Dimi Payet; the Epilogue



  • Thought that was a lighter ;run
  • No that's when you use Nimble ;run
  • edited January 2017
    Sepp here in Germany is short for Joseph. Als in Sepp Blatter. (Which in itself could be called insulting ;sofa ;yercoat )
  • You know second is just first last, right?


  • Guardian report that we've rejected an offer of £25m + £3m in ad ons for Payet.
  • We really are holding out!
  • Bit risky, IMO. We want £30m, they're (reportedly) offering £28m. I know there's a matter of principle, but do we really want to risk losing out on £28m for a player that doesn't want to be here and who we (and the players) don't want here?
  • If they've actually bid that

    Last times the rumours were they bid £25mil and they actually bd £21.5mil
  • OCS

    It's only £2m, so why can't Marseille pay it? They're the ones who supposedly want to sign him so badly.

    Only a week ago people were asking we wouldn't pay the extra £2m to sign Hogan.
  • I get that Aldz, but I think we suffer more for not waiving that £2m than Marseille do for not paying it, if you see what I mean.
  • Bit risky, IMO. We want £30m, they're (reportedly) offering £28m. I know there's a matter of principle, but do we really want to risk losing out on £28m for a player that doesn't want to be here and who we (and the players) don't want here?

    If he doesn't want to be here he could easily stump up the shortfall from what weve been paying him? I want us to stick to £35M
  • I get that Aldz, but I think we suffer more for not waiving that £2m than Marseille do for not paying it, if you see what I mean.

    No. Because ;quaver We've got Payet
  • Who'd have thought that "We've got Payet" would sound like a kidnapper's ransom demand! :-)
  • Also IMO when the bid is Xmillion + Zmillion add ons, those add ons could be for hitting targets the player or team may never, or at least unlikely get, so if the bid was £25m + £3m add ons, don't think of it as a £28m bid, but just a £25m bid really with a Brucie bonus chance at getting a little extra bunce.
  • Id take the 25M whatever the add ons were. I just want him out and when do we ever buy a player and sell him for 15M more. Spurs and others seem to but we dont. Take the 25M, buy Hogan and get Payet out
  • edited January 2017
    Dimitri Payet will continue to train with West Ham's development squad, but has told them he will not participate in any U23 matches - Daily Mail
  • So... he's refusing to do his job? Fine him 2 weeks wages every time he refuses to do something and he'll owe us money ;ok
  • edited January 2017
    Alderz ;ok
    I'm certainly not defending him, for what ... But the club could also just be playing it safe, fear of injury etc, the same reason IMO why he cannot be loaned, just get shot ;ok
  • I hope we fined him 2 weeks worth when he initially refused to play ( and we keep on fining him if he is genuinely continuing to say he will not play ) ;angry
  • Shooting him is a bit drastic Jay ;biggrin
  • LeQuipe say Marseille are confident a deal will be done by Tuesday. Apparently we have threatened to report them to FIFA about tapping up. So they will cough up with the money
  • As far as I am aware, while he is attending training when asked, he is keeping to his side of the deal as far as footballer's contracts go. The argument that refusing to play matches is an issue is that if we didn't pay him for refusing to play, he could then say he would play, and if picked purposely play poorly, which of course is not in our interest.

    I'm not saying I agree with this rule, but as far as I am aware this is why only sticking to training is a contractually binding part.
  • I'm not sure I want him anywhere near our under 23s.
  • Just got this from Twitter:


  • I got something similar Grey ;hmm



    She's got loads of followers, apparently.

    All of them Hamstew.
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