TV and Films



  • Has anyone seen San Andreas. It seems like one of those films so bad, they're good.
  • Saw a clip when we saw Mad Max.

    It does look really terrible but in a good way.

    It's on our must see list.
  • just finished watching game of thrones. Best episode of the season so far. That was so epic.
  • Can't wait for the new series of Octonauts ! oh wait that's my two year old, at least i won't have to watch the same episodes again and again and again ;wahoo
    I had to go and see the live stageshow! On a hangover!!
  • YeOld ;ok

    That episode was what I kind of expected the whole season to be like.

    It's a bit irritating that they turn it on in the last few episodes. That's what irritates me about GoT, most of the time it's not that exciting but then they put something exciting at the end of the episode. They do the same thing with the whole season; it gets good at the end.
  • outcast problem is their budget doesn't stretch that far to make episodes like that all the time. Its also why they can only make 10 episodes in a season even with 2 shooting crews as it takes ages for them to film
  • edited June 2015
    I get that. My problem is I think the parts with all the scheming isn't done very well. It's kind of filler more than anything, then suddenly they throw someone in jail.

    Obviously you can't have end to end action but I think a lot of the dialogue is pretty weak. Same with most of the acting apart from Tyrion. House of Cards, for example, is all scheming (the parts where people get killed are stoopid) but the acting is brilliant so it keeps you going.

    I don't know if you watch Vikings; they really don't have the ability to the type of grand things that GoT does but the acting is better (though maybe a bit overplayed at times).
  • ;hmm

    i enjoyed watching Khaleesi and Tyiron converse, also the Tyrrells Margerie Olana and Little Finger are very good as there is a lot of scheming there.

    There is alot of filler but this is because the world is very big. I think without the filler we would be jumping back and fourth between multiple characters to fast people would lose the plot a bit and the story would be rushed for it to converge at one single point.

    I like the way it is done, i would like to see the action spread out more we basically had to wait 8 episodes to see what we wanted. Though there was action inbetween it wasn't as explosive or exciting but that just adds to the suspense for when it does happen.

    I am not even sure they can top last nights episode in the next 2. But i am sure they will come close.
  • Has anyone been watching The Game on bbc2 Thursdays?
  • I watched the first episode got the rest on the planner been waiting for all the other stuff to finish . Quite enjoyed the first episode a cold war spy thriller
  • Ooh, I like a Cold War spy thriller. (Smiley's People ;thumbsup ;wahoo )

    I will check it out ;ok
  • It's brilliant PLF and Mrs G and the villain is..................Arrrgh! (Arrow in back) ;biggrin
  • No more Gotham ;weep

  • That's 'cos of the dangerous bats, suz ;whistle
  • edited June 2015
    YeOld, I understand it shifts about. My point is it shouldn't feel like filler but, to me, it does because most of the actors are boring as anything. Like, there's so much developing and it should be interesting but the acting makes me not care.

    Khaleesi, Cersei, Sana, John Snow. They all have one tone/emotion. I can't concentrate when they're on.

    I feel like they haven't just killed off all the interesting people, they've killed off everyone who could act.

    Maybe I'm overly picky. ;biggrin
  • Keeps the bills down ;ok
  • ;lol MrsG

    I walked straight into that ;doh
  • ;biggrin
  • Yeold/Outcast,

    That's one of the problems with doing a series based on the books, one chapter will be based on all the goings on in Kings Landing, the next is on the Wall and the next will be over the water with the dragon lady - which could all be happening at the same time. Another chapter will have bits from all places. Rather than try to splice them too much, which could make it all a bit too much of a mix and make the episodes disjointed, the have tried to keep to the way it is in the books.

    Outcast - that was one of the problems I initially had with the books, all the big personalities were being killed off - given a couple of the changes they have made, I think there are a couple who will have a different story line in the series.
  • edited June 2015
    Don't know Admeus they have drifted really far away from the books now, i think in some cases for the better. By the end of this series, the program will have definitely overtaken the book. There are two more major things to go down, that have gone down in the books after that no one can predict anything. I expect those two major things will be in the next 2 episodes. As the story lines of certain characters are already i would say going beyond the books. So the others are catching up.
  • Yep, Game of Thrones episode 8. Epic - no other word.

    This whole season has felt a bit like Empire Strikes Back...has been a lot of set up and getting characters into place. I am hoping episodes 9 and 10 are going to be even bigger
  • cant believe what just happened on Game of thrones....
  • AKA

    Half way through The Game.

    Brian Cox has a relatively small part, but the series is very good.

    It is slow-moving, but gripping.
  • Holy Mother of Dragons...
  • Anybody else watch any anime? I've just finished watching Attack on Titan and thought that was pretty good.
  • Great programmes on the ITV player called Mavericks

    Ballers from the last four decades of football

    Three episodes

  • Game of Thrones

    -Table Flip-

    Im done
  • edited June 2015
    Well that shot my theory down - thought they might have changed the story a bit and - PM AdMeus for the rest... SPOILER removed.
  • You meant to say, at the start 'PLOT SPOILERS' didn't you?

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