viral so they saw it, or were aware of it, early in the cycle.
  • It just seems to get worse IMO if that was possible….
  • edited February 2022
    IronHerb said:

    I guess before it becomes viral it's not viral so they saw it, or were aware of it, early in the cycle.

    I hope this is what it means and not as Luke suggested it could be from his past as per some reports….

    Oh well, as much as I’m trying to accept what has happened I still am very angry and as I said before if I never saw him play for us again it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest ( I know this will not happen though)…
  • Slacker said:
    Why 'Oh dear'?

    Nobody said the money would be given to the RSPCA.

    Club statement: "Our team at the Foundation, who do such fantastic work across an enormous spectrum of community and charitable causes and programmes, are currently in the process of identifying the animal welfare charities we believe will benefit most from that financial donation."

    Moyes said 'I think RSPCA are going to provide us some courses' ...
    Club statement referred to 'education'.

  • Maybe this happened when he was at Chelsea. Maybe it's been online for quite a while and has just come to light this week.
  • MrsGrey said:

    Why 'Oh dear'?

    Nobody said the money would be given to the RSPCA.

    Club statement: "Our team at the Foundation, who do such fantastic work across an enormous spectrum of community and charitable causes and programmes, are currently in the process of identifying the animal welfare charities we believe will benefit most from that financial donation."

    Moyes said 'I think RSPCA are going to provide us some courses' ...
    Club statement referred to 'education'.

    Here you come again, bringing facts to the argument 🙄...

    Imagine a world without tabloid journalism. Be nice, wouldn't it.
  • Anyway I wouldn't believe much that comes from the Express, have you ever seen the "exclusive" weather reports?
  • edited February 2022
    I haven't seen the clip, just a few stills. Is there evidence that it is very recent or could it be before he joint us? It makes no difference but I just wondered when he did it or Indeed if he did it more than once ( going by the RSPCA statement)
  • Here you come again, bringing facts to the argument 🙄...

    Imagine a world without tabloid journalism. Be nice, wouldn't it.
    Imagine a world without social meedja. That would be much, much nicer.
  • Slacker said:
    That is an embarrassing article & has been produced solely to extend the lifespan of this story for another few days.
  • edited February 2022
    Lukerz said:

    That is an embarrassing article & has been produced solely to extend the lifespan of this story for another few days.
    Yeah, let's not pretend these editors care about the welfare of the cat. This is nothing but cynical click bait, IMO.
  • I'd rather they gave the fine monies to the Newham food bank than the RSPCA anyway.
  • Believe me I’m no apologist for the express or any of the other trash tabs but I understood that Moyes said that Zouma was being offered courses .
  • Has the RSPCA issued a report on the condition of the cat? What injury has it suffered, either physical or psychological? If it has suffered none or just minor, then when does this story come to an end?

  • Slacker said:

    Believe me I’m no apologist for the express or any of the other trash tabs but I understood that Moyes said that Zouma was being offered courses .

    Moyes might have pre-emptied the fine and training details. These maybe being discussed within the club but not yet with other agencies.
  • I assumed the reason for the RSPCA statement was that it might’ve been sent to them prior to being published in the media. I guess it could be old but then I don’t think they would’ve taken the cats in that case. I also think the club would’ve brought that up as it would maybe have made a difference to the sponsor problem.
  • MrsGrey said:
    A rational comment from the Guardian. An antidote to all the hysterical reactions to this story.
  • Sorry, Preston. Thanks OCS. Random extra character crept in.
  • MrsGrey said:

    Sorry, Preston. Thanks OCS. Random extra character crept in.

    That was me MrsGrey, credit where it's due. ;)
  • Sorry. Doh.
  • If we don’t pay the RSPCA immediately we are too slow, but if we pay them before they complete their investigation it’s seen as a bribe. Damned if we do, damned if we don’t!

    The media spin on this is laughable. None of them can know all the issues, A big problem in this case is that when they move on to the next big story, this whole animal welfare issue may be forgotten about, and appropriate steps not taken - and I think we all believe appropriate steps should be taken.

    The paper and electronic “rags” cannot always be avoided unfortunately. But as my mother used to say “today's newspaper is tomorrow’s fish’n’chip wrapping”

  • Whatever he or the club does, Zouma will get booed every game. Hopefully this will unite the team rather than discourage them. No insult to genuine animal rights supporters, but many of the social media comments have just been trolling. I could do the same about for example Spurs... "I 'm a Spurs supporter and I'm disgusted by the club supporting the inhuman practice of cock fighting" etc Etc.
  • IronHerb said:

    Moyes might have pre-emptied the fine and training details. These maybe being discussed within the club but not yet with other agencies.
    Pre-emptied the fine? No wonder the RSPCA are not happy, sounds like Moysie's nicked the money hahaha
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