He's not just about the money, he wants to win things.
If he wants to win things he shouldn't have signed in the first place. A bit of research into the club would have told him that. He signed up to a five year project and is unhappy he hasn't won anything in year one? Nah, not for me.
Frenchman has refused to train and play this weekend At his pre-match press conference on Thursday, Bilic also said Payet is refusing to play for the club against Crystal Palace this weekend.
I think he would have left even if we were doing well, he thinks he is better than us and wants out. If he had any decency he would have given his all to the summer and than put in a transfer request then but no he refuses to play . This is him showing his true colours imho.
I fee sorry for his teammates they are probably be glad to see the back of him if this is his attitude. Maybe it can improve morale by removing a problem lets hope so. We were here before him and will be here after him we are West Ham so do one Payet
You can't blame the board. If he's told Bilic he wants out, that's his call.
All I'm saying, as a big fish in a smaller pond, with no loyalty or ties to he club or area, what incentive is there for him to stay when the club has gone from two wins away from the Champions League to 13th and out of three cups?
He's not just about the money, he wants to win things.
If he wants to win things he shouldn't have signed in the first place. A bit of research into the club would have told him that. He signed up to a five year project and is unhappy he hasn't won anything in year one? Nah, not for me.
Yes the research would have shown this BUT
The owners were spouting a change at West Ham. European football, Champions league within x years. They were telling all the sponsors, hospitality and fans the same thing.
We are all devastated.
Look I blame Sully, but I don't for one second think he did it on purpose. I think he made some terrible decisions here.
Bought too many poor players that upset the dynamic and morale and demonstrated to be existing players (not on purpose) that we aren't moving forward.
The above was said by many people after the Astra game. Too many new faces. No big players. Very demoralising. I don't blame Payet.
This also hasn't just happened. Sub against Citeh, subbed v Man U. I'm sure he's told Slav he's wanted to leave for a little while now and the club have said no. Now he's taking to the next level.
I think they'll be a number of empty seats next year if they don't sort this mess out.
The owners can only be blamed for keeping Bilic at the helm that long. Look at the state the club is in! I expect a few more players to say that they don't want to play for this clueless manager. The only thing that can and should be done is removing Bilic; this will stop the rot. After that, if anybody doesn't want to play for us he must be sold. But I am sure they all will be happy to play when Bilic is gone.
What incentive? How about the five year contract that he signed?
He's bottled it.
Now I'm off to tell my boss I'm not working for the rest of the week because the he hasn't brought in the leftover chocolate from Christmas he said he would.
like the world class striker he was buying all summer , payet is wrong for his actions imo but I can see his point getting beat by 5's and 4's every week putting balls into the box and nobody there takes it toll I suppose ..
But if I told my boss I wasn't coming into work and wanted to leave .. well
I don't want him in the side now. As far as I'm concerned he can pack his gear, move back to France and await his next move once we've finalised all the details.
But, from his viewpoint, he's had 18 months of being worshipped and made to feel like he can turn water into wine and walk across the Thames. He's been paid very well after only 6 months, had a great World Cup and finished in the top 20 of the best footballers on the planet.
He's then seen the club sign some absolute dross, struggle in all competitions, get drubbed 5-0 on Friday and, add to that, he's been subbed and then left out of the XI for the last two games.
I'm sure Jose said something to him when we played Man Utd.
By all means say you don't want him involved, but lets not character assassinate. The board had a chance to prove to him the project they sold was not just fantasy, and they didn't and we're back to making £3m bids for players at the bottom club and £5m bids for proven 34 year olds. If many STH aren't getting on board with the London Stadium dream, 40 years dedication to the WHU cause, bleeding claret and blue, how on earth can you expect a 29 year old from France, been here five minutes, to even be remotely convinced?
