American Election Discussion



  • I'm also not impressed by the phrase 'dissipated over the horizon'.

    If he's the leader of the free world, can he not attract better A-listers speech writers?
  • I know I know, I'm a speech writer by profession but I turned him down ;cool
  • Thought it was a good speech and am looking forward to his presidency - Sad that people are hoping it will finish short due to unforeseen circumstances.
    Different people have different opinions, it appears that mine as well as the majority of Americans outside of California doesn't count.
  • The problem as I see it Simonc is that if he does not make good on a lot of his promises in the first few years (or good progress on them), then a lot of those who voted for him might not vote, or vote the other way at the mid-terms so he suddenly finds he has one house against him, making him a bit of a lame duck for the remainder of his term.
  • edited January 2017
    simonc said:

    Different people have different opinions, it appears that mine as well as the majority of Americans outside of California doesn't count.

    That statement seems rather at odds with reality. He's the flippin' President. And it was your opinions that got him there.

    In what universe don't your opinions count?

    Also, last time I looked, California was part of the USA.

    So, ironically, the reality is that while your opinions did count, it was in fact the majority of Americans (as a whole) whose opinions didn't count.

    So I think you have less cause for complaint than some others. Frankly.

    Finally, your post suggests you think Californians opinions should be disregarded.

    So, that's a bit contradictory, isn't it.
  • California is on another planet not the USA but point taken ;biggrin the campaign didn't campaign for votes there so he didn't get them - (Intelligent Move)
    As for opinions it appears the Anti- Trump / Never /Trumpers feel they have a right to the moral high ground - Sorry there are differing opinions only time will tell who is right if either
  • On the news today they were saying that he is likely to see an economic boost for the states, and I listening and thinking that, whilst that is a good thing for the country, I can't help but think that it doesn't make up for the fact that he is a despicable sc- can i say scum bag on this site? im going to go for it - scum bag.
  • Admeus, I agree he only has a limited amount of time to make a difference & I will totally understand if the Democrats do everything in their power to delay. Luckily for him he is in a position to follow through on many of his promises & we may find that in 2 years if he has been blocked he will use that to get an even bigger majority.
    If nothing else the next couple of years will be very interesting
  • so that when America was great then... ;hmm
  • I doubt it.

    Aren't they busy murdering the indigenous population?
  • That it will Simonc, that it will.
  • as you are probably aware, I am no fan of Trump, but I do bristle at the notion that many more Americans voted for Hilary and thus he does not have the popular vote.

    The truth is of course that more Americans did vote for her, but that was driven primarily by the system upon which the voting was established, in other words the number of electoral votes was important - not the actual number of votes cast.

    IF the election was indeed run on a popular vote system when every single vote counted, then the turnout, and probably the outcome would have been very different indeed.

    Hilary, under the same system, attracted far fewer votes than Obama did and she was up against a candidate who was devisive and controversial, the fact that she was unable to hold onto the same voters that had voted for Obama, IMO, negates any claim she may have that she actually won the popular vote.

    In essence, she proved to be a very unpopular candidate.

    We will unfortunately never know, but in my opinion, a democratic candidate with less baggage and a broader appeal, would have wiped the floor with Donald.

  • I want to know why those military officers who lined up behind him gave up on their coup.

    That was seriously weird
  • Chicago i agree iMO Joe Biden gave the presidency to Trump
  • If I`m not mistaken Suze, that is Thomas Jefferson. Unfortunately the content and spirit of The Declaration of Independence was ignored and forgotten before the ink was even dry. The values of Jefferson (slave owner aside) have been bastardised, corrupted and trampled over in the name of power, greed, corruption and Capitalism ever since. Not a bad thing (IMO) turning the clock back 300 years, if America had actually followed and adhered to the principles (particularly those of Jefferson) and sentiments of the original draft I guarantee you that people like Donald Trump would be nowhere near Government office and most likely wouldn`t even exist. Unfortunately the cries of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity were squashed by the very government whose duty it was to actually uphold these principles. Trump is the very antithesis of what Jefferson championed and (believe it or not) he would prefer no government at all to that of an administration headed by Mr Trump. I`m all for turning the clock back 300 years, as with the benefit of hindsight we should be able to avoid people like Trump and the other power hungry psychos that have gone before him.
  • Oh ok ;ok

    I just nicked off face book.
  • Suze, it could quite as easily be Shakespeare or Louis xiv, they all looked the same in them an old version of Adam Ant..................
  • "I just knicked of face book"

    "Like an old version of Adam Ant"


    I just love the humour on this forum! ;clap
  • I meant to post this yesterday:

    Bear with, bear with - listen to the chorus ;biggrin
  • edited January 2017
    The God thing continues...

    According to Trump, God prevented it raining on their parade small gathering*.


    (*note-other forms of gathering are available. Just not for Trump's inauguration ;biggrin )
  • If there is a god I'm hoping there is some smiting in Trumps near future.
  • edited January 2017
    MrsGrey said:

    The God thing continues...

    According to Trump, God prevented it raining on their parade small gathering*.


    (*note-other forms of gathering are available. Just not for Trump's inauguration ;biggrin )

    but it rained and the god botherer said it was a blessing
  • So he said it didn't rain, but it actually did?


  • If he said today was Sunday I would still have to check.
  • Er.......yeah.

    Trump says lots of things.

    And he lies.

    Millions of Americans know this and didn't vote for him.

    Millions of Americans voted for him amd will learn this.

  • edited January 2017

    Millions of Americans voted for him amd will learn this. and don't really care about his lies.


    Fixed it for you ;ok

    My comment earlier was a ;doh at the lie. I mean, they could think they'll get away with fudging the attendance figures. People might still believe their version of events or interpretation of the facts.

    But to lie about the actual weather? ;doh ;lol
  • The Republican Party leadership know Trump is a liability and the moment he ceases to be useful to them they will impeach him and Mike Pence will replace him.
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