Dimi Payet; the Epilogue



  • Baracks - but the club won't say 'sit in the reserves on £80,000+ a week for five years". There is 0% chance of that happening.

    So that isn't an option.

    If the Daves are happy to sit tight they can do as they please. His contract may well state that he needs to live within x miles of the club. If so he is stuffed, if indeed family is the main driver.

    It depends on whether the Dave's, like Jeremy Peace, want to exercise their rights.
  • Yea I dont see why not, as everyone's mentioned he's going from earning £125k to £80k per week as he's not getting the match bonuses in his contract

    The club clearly have a wage budget which is fairly sustainable for a club our size so we are still saving £55k per week then we usually were, plus we've already offloaded Zaza wages

    The board must feel frustrated in the summer with our bids constantly being rejected as teams wouldn't budge on value, so don't think they'll let dimi walk on the cheap

    If he trains with the reserves he will probably end up not turning up so we can fine him his wages so the loss isn't so bad

    If OM want him they'll have to pay for him, it's their fault he wants out anyway as he's definately been tapped up
  • edited January 2017
    Eski - bloke on talkSPORT (Matt something) was banging the same drum yesterday. Jim White and Deano were calling him out, as were all the callers. His argument was football has changed so back then, what Bilic did is the equivalent of what Dimi is doing today. ;doh
  • Yeh refusing to do the job you are paid to do is the same whether it be the 1990s or 2017. Bilic did not refuse to play
  • Unfortunately Dimi holds the cards, because the club NEED to sell him by Feb or only the club suffers. He comes in, does the absolute minimum in U23 training, picks up his wage, yet we have no chance of benefitting because he won't play. His price drops in the summer.

    Marseilles are the only interested party and, even if they weren't, he only wants Marseilles, so there is no bidding war to drive up the price. So it's whatever Marseilles want to pay. Keeping him and saying 'tough' benefits nobody.

    Don't agree, Real Madrid's embargo ends this window if I am right ? there will be more clubs in the summer with better financial clout who will come in for him. I don't think the club lose out. His price will not drop over 6 months considering what he did last season and at the Euros. If anything I would say its the opposite the club hold the cards and its down to Marseilles to pay the 30m+ to get him now or risk not getting him at all.
  • Matt Scott (Guardian) was spouting that nonsense.
  • Luke, Herb ;thumbsup
  • So, hypothetically... Chinese club comes in and bids something stupid, like they seem prone to do, lets say £45m. Payet turns them down officially (not this tapped up rubbish). Now what's the clubs stance to Marseille? We wanted £30m (probably) but he's just cost us £15m more. What would you do?
  • Matt Scott is so full of himself..
    Once a week I get a live show with 2 journalists, he sometimes is on...
    He IMO is another know it all character
  • Yeah but I didn't think very much of Bilic at the time.... For me the way he moved stayed in my memory than if he was any good for us.

    As such he gets no extra credit for me from being an ex player.

    Just checking and they both played 48 times for us, which is kind of freaky...
  • Vorse

    Just because I can't help myself when it comes to the stats, Dimi has played 48 league games for us, 60 in total ;ok
  • Baracks - but the club won't say 'sit in the reserves on £80,000+ a week for five years". There is 0% chance of that happening.

    So that isn't an option.

    It's not just about Payet, Lukerz. What does it say to every other player, and any player we sign in the future?

    Sign this six year contract and commit long-term, but if you throw a strop and refuse to play we'll sell you to the club of your choice at a premium?

    How much does that kind of business cost long-term, if 3, 4, 5 star players do it over the coming years?

    Let him rot in the reserves or apologise and wear the shirt with a bit of guts and dignity.
  • edited January 2017

    They bought Birmingham for a £1 and sold it for millions . They have made plenty of mistakes but no more than most owners I think clueless muppets is a tad harsh. We were months away for administration when they bought us and we are now a mid table club with a lot less debt. Not perfect by any means but not stupid or clueless would rather be owned by them than some faceless American/Chinese/Arab owner.

  • I know I am rehashing what others have said but this whole situation is infuriating me.
    I feel for the lad if there genuinely is family issues, be it him or the wife at fault, family is always more important than football. If the solution to his marital issues is to live in France then fair enough, he wants to move there. It's a real pain for us, as potential destinations are limited, plus of course we are losing a player of real quality.

    However, this downing tools attitude to force through a transfer is really a disgrace. Why cannot he keep playing and trying his best until the proposed transfer materialises. He is under a contract he was happy to sign mere months ago, that is what he should be doing.

