American Election Discussion



  • edited June 2017
    What is so infuriating is illustrated by his latest tweet blaming the Democrats for delaying nominations.

    After the acting ambassador to London praised Sadiq Khan, and a TV programme highlighted it and the fact that there was no permanent Ambassador yet in place,Trump tweeted that Democrats were blocking his nominations and appointments.

    BUT, he hasn't actually nominated a UK Ambassador.

    Do you think his supporters will take away from that their President is misleading them? Or that he should spend less time tweeting about it and more time actually doing the job? Or that the Democrats are blocking confirmations?

    ;hmm Let me guess ;doh

  • Vorse ;ok

    Let's hope.
  • How people can still believe a word he says is incredible
  • I think it telling that he weighed in with an attack on the Mayor of a foreign city so quickly, but took the best part of 3 days to say anything about a self-proclaimed American patriot murdering 2 other Americans in an Islamophobic hate crime in an American city.
  • Trump's approval rating 36%,

    Support for impeachment 43%

  • edited June 2017
    What I think gets forgotten in the noise was the clammer prior to the Paris accord being signed,.

    The big deal then was why should America change its ways and try to go green whilst China and India were still committed to building new fossil fuel plants.

    What the Paris accord did was to unify everyone into committing to clean up their act, under the accord, it is true that America was committed to contributing $3bn to the UNs "Green Climate fund" designed to help poorer nations who are most at risk to the implications of climate change, and I believe that the commitment in pure dollars was probably more than any other nation, ( I think that is all Trump saw when he reviewed this) as a % of GDP, it was far from the top of the list.


    I believe the requirement was to lead and for once i think that in making the commitment, America was a leading force that helped bring the whole world together, by pulling out, although the individual nations commitments are voluntary, it will only encourage other nations to default on them.

    America and its individual states may still commit to renewable energy sources but the optics are truly terrible, where is the leadership and committed encouragement to ensure that every other nation does likewise.

    The question I want to ask Trump is "where does he think that the research dollars are going to go?" I am sure there are many efforts being exerted in pursueing renewable sources of energy and yes, the breakthrough may come from within the USA but I think that by pulling out, the stage is set for the majority of new research dollars to be likely to be invested overseas.

    I really do not understand why someone like Trump does not understand that.

    Actually I totally understand why that is ;wink
  • I am sorry for not posting more often Alderz i didn't realize you were following me,
    Its been a busy few months & there was not too much to talk about on the West Ham front but i have been signing in & reading the comments.
    To address your points directly..
    I talked about food packaging as I am very well versed in the chemical aspect and find it amazing that European regulations stop competition at the expense of cleaner chemicals - FACT
    It is not too much of a leap to suspect that this type of protectionism extends to other areas of industry.
    I only say this because you state that you are upset with what Trump is doing to the world, i would question the European parliament too.
    I did not see any reference to Breitbart, but can assure you i am not a subscriber or reader, in fact i would challenge hard line views from either side.
    As for Trumps comments, if the heavier police presence is required then it simply makes sense that there is something to be concerned about doesn't it? He was also correct on the gun issue though that is a two edged sword, if guns were easily available in the UK then the terrorists would probably have had guns, but there may also have been a person with a concealed carry weapon that could have stopped it sooner. I am probably with you on this one no guns is better but unfortunately that is not an option in the USA.
    Compassion? I like everyone else was horrified by the actions of these 3 delusional individuals & my heart goes out to the families & friends, but i don't feel sorry Sadiq Khan why should I?
    WARNING off subject..what is going to change?
    IMO - If someone, as appears to be the case here reports an individual how do the police or MI5 / FBI investigate, track or monitor these people? Constant security leaks about how and what the government is doing only help the terrorists not the public. I have nothing to hide & if a court decides they want to monitor all my electronic communication or turn my phone into a microphone then they can have at it, I just wish this was possible in these cases. Maybe big brother but in times of war, & we are at war.

    Oh & Mrs G
    "As long as America is OK (economically, I assume you mean), never mind about what they are doing to the rest of the planet and the people who live on it, that's essentially what you are saying."