And the old "some people will use any stick to beat the owners with" argument has run its course cheers. You could quite easily flip it round and say "some people will use any shield to defend the owners with their life", but I never say that. All opinions welcome and all that. ;ok
Payet is refusing to train with the team and wants to leave (http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11685/10725796/dimitri-payet-does-not-want-to-play-for-west-ham-says-slaven-bilic). Time to sell him. Those unilaterally withdrawing labour don't usually get paid. So Payet should not be paid or should he? No team should keep a player who is self-centred and not committed to the team. It is bad and for the team and everyone else. I remember Nottingham Forest striker Pierre van Hooijdonk doing the same and holding the whole club to ransom. At the end Forest were relegated. Time to lance the boil, collect the fee and invest it in someone committed to the team. I also wonder whether now Bilic's days are also numbered.
The owners can only be blamed for keeping Bilic at the helm that long. Look at the state the club is in! I expect a few more players to say that they don't want to play for this clueless manager. The only thing that can and should be done is removing Bilic; this will stop the rot. After that, if anybody doesn't want to play for us he must be sold. But I am sure they all will be happy to play when Bilic is gone.
I bet he doesn't take a pay drop in order to win things ;biggrin
Frenchman has refused to train and play this weekend
At his pre-match press conference on Thursday, Bilic also said Payet is refusing to play for the club against Crystal Palace this weekend.
But as far as I can see, no other West Ham player is refusing to play or train.
To blame this on the board is, in my opinion, just plain wrong
sell sell sell , we are west ham its not about 1 player we are a club a team a fantastic
football club get rid of him Mr Sullivan please .
"You’ve not got Payet, Dimitri Payet!
Now we think you understand.
He was Super Slavs man, but not better than Zidane.
You’ve not got Dimitri Payet!”
All I'm saying, as a big fish in a smaller pond, with no loyalty or ties to he club or area, what incentive is there for him to stay when the club has gone from two wins away from the Champions League to 13th and out of three cups?
The owners were spouting a change at West Ham. European football, Champions league within x years. They were telling all the sponsors, hospitality and fans the same thing.
We are all devastated.
Look I blame Sully, but I don't for one second think he did it on purpose. I think he made some terrible decisions here.
Bought too many poor players that upset the dynamic and morale and demonstrated to be existing players (not on purpose) that we aren't moving forward.
The above was said by many people after the Astra game. Too many new faces. No big players. Very demoralising. I don't blame Payet.
This also hasn't just happened. Sub against Citeh, subbed v Man U. I'm sure he's told Slav he's wanted to leave for a little while now and the club have said no. Now he's taking to the next level.
I think they'll be a number of empty seats next year if they don't sort this mess out.
He's clearly been taking advice from Patrice Evra, the dummy spitting master.
He's bottled it.
Now I'm off to tell my boss I'm not working for the rest of the week because the he hasn't brought in the leftover chocolate from Christmas he said he would.
But if I told my boss I wasn't coming into work and wanted to leave .. well
I'd be gone ;biggrin
Bilic out? Really?
How on earth can he be blamed for this?
He ain't.
I don't want him in the side now. As far as I'm concerned he can pack his gear, move back to France and await his next move once we've finalised all the details.
But, from his viewpoint, he's had 18 months of being worshipped and made to feel like he can turn water into wine and walk across the Thames. He's been paid very well after only 6 months, had a great World Cup and finished in the top 20 of the best footballers on the planet.
He's then seen the club sign some absolute dross, struggle in all competitions, get drubbed 5-0 on Friday and, add to that, he's been subbed and then left out of the XI for the last two games.
I'm sure Jose said something to him when we played Man Utd.
By all means say you don't want him involved, but lets not character assassinate. The board had a chance to prove to him the project they sold was not just fantasy, and they didn't and we're back to making £3m bids for players at the bottom club and £5m bids for proven 34 year olds. If many STH aren't getting on board with the London Stadium dream, 40 years dedication to the WHU cause, bleeding claret and blue, how on earth can you expect a 29 year old from France, been here five minutes, to even be remotely convinced?
And the old "some people will use any stick to beat the owners with" argument has run its course cheers. You could quite easily flip it round and say "some people will use any shield to defend the owners with their life", but I never say that. All opinions welcome and all that. ;ok