


  • MrsG

    I agree that the determination of what is and isn’t ok is cultural, and in some cultures doing what he’s done may be ok, and fishing may not be. Personally, I don’t eat meat, find animal cruelty to be disgusting in all forms and include the meat industry in that. But I also recognise that culturally and socially there is a difference between cruelty to a domesticated pet, and, say, farming or fishing. I don’t like any of them, but there is a difference.
  • I think for it to be comparable you would need to see Noble kicking the carp as it lay on the floor or finding delight as it gasped for breath as he watched it. I am not sure but imagine he put those fish back after treating them with as much care as he could.

    I am not a fan of fishing bit I can't compare it to what I saw Zouma do today.
  • There most certainly is a difference, character is frankly all we have and it is the only thing that counts, Zouma has displayed the callousness in his character, for all to see, and it is ugly.

    There is simply has no defence but unless there is clear legal jeopardy, I do not think this rises to the level of losing his livelihood.

    For me, I would not let him anywhere near an animal shelter but would ensure he is heavily fined with local animal charities benefiting.
  • He’s apologized- time to move on everyone
  • Sky really played on this situation claiming that Zouma was roundly booed by all and sundry and turning the volume up to boot. Poor form.
  • edited February 2022

    He’s apologized- time to move on everyone

    An apology alone just wont cut it!

    He needs to actively go beyond an apology and be seen to be not just donating to animal welfare institutions but actively participating. Maybe then he will genuinely be truly remorseful when he sees a bit of hardship and the results of peoples cruelty and neglect of animals
  • I've worked in seven countries on four continents, and the UK is way more caring about domestic and cuddly animals. We'll leave fish and cockroaches out of it for now... Zouma for me is not sadistic, not stupid,but ignorant of UK attitudes toward animals. He's like the Met officers saying sexist treatment of females is 'just bants'; the people who blame NHS backlogs on immigrants; kids who always say their bullying was 'just joking'. Al ignorant comments. I'd prefer Zouma to be educated about this rather than kicked out and carry on as before. Many posters have made good suggestions how this could be done. Peace to you all 😉
  • Still don't want him at the club

    See those justifying and trying to move one but I'm not one, he hasn't "made a mistake" he has drop kicked a domestic pet with intention

    Buying a domestic pet gives you a moral responsibility to look after that animal and provide it food and safety

    And he wasn't play fighting, he kicked the hell out of that cat....hes lucky that it didn't sustain injuries because if it did, and it very could have, no one would be defending him

    And if that cat turned around after getting kicked and lashed out at him or God forbid his kid....which after getting assaulted it had every right to..... then guess what? The cat probably gets put down

    There is a reason that they've increased the max animal cruelty sentence to 5 years is because its not been taken seriously enough

    And I'm shocked by the attitude by some posters and other fans that have basically confirmed why the extended sentence was justified, it is just blown over

    Also pleading ignorance is not tolerable its 2022 and if you want to be a resident here you should abide by the social standards of this country

    You take on the responsibility of being a domestic animal you are essentially having a child and if you drop kicked a child you'd be in prison for a very very long time (ok it's not quite the same but the point remians)
  • I think we agree on the main issue, whu champo - that we don't want Zouma's behaviour to continue. My point was that just kicking him down the road (pun intended) may not change his behaviour. Same for a fine or ban for some matches - he may serve his time and carry on as before. Work in an animal shelter long-term is more likely to change him, and that's for the law to decide first and the club to support.
  • I think we agree on the main issue, whu champo - that we don't want Zouma's behaviour to continue. My point was that just kicking him down the road (pun intended) may not change his behaviour. Same for a fine or ban for some matches - he may serve his time and carry on as before. Work in an animal shelter long-term is more likely to change him, and that's for the law to decide first and the club to support.

    But that's all hypothetical

    As of today be has not been punished and all this charity work etc. Its not going to happen, met have already said they won't investigate (again a joke but that sums up the met atm) and the club should not play him untill the internal investigation is concluded

    If this is how we've dealt with it "internally" it's a disgrace as we've basically given him a slap on the hand

    Is that going to change him

    The club care more about top 4 then they do animal abuse and I think a vast majority of our fans do as well

    So comments like lets just move on etc. After 24 hours prove to me that it will just be wiped hinder the carpet
  • WHU, Yes the club do care about trying to finish in the top 4 and if you listen to David Moyes he as much said that.
  • edited February 2022

    But that's all hypothetical

    As of today be has not been punished and all this charity work etc. Its not going to happen, met have already said they won't investigate (again a joke but that sums up the met atm) and the club should not play him untill the internal investigation is concluded

    If this is how we've dealt with it "internally" it's a disgrace as we've basically given him a slap on the hand

    Is that going to change him

    The club care more about top 4 then they do animal abuse and I think a vast majority of our fans do as well

    So comments like lets just move on etc. After 24 hours prove to me that it will just be wiped hinder the carpet

    We don't know what the club have done, or plan to do, by way of punishment, so it's not fait to say it's been swept under the carpet. Personally, I don't think he should have played last night, but he did and there's nothing we can do about that.

    Like Joe Cole said on BT last night, there's no precedent for this that anyone can remember in the game, so the club probably don't know what's proportionate. There have been calls from some for him to be sacked and imprisoned, whereas others have said he's apologised and that should be enough. You only have to look at the debate on here to see how difficult a position the club have been put in; there'll be uproar from some if they just fine him a weeks wages, and uproar from others if his contract is terminated.

