January 2017 Transfer Speculation



  • From sky sports

    We are still in the hunt for Snodgrass and have delayed Callers move by a few days.
  • So presumably we're delaying Calleri until we get a striker in. Which is looking likely to be Hogan.

    Maybe we're waiting on the outcome of the medical, given his issues with his knee ;hmm
  • Do we need both Hogan & Snodgrass?
  • Suz

    I would say we need a striker and a winger. Whether we need Hogan and Snodgrass is a different question, IMO. Snodgrass would be a decent signing but I don't really want him.
  • Why don't you want him ald?
  • Next game isn't till the 1st Feb anyway so club have time. Though obviously closer it gets to the end of the month the harder it gets.

    Still think its a bad idea relying on Arbeloa who does not look that great and possible bust up with Slaven / not even fancied by Slaven for the RB spot and Byram ? would like to see an Actual RB come in.....

    We could do with another midfielder if we can shift Payet.

    Certainly need a striker and if we accept Zaza / Calleri are gone and Sakho is as good as out for the rest of the season with the fitness training he will need to do after he comes back. I do not think just Hogan will cut it I think we need another. Hogan + Fletcher + Carroll (+1 more)
  • I think Slav should play Payet at RB -show him who's boss.
  • Isn't Sakho due back at the beginning of March?
  • Suz

    I think that one of our biggest strengths when we are on form is that we break with speed. Snodgrass is a classy player (imo) but I don't feel that he suits our style particularly.

    The converse of that is that one of our biggest weaknesses when we play poorly is that Carroll (or any other striker) looks isolated. Losing pace from the side wouldn't help that, IMO.

    Personally, I would rather wait until the summer and see who is surplus to requirements at their side.
  • Thanks ald, makes sense ;ok
  • Alderz - I actually agree about the pace issue (although I would quite like Snod so a bit of a quandary for me I need to think about), however for devils advocate, Payet wasn't/isn't particularly fast yet we played well (LAST YEAR) when he was in the team?
  • I think it is essential to get at least 1striker in quickly because you can't rely on
    A C to last the season out, even though he is playing excellent at the moment.
  • edited January 2017
    Herb, yes according to physioroom. ;ok

  • It's easy to forget but we Spent 20m on a striker (or is is he winger) in the summer...

    Assuming he comes back from Acon fit (without Maleria) then he gives us another option.
  • I've just noticed a section on Transfermarkt.co.uk where it shows comparable players to the player who's profile you are in.

    For example, if you were to go to Payet's page, it says the most comparable players are Henrikh Mkhitarian, David Silva, Willian, Juan Mata & Arda Turan. How many of those do we think we go for less than £30m?


    For Snodgrass, the comparable players are the likes of Jason Puncheon and Aaron Lennon. I'm not saying this is or isn't particularly accurate, but I think it gives an idea of the sort of downgrade in class we're looking at.


    In my ideal scenario, we wait til summer for a new winger and then go all out for Oxlade-Chamberlain, who I think would be fantastic for us. He only has 18 months left on his contract, so there is a real chance he'll be available.
  • edited January 2017
    The problem with Sakho is that he will need at least three weeks to get up to the necessary fitness levels to be able to be considered. And with him and Carroll being as fragile as they are, I think we need another striker in.

    Hogan will, I hope, be able to do a job in the short term and also has, at the age of 24, the potential to be a long term option too.
  • And good call on Ox, Alderz. Definitely one I'd be interested in ;ok
  • Willian ;carew Would be amazing for us, can you imagine! But alas even my nightdreams are too realistic to see it happen.

    Oxlade-Chamberlain is a great shout though Ald, lets hope he feels he's not getting enough time with Arsenal and their squad of 33 attacking midfielders. I slightly poo-pooed the idea of Walcott when it was suggested preseason, and was left to rue my stupidity. I think he (Theo) has signed a long contract now? Anyway, yes to O-C, would def take not snodding and waiting 'til summer if we could get the OC (california ;quaver )

    One downside to Snod is that although left pegged he much prefers playing right wing and for us so do Feg (definitely) and Ant (preference), OC is, on my viewing just as happy on either wing. ;ok
  • Florin ;ok

    I actually think that Dimi is quicker than we realise. But yeah I see your point. I suppose the difference between he and Snodgrass is that he is far more capable of carrying the ball and beating players, so his (relative) lack of speed is less of an issue.
  • That would be a serious show of intent. Perisic is #goodatfootball
  • Oxlade Chamberlain (and his dad) were guests on Goals on Sunday recently. I don't know f any of you saw it?

    Anyway, he was asked about where he is up to in his career and what next?

    He basically said that he is at that stage where he wants to be starting and playing regularly, that his 'development stage' is coming to an end. He would see how much game time he got this season, and then think over what would be best for him in the next period of his career. (Still only 23, but in and around Arsenal 1st team for what seems like ages.)
  • Mrs G ;ok

    That's interesting, I hadn't seen that.

    I think that he definitely needs game time. He looks pretty inconsistent, but I would argue that is because he never gets a run of games.

    Antonio - Ox - Lanzini

    Behind the striker would be amazing.
  • The Croatian connection.
  • Perisic would immense....

    Finally a Transfer rumour that I am excited by...

    So it wont happen...
  • Ox is good but having Carroll, Sakho, Hogan and Ox who are all injury prone worries me a bit.

    Obviously you can't predict who will get injured but I would like someone who doesn't have a bad injury record.
  • Perisic? No chance.

    There's nothing in this story at all, IMO. We're interested in Snodgrass for a reason and unfortunately that reason is he is more of our level right now than Perisic is.
  • edited January 2017
    I'm in accordance with all on Perisic, would be an incredible Payet replacement. Can the Croatian link create an 'in'? Also apparantly contracted until 2020, how much would we need to pay? Probs out our league on all fronts.

    Alderz - personally not a fan of Lanz on the wing, he just doesn't look comfortable their for me so would be: The OC - Lanz - Ant
  • It's a really annoying article. They say their story is based on an article in an Italian paper/site but don't provide a link.

    I'll see if I can find the original.
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