The Ashes



  • So, do we get a bit ahead and put them back in this evening, or bat on tomorrow morning and put them back in tomorrow for 20 minutes before lunch?
  • edited July 2023
    Crawley gets to 150, Root already has his 50, still with Brook, Stokes and Bairstow to come.
  • It depends how quickly we get ahead. I do sort of think you just let Root and Crawley keep going as they’re both very in. To me it makes sense to make the most of the form they’re in today.
  • alderz said:

    It depends how quickly we get ahead. I do sort of think you just let Root and Crawley keep going as they’re both very in. To me it makes sense to make the most of the form they’re in today.

    For sure, but there's still 75 minutes before a declaration that would give us 20 minutes at them this evening, we could be 80-100 ahead by then if these guys are still in.

    The alternative would be to carry on this evening and tomorrow morning; if we match our afternoon session today we could be 250-300 ahead by then, weather permitting. I can see the argument for a declaration this evening, but I'd like to keep them in the field and get the runs on the board in the first innings, obviously at a good rate considering the batsmen we have to come.
  • 300-2 in the 52nd over 👏👏👏
  • Keep them in, 3 days batting left. Try and Bat till Tea tomorrow and give yourself an evening session and Day 4 to bowl the Aussies out with spare sessions maybe on Day 5.
    Either that or get the lead today and then go t20 Bazball. Plenty of big hitters left to rack up a quick 100 maybe.
  • Yeold there aren’t 3 days left. The weather forecast is nasty so it will be on and off for at least 2 of the days
  • Yeah, the forecast for tomorrow is suspect, and it's really poor for Saturday and Sunday. I think we need to keep our foot down and keep going given the big hitters we've yet to come in. Bat until half an hour before lunch tomorrow at the latest.

    In the lead now for the loss of only 2 wickets, it'll be heartbreaking if the weather prevents a positive result.
  • I'd crack on tonight and for an hour in the morning.
    At the moment they are killing their main bowlers by smashing the 'part time 'bowling and forcing the main bowlers back on. They will be dead on their feet, which won't bode well for them at the Oval on Thursday.
  • 200 partnership off 182 balls 👏👏👏.
  • Unlucky for Crawley, drags on for 189. 336-3.
  • edited July 2023
    Crawley’s dragged on. Out for 189
  • Good knock by Crawley but now our 'hitter' comes in.
  • Root now gone for 84 to one that stayed very low.
  • Good and bad news. Root's out but the ball never got up more than six inches.
  • Goodness me, a suicidal run there by Stokes, he was miles out if Cummins hit, as he really should have.
  • Our so called big hitters are doing nothing of the sort at the moment.
  • 384-4, close of play. England lead by 67. Definitely England's day, let's hope the weather allows a good day tomorrow 🤞🤞🤞.
  • Wonderful day’s play.If the weather mucks this up I shall be having a stern word with it.
  • 50 for Harry Brook, currently 451-5 having lost Stokes this morning. Lead is 134. Do we bat through till lunch so as not to lose 10 minutes for the changeover, or give them 20 minutes to bat before lunch 🤔🤔🤔?
  • Bat to lunch, try to get a 200+ run lead and then go at them.
  • Brook goes for 61, caught right on the boundary from one he got nowhere near the middle of. 476-6, lead by 157. I'd send Mark Wood out next.
  • Bat to lunch, try to get a 200+ run lead and then go at them.

    Although seeing how the ball's swinging I'd be tempted to get them in and bowl them out.
  • Woakes went out instead of Wood, and he's gone for 0 off the first ball he faced.
  • Although seeing how the ball's swinging I'd be tempted to get them in and bowl them out.

    No point this close to lunch, it'll surely be a lunchtime declaration.
  • I don't see us declaring at lunch else we would be having a swish now.
  • IronHerb said:

    I don't see us declaring at lunch else we would be having a swish now.

    Yeah, seems odd though, with the ball moving about. Wood goes on the stroke of lunch, 506-8, leading by 189.
  • Probably going to let Bairstow swing and if he goes out the declaration will come through
  • Stokes hoping for a quick 50 from Jimmy here
  • edited July 2023
    I just don't see the point in making Anderson bat in these circumstances, it's just not worth the risk of an injury imo, and likely taking time out of the game too.
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