TV and Films



  • Oh. I really enjoyed it.
  • I enjoyed the new Jungle book film and jk Rowling fantastic beasts
  • We very much enjoyed Fantastic Beasts ;ok
  • edited December 2016

    Oh. I really enjoyed it.

    Oh. Well, that's good then. Because presumably you paid.

    I just thought that after an hour I'd have liked a bit more plot and character. It was all CGI and explosions.

    Which I'm normally quite partial to, as long as it has enough plot development. ;puzzled

    Although, it was quite startling in the first minute, as I thought grey had said we were going to be watching Star WARS ... so when the voiceover referred to the Starship Enterprise I was quite excited, I thought there was some kind of post-modern intertextuality going on. ;lol ;doh ;yercoat
  • Intertextuality?? ;nonono (where's me dictionary!)
  • Saw Passengers. Despite critics slating it, thought it was pretty good for what it was. Left the cinema asking myself questions what would i would do, interesting to say the least.
  • Do not convert video games to film. It doesn't work.
  • what are video games ?
  • edited January 2017

    They are games you can play on your computer, such as virtual ping pong:


    There's also a sophisticated version of this called Break Out, which is like a kind of solo squash, but the 'bricks' disappear when you hit them. That's really clever, but can be a bit tricky to get the hang of. I can't see how you could make a good film out of it, though.


  • Netflix tv remake of Shooter is pretty good. Always thought the film was under-rated.
  • Watching the Westworld TV Series at the min bit slow to get going but its building up nicely
  • Westworld is brilliant
    Very thought provoking ;ok
  • I didn't get the hype for it at all. It's exactly the sort of show I should love but I just thought it was boring. Last episode almost changed my mind on it, but it's a drag up til then after the pilot.
  • Finished watching it I think they could have cut it down by 2 episodes and picked the pace up abit it was good but too slow and they have left it wide open without really resolving anything.
  • Sherlock ;bowdown
  • I know ;carew
  • Is Taboo any good? Missed it Saturday but can catch it on iplayer if worth it.
  • I like it, it's a bit odd which I like.

    Worth a look in my opinion
  • I'm very late to the Line of Duty party. Top class cop TV, with the added bonus of a young Denis Wise as one of the leads...

  • I like it, it's a bit odd which I like.

    Worth a look in my opinion

    Lad I grew up with is in it. Not really a mate of mine but one of my oldest mates best friend. Danny ligari Badham. He's a Fijian had a chance encounter with Tom hardy who apparently asked him to be in it.

    Thought the first episode was a bit dull.

    Just finished watched the fall, was very good.

    Trying currently to get into man in a high castle and westworld. Neither really grabbing to much at present.
  • edited January 2017
    If anyone gives any consideration to watching the autopsy of jane doe. Don't.

    It's proper scary.
  • ;ok sweatband

    Yeah it does look like Taboo is a bit of a slow burn but I think its worth persevering with.
  • Watched "Taboo" on catch up last night-impressive.
  • edited January 2017
    Just going to mention Line of Duty again.

    Finished series 3 and it is outstanding if you like cop drama.
  • New series of Line of Duty this year aswell Naomi Harris the guest star this year ! ;wahoo
  • Sherlock again ;bowdown
  • It is soooooooooooo good Yeold.
  • Second episode of Taboo and still no idea what the hell is going on.
  • Why does Sherlock only have to be 3 episodes ;weep
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