    No that is not what i am saying, I am saying that as with Unleaded Fuel in the 60's the USA leads the way in many Green technologies and they will continue to do so, It does not make sense to close coal fired generators in the USA but build them in India and China. As you point out the world is all of ours so lets use the best technologies worldwide & the Paris agreement does not propose that?
  • The Paris Agreement leaves it up to each country to set its own targets and decide the best ways to reduce their carbon emissions.

    It absolutely does not require USA to close their coal-fired generators. Nor does it specify that India and China may build new ones.

    Trump, once again, distorting the truth.

  • You think he was right to respond to a terror attack on London by laying into the mayor of the city, and suggesting that guns would have helped? Out of interest, how would you have felt if, on 12th September 2001, Tony Blair had gone after Rudy Giuliani?

    I wonder what Trump's view would have been if Sadiq Khan had released a statement saying: PANIC! EVERYONE PANIC! because he seems to be criticising him for urging for calm, when that is very clearly the only appropriate response.
  • Not Trump, Mrs G but Obama, regulations in the USA were passed by Obama limiting particulates, somewhat misguided as if applied they would have impacted the whole heatset printing industry as well as many others, luckily Trumps executive order fixed that fopar.

    Alderz -You avoided my question why are there more police if there is nothing to worry about? They are obviously concerned about copycats or other acts of terror so shouldn't Khan have requested vigilance from the public or is it better he just pats everyone on the head and says there there, there's nothing to worry about.
  • simonc said:

    Not Trump, Mrs G but Obama, regulations in the USA were passed by Obama limiting particulates, somewhat misguided as if applied they would have impacted the whole heatset printing industry as well as many others, luckily Trumps executive order fixed that fopar.

    But then that's a domestic matter. Why are you linking it to the Paris Agreement, and comparing it to what India and China might or might not do?

    And if Trump 'fixed it' doesn't that further undermine the argument for withdrawing from the Paris Agreement?

    I feel like I'm trying to nail jelly to the wall. ;puzzled
  • simonc said:

    Not Trump, Mrs G but Obama, regulations in the USA were passed by Obama limiting particulates, somewhat misguided as if applied they would have impacted the whole heatset printing industry as well as many others,

    And presumably impacted a lot of people's health, too. For the better.
  • simonc said:

    Not Trump, Mrs G but Obama, regulations in the USA were passed by Obama limiting particulates, somewhat misguided as if applied they would have impacted the whole heatset printing industry as well as many others, luckily Trumps executive order fixed that fopar.

    Alderz -You avoided my question why are there more police if there is nothing to worry about? They are obviously concerned about copycats or other acts of terror so shouldn't Khan have requested vigilance from the public or is it better he just pats everyone on the head and says there there, there's nothing to worry about.

    His point being that just because you see an increased presence of armed police it shouldn't deter you from continuing your normal daily routines and going about your business.

    More armed police does not mean that they know of a specific threat to the capital and are therefore putting more police out the combat a specific threat.

    At the end of the day, regardless of any of that, the fact that Trump said anything other than something on the lines of, "We stand with London against all forms of hatred" shows that it he is a disgusting individual

    As we all know, it's all about Trump and him wanting to be the big man, center stage, shouting his mouth off about things he has no clue about.
  • Mrs G we certainly seem to have a failure to communicate, if i am Jelly then i think you must be blancmange :smile:
    I know we come at the issues from different directions but I never said this..
    "It absolutely does not require USA to close their coal-fired generators. Nor does it specify that India and China may build new ones."
    Obama made commitments to the Paris Agreement based off the closing of coal power stations & Trump is rightly pointing our that worldwide it does not make sense to play wakamo with power stations especially as it would put the USA at an economic disadvantage.
    In my opinion time and money is better spent developing alternate energy sources that everyone can adopt, geothermal? obviously many others would prefer the US to operate at a disadvantage.
    As i tried to point out the legislation that Obama's government proposed, restricted particulates to a ridiculous level & would have impacted EVERY company with a chimney making compliance impossible - it was simply rushed out bad thought out legislation, which went far beyond what is in effect anywhere in the world other than Antarctica.
    I would not even try to argue that it is not beneficial for worldwide emissions to be reduced, just that taking from peter to pay paul is not an acceptable way forward
  • edited June 2017
    In my opinion time and money is better spent developing alternate energy sources that everyone can adopt.

