I remember a few years back buying my WHU away shirt from world soccer shop.com,
A couple of days later I got an e-mail from the site that said something like, those who bought this item may be interested in this item etc etc and attached a link
The sadest part is the way he has gone about it.... I think most of us concede he and his family are/ have been homesick.... If only he had handled it differently and spoke from the heart from the get go..... Sadly it will leave a bitter taste and hard to swallow.
However much people want him gone it is/will still be very sad when he goes.
I had him up there with Di Canio amongst the most exciting players I have ever seen in a West Ham shirt (I've followed since the 1980s) such was his genius quality - and I would have still had him up there after he left (because it was always going to impossible to keep him at West Ham) but the circumstances of his departure have now changed my mind completely.
If he had gone to the board and to Slaven and told them that he had to leave because of his family but continued to play his best until such time as an agreement was made between us and a n other club, I would have happily accepted that, but to effectively go on strike, be given a bit of time to think it over and then still insist he wasn't going to ever play for us again, really (inserts multiple swear words). I want him gone and if OM don't meet the asking price, then I would rather he stayed at home, well away from our club and training ground, just in case he infects our young players.
I wouldn't have expected to him to bear his soul to the fans for his reasons for wanting to go but he should have sat down and spoken to Slaven and the DD's.
The guy just seems to only think of himself whilst others pick up the bill. When you see it from Marsailles view he asked to leave and was allowed to, may well have refused to play for all we know, they sell him for 10m and then have to pay 25m to get him back, and the thing is he is unlikely to have improved but rather just suited the premiership and took it by surprise in the first season here, will he do anything he didn't before for them?
I am wondering if he is marked goods within those who know as he was not being picked for France and very few other clubs appear to have been interested, perhaps this outcome was always inevitable and for once we have been the benefactors as he definitely helped the club appear on the up which would likely have helped the season ticket sales in the all important first season in our new home, we fans had a truly world class player to watch and have now made a 15m profit.
I would rather him have stayed and become the true Hammers legend he was on his way to becoming, but if that was impossible at least we did ok from the whole saga when reflecting upon it.
I never expected him to stay that long and become a legend but I thought he'd still get cult status because of how he entertained us, something on the level of Tevez. But it's gone and it's completely his fault, whatever the reason.
Go now, go walk out the door Just turn around now 'Coz you're not welcome anymore Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye? Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no not I, I will survive....
The daves just don't want to announce it yet, they wanna spend the reddies first before other clubs put their prices up as they know how much money there is to spend.
This is what Levy did, got in seven players then sold Bale last minute.
Just been to kumb.com and at the top of the page there was a banner (probably) linking to the club store. I was really surprised to see that banner still featured Payet. The way he has treated the club I think he would have been deleted.
Go now, go walk out the door Just turn around now 'Coz you're not welcome anymore Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye? Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no not I, I will survive....
According to SSN a deal for Payet is miles away. Can't agree on a fee or how any fee would be paid. Looks like this is going to the wire one way or another but likely to scupper any Hogan deal.
A couple of days later I got an e-mail from the site that said something like, those who bought this item may be interested in this item etc etc and attached a link
The link went to a Chelsea shirt, ;doh
Lets hope so.
I think most of us concede he and his family are/ have been homesick....
If only he had handled it differently and spoke from the heart from the get go.....
Sadly it will leave a bitter taste and hard to swallow.
I had him up there with Di Canio amongst the most exciting players I have ever seen in a West Ham shirt (I've followed since the 1980s) such was his genius quality - and I would have still had him up there after he left (because it was always going to impossible to keep him at West Ham) but the circumstances of his departure have now changed my mind completely.
I wouldn't have expected to him to bear his soul to the fans for his reasons for wanting to go but he should have sat down and spoken to Slaven and the DD's.
I am wondering if he is marked goods within those who know as he was not being picked for France and very few other clubs appear to have been interested, perhaps this outcome was always inevitable and for once we have been the benefactors as he definitely helped the club appear on the up which would likely have helped the season ticket sales in the all important first season in our new home, we fans had a truly world class player to watch and have now made a 15m profit.
I would rather him have stayed and become the true Hammers legend he was on his way to becoming, but if that was impossible at least we did ok from the whole saga when reflecting upon it.
We got ripped off.
Just turn around now
'Coz you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh no not I, I will survive....
The daves just don't want to announce it yet, they wanna spend the reddies first before other clubs put their prices up as they know how much money there is to spend.
This is what Levy did, got in seven players then sold Bale last minute.
The way he has treated the club I think he would have been deleted.
deserves a claret n blue disco ball...