American Election Discussion



  • Pipeline was going to be greenlighted as soon as possible by any of the Republican candidates Trump or not
  • I think Trumps team lack any real PR understanding as they are so defensive. They have won the prize they are in the white house so a far more useful response to someone pointing out that the figures were different could have been along the lines of

    Well I think there was a massive sense of history being created with our first African American president and a lot of people wanted to witness that speech, unfortunately a lot of those people must have felt let down by what followed as they chose to move to a different path.


    I make them right Mr Obama sure could make a good speech, I even thought about going. Speeches are one thing however and delivering is what matters, now lets get on with that.

  • edited January 2017
    It was a genuine question, simon

    I realise one person can't answer for everybody. But I'm interested to hear your view which is, if I understand you...

    you aren't that bothered.

    And you don't mind that the President makes a statement of fact with nothing to back it up. You feel that onus is on anyone who is doubts the validity of the statement to disprove it.
  • On the specific claims and opinions in your post
    simonc said:

    As a matter of fact there was voter fraud in Detroit with more votes for Hilary than voters ;hmm

    But were they illegal immigrants, which is what Trump claims.

    Throwing in some random other fact doesn't address the issue. And doesn't prove that his claim is valid.
    simonc said:

    I dont know if you understand the system here but the DMV will register "anyone" citizen or not to vote.

    Not so. There are ID requirements to register.
    simonc said:

    I think anyone with common sense can see the system is open to abuse whether it was abused who knows, it doesnt matter now & would be a waste of time and money to take it further.

    If it didn't matter now, why is Trump banging on about it.

    And if it IS being abused, then you should be spending time and money on fixing it.

  • simonc said:

    Pipeline was going to be greenlighted as soon as possible by any of the Republican candidates Trump or not

    If it is a bad decision, it's a bad decision.

    It's not a less bad decision because other people would have done it too.
  • edited January 2017
    As i said there was voter fraud how bad i dont know. Trump thinks allot, personally like you i doubt very much it raises to the level he thinks.
    My view, his view, your view, ?
    The fact that he thinks differently to me on this point does not disqualify him from representing me better than Clinton would have.

    To address your comments above, you are incorrect,
    When you renew your drivers licence you are asked if you would like to register to vote - the DMV does not know if you are a citizen or not, illegals can register if they qualify for a drivers licence, whether they did, or whether they voted, is the crux of this argument.
    I would expect under Trump this registration loophole will be fixed, although i am sure he will be accused of being racist and exclusionary when doing so. To stop those already registered illegally from voting in the next election, registration would need to be crosschecked against citizenship, reading between the lines this may be why Trump is doing what he is doing. In proving him wrong the Democrats would out allot of illegals.
    Voter fraud is voter fraud illegal immigrants or not, Trump got more votes from the recount, so who was cheating?
    As for the pipeline good or bad, i am not going to get into that with you as we are quite obviously on different sides. You were insinuating that Trump did it for personal gain - Not the case at all
    There will be numerous instances like this where - "a rising tide raises all boats", including Trumps
  • edited January 2017
    I've just Googled Detroit voter fraud and found this from the Detroit Free Press, the paper with the 20th largest circulation in the USA, owned by the same company as USA Today.

    There were 782 more votes than voters listed in 248 precincts, out of a total of 248,211 votes in Wayne County's 662 precincts. The largest discrepancy was one precinct where there were 12 extra votes.

    At 158 precincts the number of votes counted was 382 less than the number of people who had signed in to vote.

    They also noted that there were more than 80 voting machines failures on election day and that the problem wasn't restricted to Detroit, in each of the 22 counties where the recount had begun before it was called off there was at least one precinct where the numbers didn't add up. Trump won in 75 counties out of 83

    Conclusion; rather than voter fraud Michigan's voting system is pants.

    Amazing thing, Google.
  • simonc said:

    As for the pipeline good or bad, i am not going to get into that with you as we are quite obviously on different sides.

    Literally the entire point of debating something is because you have different viewpoints.

    In my opinion, this is a large part of the issue with American politics (and politics in general, actually). Debates just turn into slanging matches, nobody listens to any viewpoint that doesn't immediately represent their own. Anyone who doesn't agree is grouped up into something that clearly doesn't represent their view anyway (Nazi, Communist). It just breeds a culture of stupidity, ignorance, and intolerance.
  • simon, re Voter registration. ;ok In majority of states, I now realise. I didn't know that before. It is, as you say, open to abuse by drivers. ;wink

    I still think claiming that such abuse was widespread (of which there's not really any evidence) and, more particularly, that it was done by illegal immigrants is wrong. It is rhetoric designed to foment hatred against immigrants.

    As far as whether or not any newly-proposed measures might be racist or not... a law that makes it more difficult for one race to vote than another is racist. It would be racist in its effect, whatever the person/party bringing it forward might intend.

  • Alders I am happy to debate points but pipelines are something of a tangent from election discussions & i somehow appear to be an away supporter in the home fan section on this thread.

    Mrs G - Darn those drivers ;wink I don't see how proving citizenship as a means of registration or providing identification at the time of voting is racist, but somehow it is, so I don't know how to fix the potential for fraud, both would seem to be necessary?
    Do you have any suggestions?
  • simonc said:

    I don't see how proving citizenship as a means of registration or providing identification at the time of voting is racist, but somehow it is?

    Who said it is?
  • edited January 2017
    I am not sure what other forms of id were banned as there is no link but as a quick FYI anyone can get a photo ID at the DMV - if you want to drink or buy cigarettes you need a photo ID
  • Hahahaha

    Brilliant ;lol
  • MrsGrey said:

    I read this article and actually found it quite comforting.

    Basically, it argues that we shouldn't worry too much about what he says, because most of it doesn't actually mean anything.


    (To the writer, not MrsG)
  • Torture is a really good way of getting coherent truthful information out of someone said no one ever.
  • But it still happens.
  • Torture is a really good way of getting coherent truthful information out of someone said no one ever.

    Well, no.

    Trump says it.
  • I saw that, NE. It'se very funny ;ok
  • MrsG

    He does not count.

    He is not a well man.
  • edited January 2017
    simonc said:
    I am not sure what other forms of id were banned as there is no link but as a quick FYI anyone can get a photo ID at the DMV - if you want to drink or buy cigarettes you need a photo ID

    Wow. I read the full judgement of the court. These are the facts.

    The N. Carolina legislature did research on the types of ID most commonly held by its voters, and broke down the stats according to race. The data showed some quite big differences in types of ID held by the different racial groups. Then N. Carolina specifically prohibited in its Bill any of the IDs more commonly held by African-American voters. And specified those types of ID most popular among white voters.

    Seems to have a pretty clearly negative impact on one racial group.

    So, as I said earlier up the page, Simon, even if the intent is not racist*, if the measure introduced disproportionately disadvantages one race, so that it becomes more difficult for them to vote compared to another race, it is racially discriminatory.

    And leaving aside the moral issue, such a law is in any case (it seems to me) in breach of existing US law - Votng Rights Act s2:

    No voting qualification or prerequisite to voting or
    standard, practice, or procedure shall be imposed or
    applied by any State or political subdivision in a
    manner which results in a denial or abridgement of the
    right of any citizen of the United States to vote on
    account of race or color . . . .

    *more on that later
  • John Oliver is both funny and astute, but it makes me depressed, since he is clearly only preaching to the converted.

    In spite of the demolition of the idea of widespread voter fraud (using irrefutable, pesky facts), and the clear evidence that voter restrictions are aimed at disadvantaging non-white voters rather than preventing non-existent fraud, no Trump supporter is going to care.
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