Dimi Payet; the Epilogue



  • The family thing only seems to be because they've gone back to France, why we don't know. Footballers lives are different to ours because most weekends either a Saturday or Sunday is taken up but during the week they don't train every day and when they find its generally for a couple of hours. My family when they were young would have loved (I assume) for me to be home most afternoons and evenings but that wasn't possible. When my daughter was born I was working in Bristol and my wife and she were in Colchester. I travelled home late Friday night and left again Sunday afternoon until such time as I could move them down with me. During this time my mother in law broke her leg and was staying with my wife so she was looking after her at the same time. (maybe my being in Bristol wasn't so hard for me after all ;wink ).
  • edited January 2017

    If family was the problem, then I think Payet saying he wouldn't play one week might not necessarily apply to the week after. It would've been an emotional decision that might've been fixed. It seems Bilic felt that Payet wasn't thinking along those lines.

    When Bilic announced it, didn't he basically say that Dimi had told him a few days ago that he wouldn't play for West Ham again. Then after being given a few days to reflect, he told Slav on the phone that he was sticking by his decision?
  • Will be interesting what he says when he is sold ;hmm
  • He may not say anything at all. If a deal is concluded there might be a compromise agreement forbidding either party from commenting further.
  • Jorderz - he is supposed to have agreed terms with Marsielle before they even made an offer. The lad wants to go home (or more accurately Mrs Payet doesn't like Loughton. And who can blame her)

    The other day you were saying not to believe anything except what Bilic has said, and barely even that! ;lol

    How do you now know all of this?
    Why are you questioning so much that people are bringing to the forum? I would say it's part opinion and part what they've read?

    I am Honestly curious?
    It's a forum, and I'm asking a question about ASLEF's source of information ;lol

    I know, I'm bang out of order ;lol

  • Go back to when he won Hammer Of The Year last year & look at the acceptance speech.It was all done via an interpreter despite him playing an entire season here.I know from personal experience that learning another language isn't easy but to not be able to say a simple 'thank you very much' at the end of an entire season in English strikes me that he never intended to stay very long in the first place.
  • The one good thing to come out of this is at least sully's time will be so consumed that he won't have the time to unearth some obscure South American gem and place them on the club's payroll on 31st Jan
  • edited January 2017
    Yesterday you said you didn't care about signing 'big names', only signing players that would give 100%
  • edited January 2017

    Jorderz - he is supposed to have agreed terms with Marsielle before they even made an offer. The lad wants to go home (or more accurately Mrs Payet doesn't like Loughton. And who can blame her)

    The other day you were saying not to believe anything except what Bilic has said, and barely even that! ;lol

    How do you now know all of this?
    Why are you questioning so much that people are bringing to the forum? I would say it's part opinion and part what they've read?

    I am Honestly curious?
    It's a forum, and I'm asking a question about ASLEF's source of information ;lol

    I know, I'm bang out of order ;lol
    Think it's the way you ask Pal, you sound like the "Rumour Police"

  • ;lol

    I can think of worse things to be ;ok

    ASLEF was calling me out the other day saying we have no facts apart from what Bilic said, so it was more a tongue-in-cheek nudge to that than anything else, nothing vindictive.

    I think if somebody is making a point in a forum, where we discuss things, based on information, it's quite helpful for other posters to know where it's come from, so we can then debate it seriously or put it down as a guess/conspiracy theory.
  • Like what exactly?

    Fair enough Jorderz, fair enough.........

    (how much they paying you?)





  • I strongly refute the notion that there is a circle, as do the others members ;whistle
  • It's more like a wonky oblong ;ok
  • Oblong.

    That's a very satisfying word to say.


    Ob. Long.
  • It is, isn't it. ;wahoo

    I quite like it paired with wonky, too.
  • Jorderz has been inducted to the circle ;star
  • Is that a fact ;wink
  • I like wonky donkey.
    He should have been on that farm with chicken little and turkey lurkey.... ;wink
  • Oblong.

    That's a very satisfying word to say.


    Ob. Long.

    Pedro Oblong
  • Or was it Oblongga
  • Jorderz has been inducted to the circle ;star

    I sphere this idea may be catching on...
  • in a round about way
  • Orbviously Jorderz
  • Hope he doesn't get injured....
  • Perhaps he had to use the family one as the 'it's my dream to play for _____' wouldn't have worked as he has already played for them. We haven't heard the it's my dream one for a while, there was a time we heard nothing but ' it's my dream to play in the Premiership, to play for Real, to play for whoever'

    footballers ;doh
  • MrsGrey said:

    Yesterday you said you didn't care about signing 'big names', only signing players that would give 100%

    Not sure what the point is here?

    I've got no idea if the likes of Nene and Paulista gave 100% as both were brought into the club but were not afforded much game time by their managers at the time.
  • Why are the 'family issue's' difficult to understand or believable?

    I just don't understand.
  • Neither do I

    But everyone believes Sakho issues and Velancia kid problems

    But that's different right?

    I mean Sakho wouldn't tour (which is basically train) and failed and important medical comes back for duty some 3 months late and that's all fine.

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