    I hate this (seemingly to me) new attitude by some footballers to, when they want to leave, not hand in an official transfer request but just state "i want to leave, I shan't play for you anymore". As far as I am aware by transferring without having handed an official request he (and his agent [get them out the game]) get bonus cash they would not if they handed a TR that should instead come to our club.

    I also am disappointed with his efforts even when he has played this season. He (IMO) clearly has not worked as hard on the pitch as last season which was already irritating me before this whole 'transfer' saga started. And of course I'm sad to be losing a player I (used to) love watching.
  • Dimi is sadly rotten to the core...
    He has at the moment the attitude of a child brat..
    I Couldn't care a less about his family or kids , man up....
    He IMO is a disgrace to our football club..
    Sell ASAP and let him leave London, I mean it's such a rubbish city ;doh


    While the way he and/or his agent have gone about it is wrong, have you ever been in this situation, just curious?

    Because I have and I can tell you it was nothing to do with money and certainly not 125k a week either!!

    Getting home from work everyday for the first two years after moving abroad wondering if the wife's bags were packed at the door.

    Believe me it's not a nice situation

    London - perhaps it's not about it being a rubbish city perhaps it's about wanting to be nearer to home?

  • jay ;ok

    We all have to go to work with family issues, some times terrible things.

    My wife has spent months of our relationship in Asia. I don't refuse to go into work ;ok

    Think the family thing is a very, very easy backtrack after an unexpectedly vitriolic backlash, and also an awareness that perhaps Marseille aren't going to pay the kind of money WHU will sell for, meaning he might have to stay after all.

    Good for you, for some people they can get on with it, that doesn't always work for everyone though

  • We don’t know the full story
    Will we ever?
    Maybe DP had pleaded with the club to let him go this window and they still weren’t having it so felt this was his only option.
    Family > Football

    Re tapping up – I think it’s impossible to police.
    Marseille could have easily gone through an existing player who is a mate of DP’s and gone from there.
    No way of controlling imo so that’s why it probably isn’t as frowned upon as before.
  • Jorderz - he is supposed to have agreed terms with Marsielle before they even made an offer. The lad wants to go home (or more accurately Mrs Payet doesn't like Loughton. And who can blame her)

    The other day you were saying not to believe anything except what Bilic has said, and barely even that! ;lol

    How do you now know all of this?
    Why are you questioning so much that people are bringing to the forum? I would say it's part opinion and part what they've read?

    I am Honestly curious?
  • We were months away for administration when they bought us and we are now a mid table club with a lot less debt. Not perfect by any means but not stupid or clueless would rather be owned by them than some faceless American/Chinese/Arab owner.

    We were?

    How many?

    I do agree with the last bit

  • We don’t know the full story
    Will we ever?
    Maybe DP had pleaded with the club to let him go this window and they still weren’t having it so felt this was his only option.
    Family > Football

    Well said.

    Maybe they had an agreement to let him go this summer but it's basically all been brought forward due to his personal situation? Perhaps the family bit accelerated his need to get away and go home

    If OM have tapped him up then there have no doubt been other offers from other clubs since the Euro's sounding out his agent, I would say that is almost inevitable just because the club didn't get any offers doesn't mean it hasn't gone on.

    The Dave's won't be relishing all this, they don't hold all the power because the bottom line is that sully will be wanting that money in the bank to reuse and he won't want 80k a week in the stiffs for too long. This isn't like an injury that is part and parcel of the game.

    The player always holds a certain amount of cards.

    It has however detracted from
    All the flack the board were getting and he will love that.
  • Sadly we don't know the "Dimi" side of it all..true..he hasn't deemed it fit or necessary so far, or he hasn't nothing to add to what Slav has stated , who knows...
    If his wife is threatening to leave him if he doesn't follow, then perhaps he needs to ask himself if she is the right person to share your life with....isn't life all about compromise...
    His kids are homesick , well yeah, I mean his kids are the 1st kids to be told that they are leaving a country and moving to another, they are not teenagers going thru exams or having boyfriends or girlfriends they cannot be away from , they are little kids who I'm guessing have every luxury around...to take away the pain of missing Marseilles

    Slav, I get your stance but I don't agree..
    I have never been in that position , thankfully, but my brother has...for the past 2 years he has worked in Newport while his wife and kids remain in Cambridge, is he happy with that, no, I'm sure not, but he has done what has had to be done....
    If Dimi comes out and says he's/ or his agent had handled it wrong & shows his heart by telling the truth about it all, then I will forgive him, but as yet all he has done is act like a spoilt brat IMO
  • edited January 2017
    Just re-reading the stuff about 'Payet upset he comes across as greedy'. (if it is true.)


