American Election Discussion



  • Fantastic.

    It is even affecting people whose final destination isn't the US, but are transiting through US airports . So the Guardian is reporting on a UK resident, with an Iranian passport, who is trying to get home from a holiday in Costa Rica. Because she was supposed to change planes in NY, she was prevented from getting on her flight out of Costa Rica.

    So not only is it an odious policy, it hasn't even been thought through.


    ;quaver You don't know what you're doing.
  • It's so clear to see that Theresa May is desperate and everyone else knows it, she is being thrown favours and has to catch them. Trump yesterday, Turkey today, where next? She mentioned that she would not be afraid to confront Trump but it seems that was left to Laura Kuenssburg. May needs a paddle I think and isn't too worried about where it comes from or the cost.
  • vorse ;lol
  • As a Green Card holder myself, I can attest to how difficult it was get a green card and that the key word here is legal permanent resident.

    It cannot have been the intent to target green card holders who have by definition applied for residency here in the US by totally legal means and have obeyed all the appropriate rules of law.

    Surely the inevitable backlash will result in a change in policy

    Hopefully it is simply a case of unintended overreach and common sense will apply.

  • #thinkitthroughfirst
  • A message to Donald: Think before you blink!
  • I doubt he will last six months at this rate, he could be the thing that brings the populist bubble to bursting point sooner rather than later, the thing that lets people know that politics, the negotiation and management of power is a serious business requiring far more than a TV show such as the apprentice. He may alienate so many so quickly that Washington at large may reject him quickly.
  • Sadly, i think you overestimate. Something. Not saying what.
  • May's cowardly, pathetic performance is a direct result of Brexit; makes you proud to be British does it not - not ;angry
  • Sadly I think I agree, however a part of me tries to remain optimistic, but it's getting harder to imagine us moving towards a more intelligent, evolved way of seeing ourselves and the world as a collective even for the eternal optimists among us.

    Death by ignorance is no way to go however.
  • edited January 2017

    I doubt he will last six months at this rate, he could be the thing that brings the populist bubble to bursting point sooner rather than later,

    I don't share your optimism, sadly.

    The people who are affected are unlikely to be his supporters. His ardent fans on the other hand will mostly see this as him living up to his promises, and being thwarted (now that there are legal challenges, and a couple of judges ruling temporarily against extraditions* ) by unelected judges. (Sound familiar?) And, many of his supporters are overtly racist, so they'll enjoy the 'cleansing' nature of this order.

    * folks with Green Cards, who were in the air when he order was signed, detained on arrival - that's arrival home, placed in detention, and readied to be put back on a plane going to their country of their nationality. (Even if that's not where they flew to the US from. And even if the American vetting processes have already established, prior to granting them residency, that their lives are not safe there. In one case, the person wouldn't be safe if sent back to Iraq because he had actually been helping US forces in Iraq. ;doh
  • I saw that, suz. He's worried that if he leaves the States to go to his training camp in Ethiopia, or to participate in a competition abroad, he'll not be able to go back. It's nuts.

    If anyone is interested, and hasn't seen it, there's a petition online calling on the govt to downgrade Trump's visit so it isn't a full state visit.
  • edited January 2017
    Apparently, Trump's chief of staff has said the order won't apply to green card holders.

    But that suggests the order is so vaguely drafted, and the officials are just going to announce what it means.

    It meant one thing yesterday.

    A different thing today.

    I wonder what it will mean tomorrow?

    Whatever they want it to, presumably.


  • Armed Toddlers..... ;tumbleweed
  • Those stats don't mean a lot. I thought his objective was to prevent what's happening in Europe not correcting what's happening there or maybe I'm wrong.
  • What is does show is more Americans die by the hand of their fellow Americans.

  • Personally, I'm not totally convinced you can prevent it by feeding them with propaganda and potential recruits left angry and isolated.
  • edited January 2017

    Those stats don't mean a lot. I thought his objective was to prevent what's happening in Europe not correcting what's happening there or maybe I'm wrong.

    It seems to me that their existing measures are doing perfectly well at preventing 'what's happening in Europe' happening also in America. (as those stats bear witness to.)

    This is an ideological measure, pandering to ignorance and prejudice.

    Furthermore, how many of those 'whats happening in Europe's are caused by actual citizens of European countries, and how many by citizens of the banned states? It would be interesting to see - he might be better off banning French people.
  • edited January 2017
    suz, where did you get the stats from - just because I'd be interested to see where those 2 Islamic jihadist terrorists per annum originate from (before they moved to America).

    Edit: of course, 2 of the 7 home grown Islamic jihadists would have been the Boston Marathon bombers - American citizens. With Russian(ish) roots. Entirely self-radicalized.

    Ask yourself - do actions like Trump's make it more likely or less likely that others will follow in their footsteps? (as per outcast's comment earlier)

    I suppose that if they do get blown to kingdom come, he can console himself that it will be by American terrorists, rather than foreign ones.

  • MrsG

    I knicked of a mates Facebook post, I'll see if she knows.
  • There was also that couple who worked in a school and then started shooting them in San Bernardino. They were of Pakistani origin and Pakistan is not on the list.
  • Hopefully not as off putting as my previous Trump based picture ...
  • A more sensible one:
  • Yes, but does that mean you can't put it on before jam, or that you have to wait for everybody else to put cream on their scones before you do?

  • Policy not thought through - shock!
  • edited January 2017
    NEoldiron said:

    May's cowardly, pathetic performance is a direct result of Brexit; makes you proud to be British does it not - not ;angry

    Was never proud of that.

    And not likely to change my outlook any time soon, based on recent events. ;ok
  • The sad thing is he thrives on criticism as we saw during his election campaign and his supporters come from a few various groups who are essentially accepting of his defence that facts, intelligence and logic are clothes worn by their enemy and that the media cannot be trusted (but his information can). So the more you offer logical thought through argument the more you get back the term elitist.

    His strategy is to keep his power base by division through the blue coasts vs the red middle and nullifying reporting by lumping in the media with the blue coasts. It's as if a persons own quest for power can override anything.

    The other thing I cannot understand is why even if he wants go down this populist appealing route that he didn't simply inform that no new visas would be issued in certain countries from now on but that all already issued visas would be honoured, it's as if he actually wanted to make as much of a splash as possible in his first week. I think just as we will find in Europe should he continue other nations will begin to look away from them whilst he is there, he and ourselves may feel we are needed more than we actually are.
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