That may well be true, however I reckon Suzanne is a "Supermod" with extra powers granted to her by the Greys (compared to you) ever since you decided to betray Sam and turn to the dark side
That may well be true, however I reckon Suzanne is a "Supermod" with extra powers granted to her by the Greys (compared to you) ever since you decided to betray Sam and turn to the dark side
That "mode" is only activated while putting on a kids medium shirt.
I forgot to put
"Yours truly, Slizzy" at the bottom
The dark side chose me.
I'm not blonde though. ;hmm
Encouraging words ;ok
Which is good.
Slav's going "it doesn't matter how wide you are, Stewey, if you don't look up and open your eyes the ball ain't going anywhere productive".