Transfer rumours and speculation to take us through to summer.



  • MrsGrey said:

    David Gold has confirmed that Byram has joined Norwich.

    Still think £750k, particularly to a PL team, is very low.

    A bit low, if true. But really, what has he achieved? He hasn't imo shown he's PL quality.
    I'm inclined to agree, but he has proven at Leeds that he's a very good Championship player and has done a decent, if not spectacular, job in the PL. Yes, he's had his injury problems but he's still only 25.

    As I said yesterday, Luton Town - who were League 1 last season - sold their fullbacks for a combined fee of £12m, and between them they've played six Championship games. Arguably they've achieved less than Byram but have commanded much bigger fees.
  • I have no idea what that says but can see the words London and Hammers in there so hopefully that bodes well

  • Ich bin very happy about Haller
  • Sebastian Halle is on his way to London for a West Ham medical, Sky Sports News understands, for a deal thought to be worth £45m.

    Cue Levy whizzing about all the airports, train stations and bus stops in a bid to do a classic Spurs hi-jack.
  • edited July 2019
    Maybe saying not PL quality is a bit harsh. I'll amend it to not top half consistent PL quality yet, and imo not shown enough to think he'll get much better.

    Plus, you know. Injuries. So can't even be relied on to be consistent at that lesser level. It's a bit of a punt, and probably the fee reflects that.

    I don't know much about the achievements of the Luton players, but will look them up :ok:
  • Anyone striker going to Spurs will know they'll be playing second fiddle to Kane.

    Haller will be the main man at West Ham.
  • Is Sanchez that poor?I only ask because If I remember correctly he was out injured for nearly all of last season (maybe someone has the stats.).So did he play enough to be judged properly?
  • I think ‘not PL proven’ fits the bill for Byram.
  • Slacker said:

    Is Sanchez that poor?I only ask because If I remember correctly he was out injured for nearly all of last season (maybe someone has the stats.).So did he play enough to be judged properly?

    I think people are judging him on his spell at Villa and his performances for Colombia at the World Cup.

    I watched him the pre-season friendly last week and he was very poor, IMO. I would worry about him starting in Rice's place.
  • Re: Sanchez

    He significantly underwhelmed at Villa and looked a complete disaster at the WC. Whilst this might not be conclusive it hardly fills one with confidence about his abilities.
  • :clap: if the board can pull this off though I am a bit gutted if it comes with this "Champions League" release clause. If there is one I am hoping the price is set to 100 million.
  • Ex has just confirmed that deal agreed with Eintract. Down to medical and personal terms
  • Maybe this might turn out even better than Gomez? I tend to think that a player who has proved themselves in the bundesliga is highly likely to be able to cut it in the Prem.

    Our last striker signing from the bundesliga was Demba Ba and that worked out well. Except for the getting relegated and having to let him go for free bit!
  • I don't know much about Haller (never heard of him until this window), so I decided to look at his stats (

    At first glance, he looks a very dangerous striker. 2,181 minutes in Bundesliga last season, 15 goals and 9 assists. That's 1 goal involvement every 90 minutes (0.6 goals 0.4 assists), or 1 goal involvement every 90.9 minutes.

    However, his pass completion is 64% which isn't great, but his strengths and style of play include "aerial duels", "likes to do flick ons" and "likes to do layoffs". So, he essentially is a target man.

    Last season Frankfurt played with two up top for almost the whole season, and it seems to me that he was very successful playing with Jovic alongside him.

    Just based on these quick observations, it would seem he isn't exactly a direct replacement for Arnie. I wonder if signing him will change the way we play :hmm:
  • Arnie was a converted winger and as good as he was he didn’t have the instincts of a striker which showed when he would hang back instead of getting into the box. Hopefully Haller, or whoever we end up with as a striker, will have those instincts.
  • edited July 2019
    Perhaps a target man for Chicharito? Or someone else

    # Sensible comment :puzzled:
  • IronHerb said:

    Ex has just confirmed that deal agreed with Eintract. Down to medical and personal terms

    Although, given that Eitnracht put it on Twitter, not that much of a scoop...
  • Although Jacob Steinberg has said a third party are trying to Hijack the deal and are in talks with Hallers agent...
  • probably Man United...
  • 100% Man U are gonna gazump us.
  • IronHerb said:

    Ex has just confirmed that deal agreed with Eintract. Down to medical and personal terms

    Although, given that Eitnracht put it on Twitter, not that much of a scoop...
    He never claimed it was a scoop.
  • edited July 2019
    Presumably, even if he is in talks with another club, Frankfurt have only agreed a fee with us, otherwise they would have stated, given they have publicly announced it already with us.

    So all a bit irrelevant unless that interested club agrees a £40m fee with his club.
  • Hamstew said:

    100% Man U are gonna gazump us.

    He says it’s not Man Utd. He expects Haller to still sign for West Ham, but that we are anxious.
  • Herb

    But Ex wasn't confirming anything, just saying what Eintracht had said.
  • I had not heard of him and 45m sounds quite a lot for a player who has been playing for Frankfurt. I would have hoped at that sort of fee you could try and pick up the players that possibly signed for the big clubs but didn't quite make it, couldn't get enough pitch time and are happy to drop down to do so on good wages. A sort of Barca b-team player. But I guess if that's what 45m gets you in this market then that's what it gets you. I know there are factors that made Arnie unviable now but At 45m I would hope he is at least as good as it would be a shame to have sold a better player for half the price of his replacement.
  • Sounds like Inter and another champions League club are in for him now
  • Herb

    But Ex wasn't confirming anything, just saying what Eintracht had said.

    He was confirming via his West Ham sources.
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