    I haven't really seen (on here or in the media I have read) that money is being put forward as his motivation? Apart from the China rumours, which I don't put much store in.

    It seems to me that the criticism has mostly focused on his actions, not his motives?
  • edited January 2017
    On the family thing, it still doesn't justify what he has done, for me.

    The F word is all too often used as a 'end of' strategy. As if once someone plays the 'family' card, all argument is over and everybody has to back off.

    That shouldn't be the case, imo.

    'Family' is not by definition more important than everything else, and doing something 'for your family' doesn't justify everything else. It's a choice. He is free to make it, but it shouldn't automatically exempt him from criticism.

    It is one factor. Another factor, and no less important is (for example) setting an example to your kids that when you've given your word, you stick by it. Or (another example) sometimes sacrifices have to be made in the short term to achieve a better future down the line.

    I also don't think framing the choice as 'family or football' is an accurate reflection of the situation. He isn't (assuming all the family stuff is at the bottom of this) choosing between his family and playing football.

  • Slav, I get your stance but I don't agree..
    I have never been in that position , thankfully, but my brother has...for the past 2 years he has worked in Newport while his wife and kids remain in Cambridge, is he happy with that, no, I'm sure not, but he has done what has had to be done....
    If Dimi comes out and says he's/ or his agent had handled it wrong & shows his heart by telling the truth about it all, then I will forgive him, but as yet all he has done is act like a spoilt brat IMO

    Mate, no disrespect, but my situation was a little bit different, not just to your brother but to Payet as well.

    It's not about agreeing, it's about acknowledging everyone is different and it affects some people more or less than others

  • We will probably never know

    It could be relatively simple

    He wants a better home life, playing for a club that he has enjoyed playing at before and all the while still collecting a decent wedge

  • edited January 2017
    Clearly the missing piece here is his side of the story - perhaps he should give it? After all the club have already opened the whole thing up

    Family you would have thought would trump job for most people.

    However he appears to have an option of handing in a transfer request and allowing the daves to thrash out a suitable fee with Marseille

    He can then still join Marseille on a salary that most in the world can only dream of. Financially the daves I'm sure would have originally rolled the red carpet out to both him and his family. Everything they seem to have done has largely afforded him God like status at the club. Still not enough? That's fine, no problem however there still needs to be financial consequences for him as he was the one who signed his extension not long ago.

    He cannot expect his enhanced West Ham contract to be paid up fully due to changes in his personal circumstances - I'm sorry but life doesn't work like that.
  • MrsGrey, some excellent points there ;clap
  • MrsGrey said:

    On the family thing, it still doesn't justify what he has done, for me.

    Absolutely, not a lot would justify the way he's handled this.

    But as you say, it is a factor, I'm sure one of MANY, there could've been promises from the board, the manager, the player, all broken one after the other, who knows?

    It sounds like Bilic has tried his hardest to help the player and whether that hasn't worked or Payet's situation (family) was perhaps bigger than what the club thought, the manager has done his job and did it again when explaining why he was not up for selection against Palace.

    Lets just hope there isn't too much more to this story other than the Payet piece and there wasn't another kind of message being sent by Bilic.

  • Slav ;ok
    It's only the way he has handled it ..
    By doing what he has , he has now alienated himself from everyone connected to the club IMO ..

    I have no issue if he's homesick or his family are, as u said , it's all about the way he has gone about it & nothing else for me...
  • MrsGrey said:

    Just re-reading the stuff about 'Payet upset he comes across as greedy'. (if it is true.)


    I haven't really seen (on here or in the media I have read) that money is being put forward as his motivation? Apart from the China rumours, which I don't put much store in.

    It seems to me that the criticism has mostly focused on his actions, not his motives?

    Well, if he really has been bugging them about his family situation, then maybe he'd be upset because the club make no reference to that in their story, making it look like he just thinks he's better.

    Bilic doesn't come across as someone who would take such an aggressive position (the press conference) if there was a genuine grievance. If he has, it would make me question him.

    If family was the problem, then I think Payet saying he wouldn't play one week might not necessarily apply to the week after. It would've been an emotional decision that might've been fixed. It seems Bilic felt that Payet wasn't thinking along those lines.
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