American Election Discussion



  • edited January 2017
    For me, Chicago, releasing tax records has been pretty much de rigueur for recent presidential candidates.

    There may be a good argument for not doing so, but then I think Trump and/or his team should have made that case.

    To say, effectively, 'Yeah, yeah in a minute, in a minute, soon, not just yet, but soon; nah not going to bother' is, imo, wrong on a number of levels.
  • edited January 2017
    Latest, from Spicer's press briefing. When challenged over the claim that it was the most watched inauguration, he walked back from the kinds of numbers they trotted out yesterday to support the claim. (Wisely, since they were clearly baloney).

    Instead offers alternative perspective - talking about in person and online.
    Offers no evidence for online viewing figures, but a challenge: “I’d love to see any information that proves that otherwise... "

    So, #newtruth

    It's true unless you can prove it wrong.

    Remind anybody of this?
    Hermione Granger: "I mean, you could claim that anything's real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it doesn't exist!"
    Xenophilius Lovegood: "Yes, you could. I am glad to see that you are opening your mind a little."
  • I actually heard the argument made that of course there were more people at Obamas inauguration as so many of his supporters are out of work.

    The counter argument was made that when Trump took office yesterday, the unemployment rate has been almost halved to a very low 4.7%, because so many people have actually found work during Obamas watch.

    Ding ding round two

  • edited January 2017
    chicago, the reasons are irrelevant, imo

    #TeamTrump went head to head on the numbers.

    They lied.

    Then moved the goalposts.

    Then prevaricated.
  • A proper leader would ignore the fact that more people were at Obama's inauguration and get on with the job of "Making America Great Again" and prove to people that he can do said job. Unfortunately he and his people don't seem to live in the real world.
  • Preston maybe you are not watching the news but he is doing that too, as for the crowds, certainly from the podiums perspective the crowds look similar which may raise the question about the real timing of the empty mall photo. I would not argue about the #'s as half the south side of Chicago took busses to Obamas & if that was replicated across the country, it would take quite a while to count every one.
  • MrsGrey said:

    simonc said:

    "No, They REPORTED what a journalist who was in the room had tweeted."

    Mrs G this strikes at the heart of my argument, a biased reporter posts without confirming the facts and the gang of wolves chew at the meat republishing again without confirming.

    I have been checking my facts. ;biggrin

    Apparently, the original tweet was NEVER covered in the media before the correction was issued.

    The 'correction' tweet was made within an hour of the first one. No media picked it up during that time.

    All press coverage of the story mentioned BOTH tweets, ie the wrong story about the bust removal, and the subsequent hoo-ha.

    The story was given legs by Spicer and Trump.

    They promoted the story because it serves their agenda.

    So, what does that do to the heart of your argument again?


  • I don't count a tweet as 'covered in the media'.

    'Covered in the media' to me means when it is on the broadcast or radio news or in the newspapers. Broadcast via mass media to the general public. Via the media outlet, not on a personal twitter account.
  • It's not even like they are the twitter accounts of publications. Just individuals
  • But one of them is a journalist and it's kind of the same thing now. A lot of people will read the reporterms tweets but not their articles. Should be at same standard.

    (Though that's only one journalist, for a French broadcaster)
  • Top Obama and Joe Biden meme

    Joe - do you want to know what I was just told by a secret service mate of mine.

    Obama - sure

    Joe - apparently the next time there is an incident close to the President, they will no longer shout GET DOWN, they are going to shout DONALD DUCK

    Well it made me laugh
  • Simonc,

    Those 3 people, have a total combine following of 26.8k followers and it was retweeted 81 times. Now without following every single one of those re-tweets, do you really consider that as being covered by the "media"

    That's up there with saying a message on the big screen at a West Ham game was covered by the media.

    MrsGrey, that reminds me a little of being challenged on another popular thread to prove that Brexit will be a bad thing, ie. to prove a future event. ;hmm
  • edited January 2017
    The difference, NE, is that the other discussion you refer to was (as the discussion was framed) talking about an opinion. About which there can never be a right or wrong answer.

    Spicer was referring to a fact - something which can be proven to be true or false. "End of."

    There's an important difference.

  • edited January 2017
    MrsGrey, I was referring to:
    Hermione Granger: "I mean, you could claim that anything's real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody's proved it doesn't exist!"
    Xenophilius Lovegood: "Yes, you could. I am glad to see that you are opening your mind a little."

    Not exactly the same, but it just reminded me.
  • edited January 2017

    OK still not sure how they are similar. (Maybe because I know that in the story where that conversation occurs, they are discussing whether or not a particular creature - it - exists. Which would still be a matter of fact.)

    I think I'm missing your point. ;puzzled
  • MrsGrey, don't worry, I do it all the time ;biggrin
  • Love this forum from Trump to Potter in one post....

  • Chosen One Dark Lord
  • I was talking to my friend yesterday about this forum and saying about how there was an ongoing discussion about Trump, and she was like "what forum is this?" "erm, a West Ham forum, OBVIOUSLY". Apparently this is not the norm
  • To be fair they talk about Trumps on the Millwall forum also.....
  • edited January 2017

    As long as there is no swearing in the title or link, it's not a problem, but it is better, as you have done, to give a warning as to content.

  • There have been three working days here since Trump came in and 3,000 settlement homes (illegal) announced. With officials telling the media that they were waiting for Trump.

    He's put the conflict back in the news and it seems the government is trying to test how far they can push it until Trump condemns (previously, US condemned all). The two-state solution already seemed distant but might be completely finished now.
  • Trump's own party asking him to 'knock off' making unsubstantiated claims of electoral fraud:
  • edited January 2017
    What I can't get my head around is his supporters.

    Do they know this kind of statement is a deliberate lie, but don't care that he lies?
    Do they not know it's a lie, but are happy in a state of wilful ignorance and can't be bothered to fact check. (ie , don't care)?
    Do they actually believe it (when it is easy to look into and find there is no evidence to back it up)?

    Are they not massively insulted that he thinks they are too stupid to work it out?
  • Trump is invested in both companies who will profit from this.

    And the money has flowed the other way too, with the CE of one of the companies donating some $170,000 to help Trump get elected.

  • MrsGrey said:

    What I can't get my head around is his supporters.

    Do they know this kind of statement is a deliberate lie, but don't care that he lies?
    Do they not know it's a lie, but are happy in a state of wilful ignorance and can't be bothered to fact check. (ie , don't care)?
    Do they actually believe it (when it is easy to look into and find there is no evidence to back it up)?

    Are they not massively insulted that he thinks they are too stupid to work it out?

    Thanks for the vote of confidence MrsG ;ok
    As a matter of fact there was voter fraud in Detroit with more votes for Hilary than voters ;hmm
    I dont know if you understand the system here but the DMV will register "anyone" citizen or not to vote. Also you dont have to show id at the polling station. I think anyone with common sense can see the system is open to abuse whether it was abused who knows, it doesnt matter now & would be a waste of time and money to take it further.

    Deliberate lie - wishful thinking about something that no one can prove either way. There are more important things to worry about

    What it does highlight is the need tighter voting controls, unfortunatly those were considered racist and undemocratic - go figure
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