I won't stand for this - The thread all about standing at the OS.
So West Ham members were sent this email today. What do you make of it?

Anyway this was created off the back of the email.

Anyway this was created off the back of the email.
They aren't saying you can't stand up but don't stand up for long periods of time which I don't think it's unfair to ask
If a person stood up when I had a season ticket didn't care who they are I'd tell em to sit down
I've spent good money I should get a view unobstructed view
Don't get the disabled jibe though, surely the disabled fans are at the front anyway.....
Have a look:
Notice the average stadium attendance compared to 'Sektor C'.
'This is an outrage' ;doh
'Hard working people pay a great amount of money to watch West ham' ;doh Yeah, mate, but they can't see because you won't sit down!
'Don't let Karren Brady...' Mate, its Premier League rules. ;doh
Needless to say, I won't be signing it.
Also, I think turning this into a a personal 'Karren Brady can't tell me what to do, so there' is ridiculous.
Maybe the people who sign the petition could start a fund to compensate those season ticket holders who, if the Club were to designate a section as 'persistent standing', would have to be moved to a different part of the stadium?
I would laugh if the club said yeah, alright, you got it: back row all around the stadium, you can stand as long as you like. Now, tell me which seat you'd like in that row and we'll re-allocate your season ticket to that seat. Enjoy ;ok
The problem seems to be that back at the Boleyn everyone knew where to go if they wanted to be in a section where people stood up during the game or where they stayed sitting down, at the OS no one is quite sure where to go so we're all mixed up.
Hopefully it settles down but for those who've bought season tickets it might be a rather difficult season ahead.
PS does anyone know where the away fans are going to be?
Are you Polish (if so, your English is impeccable) or English in which case do you speak Polish and if you do ;bowdown ;biggrin
Along with the BML it was the only place that fans always stood.
You can not stand up inside football grounds by law.
KB is doing her job.
Those that think it's ok to ruin someone's enjoyment can naff the hell off.
Asleef makes a great point. When you book tickets for Upton park you know which areas you would stand all game. Trevor brooking lower, bobby Moore lower. At the OS those regulars are dottedaround the stadium.
Secrethammer, that would be great for the OS. Doubt the board would agree though.
One thing that grinds my gears about the club at the moment is that they are trying (IMO) to make us a corporate club. Kit launches etc.. Turning into Arsenal
It has nothing to do with the club.
PL grounds are all-seating - end of. Sit down, shut up. Sit down, shut up.
I don't care how much someone wants to stand up.
If it is that important, go to a lower league club.
That's a failing on their part.
Warn and then ban persistent standers, randomly selecting say 10 every game from video evidence.
Resell the seat to one of the many thousands who would be happy to promise to sit down if it meant they got an ST, and donate the original ticket money to charity.
According to the steward who was mainly at the staircase access to UP, the stewarding at the OS is run by the stadium operators, with the stewards required to be available for all events, not just our games. He was getting a season ticket as he only wanted to watch WHU.
Clearly, the new operators will need to fully comply with the law and the Club has been obliged to send out the e-mail.
The guy who sits next to me has a problem with his feet which means he can walk slowly to the stadium but could not stand for the whole game. He has more right to see the whole match than those who want to stand! Fortunately, it has not been an issue during the first two games where we sit, nor was it at UP.
I'm Irish, but I've been living in Krakow for the best part of 20 years, so I speak Polish.
But when I was asked to sit down I did and without giving the stewards mouth.
I'm in a different stand now and sit down, it's odd but it didn't stop me from singing or chanting.
I can understand the frustration of those who want to stand but not their stubbornness or their lack of care for fellow fans.
It feels a bit like the grief I used to get in the 80s about being at a football whilst being female.
Times change and we must change with it.
Having said that the club are wrong for not having a family stand and for not pushing for a safe standing area.
The football world is watching and IMHO the club with ban those who do not sit down.
David Gold needs to remember those "fantastic fans and the atmosphere" they created during memorable wins.......(rightly or wrongly standing) I think he actually knows, judging by his tweets last night on the subject.
For the record, I think both sides to the argument are very valid. However the clubs need to sell as many ST's as possible has in fact helped cause this, they displaced so many fans due to the +2. Hopefully once all the ST holders are in their place the size of the problem can really be seen, for me the club need to look at some kind of ticket swap process.
They have a serious dilemma on their hands, they've sold the 52K ST's, now they are in danger of having in fan fighting or little to no atmosphere. Brady needs to address it one way or another imo.
Over many years it all settled down at UP, people either went to Standing area's or Seating area's, historically (I think) behind the goals at most stadiums the majority of the lower tiers stand for at least part of the game.......that goes back decades.
What I don't agree with is a general level of disrespect from one fan to another, you don't just stand up in front of someone when barely anyone else in that area is doing it and you certainly don't mouth abuse at them when they pull you up on it. You make sure you're aware of your surroundings and treat people with respect.
and if by magic, Jack tweeted this last night.......like that is going to help matters!
"I say do whatever you bloomin' well won't in your seat! If you want to stand up feel free, JS."
Too stupid to realise it is against PL rules...
For me, there isn't an issue for the club to sort out, beyond enforcing 'no persistent standing'