TV and Films



  • Grand Maester Pycelle ;nonono but I don't have a beard!
  • Tywin Lannister - Grey ;hmm
    I have no idea if that is a good thing or not ;hmm

    Tried the first book, but felt there were just too many characters/settings, and no one very likeable.

    Watched the first episode of the series, but as it was very faithful to the book, I felt there were just too many characters/settings, and no one very likeable.
  • The guvnor Grey ;ok

    Probs the most powerful or maybe the dragon lady
  • Best thing about GoT so many story lines and characters, so many unexpected deaths of characters. If you can keep up with it, its unpredictability is brilliant.
  • The guvnor Grey ;ok

    Probs the most powerful or maybe the dragon lady
    ;wave you called?
  • erm yes

    chicken nuggets and chips for tea?
  • Yes please ;ok
  • ;lol

    ;nolan ;nolan ;nolan
  • Outcast is stannis baratheon
    billybonds is Rob stark
    wrath is grand master picelle
    I'm not sure what to say about that

    "The Iron Throne is mine by right. All those that deny that are my foes."
  • edited April 2015
    ;carew Mother of Dragons, breaker of chains, protector of the realm.
  • Hammer64 you like Tyrion but you're not, you are clearly Oberyn Martell 'The Viper'
  • when you say you saw the first episode yesterday do you mean of the New Season or of Season 1 ?

    GoT is on Season 5 at the moment and if you have not watched the first 4 seasons may take a while to understand what is going on where !
  • 64, don't worry I can't remember half the characters or things that happened either. They kind of get lost amid all the ;fishslap
  • I can't remember yesterday ;puzzled
  • I would be Sparhawk - Oops! wrong series of books.

    I think ;hmm ;whome - on second thoughts I would not be anyone from ToG as all but a few (who I am not really keen on) seem to get killed off in short measure and I'm not ready for that just yet - I have read the books so I do know who else if for the chop this series, which may also be influencing this decision.
  • Game of Thrones picking up nicely !
    Marvels Agents of Shield getting good. !
  • Half way through my box set of breaking bad it just gets better and more Dark
    each episode Brilliant show. ;ok
  • Loved Breaking Bad got Better Call Saul to watch just waiting for Gotham /Arrow/Flash to finish
  • Breaking Bad ;clap
  • New one coming soon "Supergirl"
  • Too much good tv not enough time , not now i have a daughter i have to watch octonauts ;wahoo
  • I say Saul should be a contender for the west ham job ;lol
  • I think Saul would work well with Harry and Rosie the Dog ;lol
  • I realize it's cinema and not TV but go and see the "Spooks for the greater good" movie just out its great. My youngest son was the production coordinator on it. He's doing really well in the movie industry and has worked his way up from "runner". We used to have to sit right through the end credits like a couple of wallies to see his name and the cinema would be empty. Now it appears right after the cast so we don't look quite so daft.
    He's now working on the movie of Assassins Creed. 100 million dollar budget so if it ain't any good I'll have lots of fun taking the michael. ;biggrin
  • seen that Spooks film, a lot of people have criticised it saying its just an extended episode of Spooks. To be frank i think there is truth in that, but thats what i like about th film. It doesn't go all action hyped or go away from its roots. Think it was done very well. Shame some of the other cast members couldn't get involved but the main man Harry Pearce was there which was pretty much all you needed.

    Assassins Creed :D should be fun ^_^
  • Have seen the trailer for 'Spooks' Giant, it looks very good ;clap Your son sounds like he's got a cool job ;bowdown
  • Yeold. 75% of it was filmed on the Isle of Man apparently. ;ok
  • seeing Mad Max tonight "Its a LOVELY Day, A LOVELY DAY"
  • Jealous Yeold apparently its very good let us know what you think
  • Twist, yes it is cool but very long hours, 5 am to 10 pm not unusual and some of the "stars" and producers he deals with are demanding to say the least. However, some of them are really nice people and he's one of those people with endless patience who gets along with everyone. Unlike his old man. ;lol
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