Transfer rumours and speculation to take us through to summer.



  • If it goes through we pretty much got back what we paid for him improved team morale and can use the money for a striker and reduced the wage bill. So all good :biggrin:
  • Arnie must go now whatever we get for him
  • Payet then Arnie.

    Lanzini might be next.
  • People asking if Obiang has deleted him from the team what’s app group yet :lol:
  • Lanzini has never had “talisman” status at West Ham
  • Maybe this might end well for us. Did the club budget for Arnie still to be there and still get Gomez and perhaps even Rondon? And also a DM plus a rumoured central defender?

    Given we now have £20m plus Arnies wage off the books, surely we can address those other areas properly? Even more so if chicha goes

    I’d always struggled to get my head round how we would have accommodated Arnie, Gomez and Rondon given Pelle only plays one up front.
  • Even more so if chicha goes

    That's "if", its gone a bit quiet on the Hernandez front and he's training with the squad in Switzerland.
  • Chicha at least will see out his last year on his contract.

    If the club needed Arnie money to get Gomez or have a chance dare I say have we got enough to get Rondon to?

    We should be activating his clause before Newcastle do....

  • edited July 2019
    Get Rondon in now. He has a £16m release clause. That will leave us with Rondon & Hernandez for the foreseeable. Then we can focus on getting that first choice striker (although both of those would want to be first choice) & another CM. That replaces Arnie straight away. We’ve lost about £15m from this deal but oh well. I’m pretty sure Pelle wanted him out in Jan. He refused to play him for several games after that debacle & went with Hernandez. Always going to be a surprise if he stayed at the club this summer.
  • If the club say it's a rotten deal from our point of view and everyone involved, manager players et al want him gone, what the hell has he been up to to make him so universally disliked and unwanted. Even in the ego awash world of top class footballers he must have been going it some.
  • There is an image of Gomez in a Valencia shirt on the interweb could be fake or not :hmm:
  • I haven't seen anything that says he's disliked, just that it would be better for the squad/morale of he was sold now. Most reports say he's being let go because he's a disruptive influence.
  • edited July 2019
    Lukerz :ok: Feels like a massive no brainer to get Rondon in. He would be Carrolls replacement rather than Arnies, IMO, but still someone I'd be ok with starting the season with.

    The Gomez deal sounds to be getting less likely as the morning progresses, according to Ex, so I'd be surprised if that went through. I'm interested to know who's next on the list.
  • If Gomez doesn’t happen, Rondon will be our first choice striker next season. Not enough time to improve on that now I think
  • I wish we would get Mitrovic
  • Most transfers happen in the last few weeks of the transfer window plenty of time to get people in (I hope) :run:
  • I know people will be slating the two davids but i really think we have tried our best to get gomez.
    If it is true that we have offered higher wages than valencia but he still doesn't want to come to us then there is nothing we can do about it.
    We still have another month to find another striker and i trust in pellegrini.
  • I haven't heard or seen anyone slating the two Davids.
  • edited July 2019
    I don't know about doing our best, to be fair. Our best would have been meeting the release clause in January before Valencia were bidding.

    If he wants to stay in Spain then the only reason he would join us is for the money, and in that case I'm not convinced he'd be the right man for us. I mean, I suspect the reality is that most players from top European leagues join mid-table PL teams for the money rather than anything else, but it seems to be very explicit in Gomez's case.
  • As far as I understand Pellegrini and Husillos have a list of players of which Gomez is at the top I pretty sure they will move quickly on to the next player if they have not been in contact with them already in a prelimary manner if Gomez does n't join
  • Looking forward to finding out Arnie's brother convinced him this was a topping wheeze to get more money out of us, only for Arnie to find himself shanghaied (see what I did there?)
  • He will be Peking over his shoulder though. :yercoat:
  • edited July 2019
    I personally think Gomez isn't the right choice for West Ham, seems like if he does come, its for money purely and we will be having this Arnie conversation in 12 months time but with Gomez.

    Get in Rondon and hopefully we take a look at Andre Silva. We could end up having a nice Portuguese front line of Andre and Xande Silva.
  • I think it a bit of a catch 22 situation we need better players to move the club into the European spots but better players want to play for teams already in Europe so we end up having to offer more money to make ourselves an attractive option. I have no idea what Gomez is like , if he is a mercenary or just wants to play for the best team possible but until we get into European competition we rely on money and the Pellegrini factor and maybe being based in London to attract players
  • If Pelle deems him to be the right sort of player for us and his system then I’m happy to trust that judgment. If he is a potential problem in the making from an personality point of view, that is something he (and Husillos) will need to consider carefully. Which hopefully they have, given they have been tracking him for quite some time
  • mike said:

    I know people will be slating the two davids but i really think we have tried our best to get gomez.

    What have we tried? What did they offer him? What didn't they offer him?
  • I personally think Gomez isn't the right choice for West Ham, seems like if he does come, its for money purely and we will be having this Arnie conversation in 12 months time but with Gomez.

    Get in Rondon and hopefully we take a look at Andre Silva. We could end up having a nice Portuguese front line of Andre and Xande Silva.

    Fair point, however they are professionals and hired guns who will do what’s best for themselves and their families.I think these days loyalty of players is a very rare commodity,although I’m sure we can all come up with one club players ,it’s us mug supporters who are the the true loyalists and that would probably explain why we get so miffed when players either want to leave, or not come to our beloved club.
    “Why would they not want to come to West Ham when any one of us would’ve sold our souls to be a player in our youth?”
    “Why does he want to leave the best club in the country?”
    Because they are not West Ham fans, they are highly paid employees.
    In the end it all comes down to one thing-Money.

  • I think a lot of it with fans is how a player(and their agent) go about things. I had no problem when Carrick/ Joe Cole / Scott Parker etc left I was disappointed but the players always gave a 100% and when they left it was largely done behind the scenes and a few words thanking the fans for the support goes a long way. The less said about Payet and Arnartovic the better
  • I have no qualms with a player wanting more money, but if his motivation when he has a Champions League club or a team who is regularly in European competition in one of the top leagues in the world wanting his services and he turns that down to come to us. I would hesitate to say he sees more $$$ than furthering his career. His career will most likely blossom more from playing for Valencia in the Champions League than at a mid table West Ham who can only dream of playing in Europe.
  • edited July 2019
    Yeold, I think you’ve made my point for me.
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