    Why does it have to be an either/or?

    I would argue that it absolutely shouldn't be. The planet can't afford to wait until these embryo technologies have been tried and tested, found viable and are ready for implementaion (if they ever will be).

    We need action NOW to limit the harmful effects on the environment and health of various polluting activities, not kicking the can down the road. And if a result is to help make some of the green technologies more economically competitive, or push the development along a bit quicker, all well and good. Win-win.
  • Simon, he didn't say there was nothing to worry about, because obviously there is something to worry about. He told people not to panic, which is different
  • Not quite Alderz he used the words "no need to be alarmed" not quite the same as panic but whatever sounds better, go for it
  • edited June 2017
    simonc said:

    Not quite Alderz he used the words "no need to be alarmed" not quite the same as panic but whatever sounds better, go for it

    Within a context. Which Trump ignored.

    He clearly thought it 'sounded better', so 'went for it'.

    Which you indicate you don't think is a good thing if alderz does it (as you portray it) but is great if Trump does.

    Sound to me like you want to give Trump a free pass.

  • simonc said:

    Not quite Alderz he used the words "no need to be alarmed" not quite the same as panic but whatever sounds better, go for it

    As I said, there was no need to be alarmed because of the increase in armed police. The people of London carried on their daily routines regardless of the tragic events.

    You can try as hard as you like to excuse the excuse of a human being that is Trump but he should have just kept his mouth / twitter account quiet if he had nothing supportive to say.

  • Hear, hear!
    The man is only interested in his own interpretation of what Sadiq Khan said and not the actual context!
    Trump belongs to the I club:
  • I had to go to Westfield on Sunday, there were armed coppers around, no one gave a toss, they were too busy shopping.

    In the 80s and 90s there were over a hundred separate bombing incidents in London by the IRA.

    Between September1940 and May 1941 over 40000 people died in the Blitz.

    London can take it.

    And we'll take our pint with us
  • Keep calm and don't spill your beer.

    There is no point in panicking because these people don't target specific people or places. The only thing you can do is is to continue your life. It's the only way of showing terrorists that their messages aren't working. That's the message Khan carried (perhaps not in quite these words).

    Trump on the other side seems to propagate splendid isolation. Keep everyone out and let only their money in because while people are evil (guns aren't btw) their money can't do you any harm. And if an act of terrorism is committed by someone who was born here it just proves that extreme vetting should have been in place when his parents or ancestors came over.

    Trump is the savior. ;doh I find his ways so annoying!
  • I commuted in and out of central London when the IRA were busy putting bombs in litter bins. Armed police patroled the square mile.

    No one batted an eye lid.

    We were watchful but we kept calm and carried on.
  • Simonc : I'm waiting patiently for you to answer Alderz's question: "The current hurt and upset is down to his unnecessary attack on Sadiq Khan, and his desire to turn an event in this country into a political statement about gun control.
    Why not address that issue?"
    You did make a comment on gun control, but made no attempt to comment on Trump's behaviour. A long time ago I said I'd respect the views of both sides more if the pro-Trump side admitted any mistake he'd made (and the anti-Trump side admitted anything good he'd done) This was an obvious time to admit Trump opened his mouth before engaging his brain cell, but you missed the opportunity.
    I shall continue to wait patiently (and defend your right to post on this site.)
  • Listening to Comey testifying to the Senate intelligence committee, John McCain desperately trying to drag Clinton back into it. Truly pathetic.
  • edited June 2017
    ;ok Not watching/listening, but following a live text report thingy.
  • edited June 2017
    Watching the BBC round up at the moment. Interesting stuff.
  • What we are seeing and hearing are Comeys public comments, it really does not take a rocket scientist to take a guess at his private thoughts ;wink
  • Trump "I haven't had great coverage out there lately, Theresa."

    May "Well, you know what the British press are like."

    Trump "I still want to come but I'm in no rush so if you can fix it for me it would make things a lot easier. When I know I'm going to get a better reception I'll come and not before."

    Looks like Little Donnie won't be coming to the UK any time soon.....

    .....and the Queen breathes a huge sigh of relief.
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