    We can all agree that what he did was abhorrent, and I've no doubt the club will discipline him, but I suspect whatever they do wont be enough for some people, but I honestly don't know what is 'enough' for an employer.
  • I’ve been a fisherman for 60 odd years.
    I was out yesterday and spent some of the time thinking about catgate ,how horrible it was and what should happen. Whilst musing I managed a few fish which were all caught using barbless hooks, brought in with a landing net, laid down on on a soft landing mat, unhooked without any damage( see hooks above) and returned to the water via the same landing net. Then I came home and took my much loved dog for a run in the woods.
    There is no comparison with that and what Zouma did.
  • I understand why Moyes played Zouma last night but I can see why others think he should not have. Other than an internal process, which i assume is not yet complete, WHU are not the judge and jury in cases like this. I think the police and RSPCA investigation need to be completed and action taken as appropriate then the club makes a decision about playing and / or punishment.
    there is something in the press today about him donating £500K which is a substantial amount for most people but probably not a big issue for him.
    As abhorent the video is, I do not like the trial by media which is so common these days. Let the authorities do their jobs and the club can decide what to do from there.
  • edited February 2022
    Bazshuayi said:

    An apology alone just wont cut it!

    He needs to actively go beyond an apology and be seen to be not just donating to animal welfare institutions but actively participating. Maybe then he will genuinely be truly remorseful when he sees a bit of hardship and the results of peoples cruelty and neglect of animals

    I'll go further though and say that not just Zouma but the club should show initiative and be publicly seen trying to make the effort in the animal welfare arena to help and contribute. We've had enough negative publicity in the past and, as a supporter, I dont want my team being sneared at by others over something an individual of that club has done. I hope they actually do something beyond just their statement
  • Please correct me if I’m wrong but have people not been fired from their positions for videos etc seen on social media that has a negative/ detrimental affect on their company?
  • "Zouma, 27, was booed every time he touched the ball against Watford in the incendiary London Stadium clash." Incendiary??? And he was booed by the Watford fans as expected. Love the Mail 😂
  • Even the Watford fans mostly got bored of booing him by the end. The anger didn't even last 90 minutes.
  • I think they’ve misheard “zou” for boos. I didn’t even hear boos from Watford fans much.
  • Barney said:

    there is something in the press today about him donating £500K which is a substantial amount for most people but probably not a big issue for him.

    I am not sure that 500k wouldn't be a big issue for him. We all know how expenses go up if you earn more so losing 6 weeks wages (or whatever his net income is) would put some dent in his pocket. 500k is a lot of money, regardless of how much you earn.

    I guess the club will also fine him so he could easily lose out on a substantial bit of income.

    Regardless of this, though, the club need to make sure he learns his lesson. I doubt they will have any reason to stop paying his wages for good and they won't sack him, as that would mean they blow the transfer money up the chimney.
    Zouma should get himself a PR specialist and work with him to get himself out of this mess.
    It is not a good piece of PR on his side but in my opinion we'd lose a lot of good footballers if a footballer was forced to end their career everytime they misbehaved. Tax eviction, drink driving, flouting covid regulations - all of these things happen but the players still play.
  • I think they’ve misheard “zou” for boos. I didn’t even hear boos from Watford fans much.

    Exactly, they hear what they want to. Watford fans gave up booing at half time.
  • edited February 2022
    Some of the reports now are getting ridiculous. I read one post that it was planned and he’d done it earlier but his brother hadn’t filmed it so he did it again and it was him doing the laughing.
    Social media has a lot to answer for as most idiots on there believe every word they read and them embellish them.
  • I don't have social media and I don't read anything from the Mail, Sun, Mirror or Star. My life is so much happier for it.
  • I don’t do social media either but that post I referred to was shown to me by my friend, a Liverpool fan
  • Serious question - does anyone know if the cat sustained any physical injury other than perhaps some bruising? Has it been examined by a vet?
  • edited February 2022
    Have Kurt Zouma prosecuted for animal cruelty.

  • If the cat suffered no harm then it doesn’t come under the definition of animal cruelty which presumably is what Essex police and the RSPCA are investigating and which may or may not result in some form of legal response.
    Instances of a reaction to something an animal or pet has done I should imagine are not rare. I know of at least two instances I can recall.
    In one about 25 years ago my friend kicked his dog after it did its business on the train of his daughter’s wedding dress as they were preparing to leave for the church.
    In another, a different friends wife grabbed hold of her cat and threw it after it had a) torn into the leather of her new sofa whilst also tearing her passport 2 days before they were due to go on holiday.
    In neither case was the animal hurt and to my knowledge nothing ever happened again and both died of old age.
    My point is we have no idea what occurred leading up to these instances which caused a momentary loss of temper or whether it was premeditated purely for his brother to film and post. Nor do we know if the laughter was at the expense of Zouma because he had lost his temper which may or may not be out of character or at the actual kicking instance.
    I still can’t get my head around what his brother was actually filming in the first place.
  • Just a bit of info.

    In 2019 the RSPCA investigated 93,362 reports of animal cruelty.

    They brought prosecutions in approx 1500 cases.

    They set the bar very high for prosecutions - serious cases of mass cruelty/exploitation AND/OR people who resist all attempts at education and advice. The latter is the first step the RSPCA take.

    Based on the criteria they set out, and have applied consistently (as is their stated aim) I can't ever see a prosecution.

    No matter how many petitions are launched.
  • Section 1 states that it is a criminal offence to “cruelly beat, ill-treat, kick” a domestic or captive animal, which relates to our question about kicking pet dogs. You also can't “over-ride, over-load, torture, infuriate or terrify” them.

    Nothing about harming the animal.
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